Sierra Leone at a cross roads
18 October 2011
When APC came to power in 2007, they sacked hundreds
of senior civil servants believed to be supporters
of the opposition SLPP.
This policy was wrong and has had an adverse effect
on the country’s development. Without continuity in
governance it will be very difficult for the country
to progress.
Almost all of the senior civil servants sacked by
Koroma’s APC, were then replaced by unqualified,
inexperienced supporters of his party, making it
difficult for the government to manage and implement
development projects.
Is that the reason why the president asked for 36
months before his performance could be judged by the
people? Well 36 months of fanfare is over and we
have been left nursing our wounds. Sierra Leoneans
have become poorer, with increasing number of deaths
especially among young people.
Reading 'The Observer' on-line recently, the writer
- Norman Stone, proposed a programme of enlightened
re-imperialism' to sort Africa out. Conditions in
Africa today, he said, were similar to the bloody
mess that prevailed before European colonization in
the nineteenth century.
What this writer is saying may be good for Sierra
Leone; otherwise the people of Sierra Leone will
never enjoy the country’s wealth.
But rather than view Sierra Leone’s failed rulers as
buffoons, we should see them and their actions from
the perspective of the interests they serve. The
failure of economic development in Sierra Leone is
due in large part to the unbridled scramble for
wealth by predator elites, who have dominated Sierra
Leone’s politics for a very long time.
They see the state as a source for the accumulation
of personal wealth. There is high premium placed on
centralised state control. Those in power will use
all means necessary to retain that power, including
the use of ethnic sectarianism and political
Competition for power and control of the state
between political parties is invariably ferocious
and does generate serious instability. The senseless
civil war, which lasted for a decade was
precipitated by a battle for the trappings of power.
As long as Sierra Leone’s rulers and administrators
are drawn from this class of predators, no amount of
preaching the virtues of good governance or tuition
on public administration will fundamentally alter
the quality and direction of state governance.
Good governance is the effective exercise of power
and authority by government in a manner that serves
to improve the quality of life of its populace. This
includes using state power and funds to create a
society in which the full development of individuals
and of their capacity to control their lives is made
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Will Sierra Leone ever achieve peace and
13 October 2011
Sierra Leone's Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Report into the causes of the war, makes for sober
reading. But in fairness, does not give closure to
the families of the bereaved.
What it does achieve however, is to put into the
annals of history an official account of what took
place during those dreadful years.
And each time one reads the evidence and testimonies
given to the Commission, the painstaking search for
names of those bearing the greatest responsibility -
who are still alive today, becomes more urgent.
Sadly, on each occasion one is left disappointed.
But perhaps it is also encouraging to note that the
APC government itself does not seriously believe
that there is any one alive in the country today,
against whom criminal charges for war crimes can be
safely brought - based on available evidence, so as
to promote an end to impunity.
Yet, the pain of the bereaved families after almost
twenty years is being made difficult to heal by a
society and political class, which seems intent on
fuelling the very culture of retribution and
impunity, cited in the TRC Report.
Those who argue that peace cannot be achieved
without justice, must remember that for justice to
be seen to be done, it must be predicated upon the
rule of Law and due process.
The rule of Law itself is based upon the universal
notion of 'innocence until proven guilty'.
This principle becomes even more paramount, when
confronted with allegations of criminal
liability for murder, which the families of The 29
and government politicians are seeking to pursue.
So, after almost twenty years since the execution of
The 29, can peace ever be achieved in Sierra Leone
without the pursuit of justice through due process
and the rule of Law?
And is it right that because of the collective need
for peace, the families and loved ones of The 29
should not receive some form of justice – if not
through due process and the rule of Law?
For those demanding an inquest or another
investigation into the killing of The 29, What
should be said is that, granting such a wish may not
necessarily bring personal closure - but will
certainly open up the wounds of hate even further.
Politicians on all sides are already preying and
capitalising on the lancing of those wounds, as
political parties prepare for a bitter struggle for
power at next year’s general and presidential
But there are unanswered questions that must now be
discussed honestly and openly without any acrimony.
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development aid to Africa now would damage the
10 October 2011
"The temptation is great when a crisis looms – as it
does now – for rich countries to slash development
assistance. This would be a grave mistake," World
Bank Vice President for Africa - Obiageli (Oby)
Ezekwesili told investors last Thursday in London.
She said the "exciting, new Africa" she is inviting
investors to take a bet on is "at a time of
unprecedented opportunities for transformation…
standing on the cusp of a revolution similar to the
ones that transformed China and India".
"Africa is the now, no longer the future," Oby said,
urging any CEO who has not yet presented an Africa
strategy to their Board of Directors to do so. "Any
global player that continues to ignore Africa does
so at their peril."
The UK Secretary of State for International
Development, Andrew Mitchell, who spoke at the same
summit on the challenges Africa still faces,
reiterated his government’s support for Africa’s
While foreign partners like the World Bank and foreign
investors can help, "the ultimate responsibility for
delivering on Africa’s development promise is that
of the peoples of Africa and their governments," the
World Bank Vice President told the summit.
The call by the World Bank last Thursday at the London
Stock Exchange (LSE) for investors worldwide to
invest in Africa and its budding capital markets,
could not have been louder and stronger. "Africa has
taught the world a lesson in macroeconomic reform
and stability," she said.
She urged investors who are in search of the right
market at a time of growing fears of a global
recession to "rediscover Africa".
"Africa’s fundamentals appear strong, and the
continent’s outlook remains positive," Oby said,
pointing to the continent’s rapid rebound from the
2008-2009 global financial crisis and its higher GDP
growth rates projected to be 4.8 percent, 5.2
percent and 5.5 percent respectively in 2011, 2012
and 2013.
It makes business sense to bet on Africa’s capital
markets, Oby said, at a time when "global equity
markets are headed for their worst quarter since
2008", and returns on investments in Africa are
among some of the best anywhere in the world.
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Is Maada Bio already losing
the plot?
5 October 2011
It seems that Maada Bio has started losing out even
before the game starts, because he has allowed
himself and his advisers to create unwarranted
divisions within the party, as well as failing to
organize a powerful media team to work with.
What ever the differences that may have occurred,
Maada Bio - you should embrace every one of the
failed candidates and their election team, for you
to form a broad-based campaign team.
Abass Bundu may not have all the ideas you need to
win, but working with the other candidates very
closely, will enable you to meet with their campaign
teams and start positioning them for an all out
offensive, when the whistle blows or even now, by
planning and preparing for that all important
campaign offensive.
I am pretty sure that if you had maintained a close
contact with the Western Area executives - who I
guess where supporting Usman Boie, the spate of
resignation would not have taken place.
But just concentrating in the South and East will
never take you to State House.
You should correct the mistakes Berewa made and not
to continue with them, if you want to win and most
especially to improve our lives after 2012.
Election as I have said in my opening paragraph is
about numbers, and these resignations do not auger
well for you and for us.
If I were you, I would definitely try to get all of
those that have resigned and talk with them - face
to face - so we can iron out all differences.
If you want to be the next president, this is the
right time to make amends in the Western Area.
Think of all the presidents that we have had and see
which one got to State House after losing the
Western Area.
Please Maada, I am appealing to you to retract your
steps and push for all former executive members in
the Western Area, to reconsider their position and
come back onboard to help you win Western Area.
Time is of the essence. You have been dealt a
serious blow by the police as they have banned all
public political meetings and rallies.
In the meantime, you do need to consolidate and put
your house in very good order, so when the game
starts, it will be an explosion in a positive manner
that will propel you to the throne.
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Sierra Leone needs
professionals with knowledge of Global finance to
help rebrand the country
3 October 2011
President Koroma, with every respect due to him is a
leader of a small open economy in West Africa,
and his influence on the world economic stage is to
say the least insignificant.
So for the Reverend Kabs-Kanu to have opined that
because the Sierra Leonean president visited the
NASDAQ stock exchange, and the market moved in a
positive direction is at a minimum a stretch and an
exaggeration; and at worse - reckless and
Future articles or reports on important national
matters like the visit of the president of Sierra
Leone to an august body like the NASDAQ should be
handled by an investigative journalist, with sound
knowledge of global financial matters.
It is also important that the report is vetted by
the Ministry of Finance in Freetown, whose minister
is a qualified and competent technocrat, with the
necessary qualification and professional experience
to talk about the stock market; so is the financial
secretary - Mr. Edmond Koroma.
Dr. Samura Kamara who heads the finance ministry is a
PhD holder in Economics and seasoned practitioner,
so is Mr. Edmond Koroma, the Financial Secretary - a
London School of Economics graduate.
There is no scarcity of financial experts in the APC
government; not to talk about the country in
The only challenge that seems to be standing in the
way of the APC government and its leader is to
garner the courage and moral fortitude to employ the
services of qualified and competent Sierra Leoneans
regardless of party, regional or tribal affiliation
for the benefit of the country.
Let me therefore remind the Reverend Kabs-Kanu that
the duty of a journalist is to bring forth reports
that will increase the knowledge of the reading
public; to search for truth and present it with the
highest of principles, truthfulness, honesty,
integrity and accountability.
The Reverend Kabs-Kanu, editor of the Cocorioko online
newspaper and head of the project to rebrand Sierra
Leone failed this canon duty of journalism,
President Koroma, and the Sierra Leonean people in
his reportage of the President’s visit to the NASDAQ
on Friday September 23rd 2011.
The APC government should therefore seriously employ
the services of knowledgeable people on global
financial matters to join the rebranding project in
New York, so as to avoid future embarrassment to the
president and our country at large.
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"What kind of president do we have in Sierra
29 September 2011
After four years of governance under the present
government, nothing is being done to eradicate
poverty and improve our lives.
Inflation index is increasing by the day, yet the
government is just busy spending money on misplaced
projects that will not lead to economic growth and
job creation.
Even farming for food self-sufficiency and export,
which should be the backbone of our economy, is now
being neglected by the government.
The decision to force importers to sell rice at a
controlled price that does not reflect their
business costs, exposes the government's
ineffectiveness in managing the economy.
What they seem to forget is that Sierra Leone is
driven by a market economy, and prices are
determined largely by costs.
The declining value of the Leone - compounded by very
high taxes, are having a huge effect on the costs of
imported goods, hence we see prices generally having
doubled since 2007. Inflation has increased from 8%
to just under 20%.
I really do not understand the kind of leadership we
now have in the country.
Certain events of national interest and security are
taking place regularly in the country, yet the
president is failing woefully to show us that he is
in control.
How can we the citizens feel secure under such
leadership that has no vision and has lost grip of
the economy and those within its purview?
The present leadership lacks innovation and qualities
required to build a better country.
What does president Koroma really thinks, during his
quiet moment, when he remembers that he is in charge
of a country that has about six million people
looking up to him to provide for their security and
Does he think that we are so stupid as to continue to
support him blindly - even to our early graves?
I would like to challenge my colleague journalists
preaching hate messages, to instead publish issues
that matter to the people of the country.
This is not about whom we like or dislike, the party
we support or hate, but daily burning issues that
need to be addressed, such as; the economy,
education, health, unemployment and poverty.
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"President Koroma’s address at the UN was a
resounding success"
28 September 2011
"Mr. President, Sierra Leone is a nation with a
relatively small territory and population, but our
aspirations for democracy, prosperity and
international peace are as big as any nation, and
our commitments to these ideals have been visibly
demonstrated in the course of our 50 years existence
as an independent nation."
In his 20 minute address, President Koroma said Sierra
Leone was proud of its distinctive contributions to
the United Nations in such areas as decolonization,
training and research, disarmament and
non-proliferation, and peacekeeping, to name a few.
Its commitment to international peace had been seen in
its transformation from a nation that hosted one of
the largest United Nations peacekeeping missions in
the late 1990s, to one that contributed troops and
police officers to the mission in Darfur.
It had also proposed participating in the African
Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).
The president firmly emphasized his call for reform of
the UN Security Council, which he said is urgently
required for the wider UN membership to fully
benefit from the purposes and primary objectives of
maintaining international peace and security.
He called for an expansion of the Security Council by
creating two permanent seats and five non-permanent
"There is an increasing need for the Security Council
to be more representative, inclusive and democratic
as well as the need for an improvement on its
working methods and it relations with the General
Assembly," President Koroma said.
Reaffirming his Government’s 'Agenda for Change',
President Koroma highlighted five key sectors in
which he said Sierra Leone has made progress
including the areas of agriculture, energy,
infrastructure, health and education.
He added that
steady gains were made, despite astronomical food and fuel
> Read More
Violence will not eclipse
our new direction
27 September 2011
The present Arab Spring - whether in Egypt, Tunisia,
Yemen or Saudi Arabia has taught us that when
political opposition are subjected to years of
oppression with the aid of state agents, the people
are left with no choice but to take the law and
their common destiny into their own hands.
However, as a student of Pacificism, I do not condone
violent retaliation. But it will be utterly callous,
if the APC government does not recognise that all
the criminalities committed against the SLPP in the
guise of political violence must stop.
The patience and tolerance of the SLPP have been
tested beyond political acceptance.
In pari passu, to us in the SLPP, we need to be
reminded of the words of great Martin Luther King
Jr.: "If you succumb to the temptation of using
violence in the struggle, unborn generations will be
recipients of a long and desolate nights of
bitterness, and your chief legacy to the future will
be endless reign of meaningless chaos".
Therefore, we must not succumb to the temptation of
APC’s violence to eclipse our New Direction, because
what is at stake for this 2012 elections matter most
to the lives of suffering Sierra Leoneans and young
people trapped in joblessness.
In the same vein, we need to be guided of the
words of our Presidential Hopeful – Rtd. Brigadier
Maada Bio, who stated in his glorious maiden speech:
"Fellow Sierra Leoneans, against this backdrop, a
question often asked is: if, like the old APC, the
so-called new APC decides to lead the country in
electoral violence in the run-up to 2012, should we
in the SLPP follow suit? With respect, I say No."
"The strength of our Party lies in our capacity, not
in trading violence with the APC or any other party,
but in upholding the sacred values for which our
Founding Fathers had fought so hard and which today
constitutes our cherished inheritance."
"Eschewing violence as an instrument of political
change, however, should not be misunderstood or
misconstrued as cowardice or timidity."
"We fear no party and we are ready to protect our
supporters at all times. Only that our creed is
freedom, not despotism; democracy, not dictatorship;
the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle; human
rights, not power; inclusiveness, not alienation."
But with APC's seeming obsession with raking the
country's painful past and the instigation of
political acts of violence against the opposition,
one has to wonder about the motive.
Given APC's propensity towards a 'one-party state' of
government, the question is whether recent violence
and anti-Bio witch hunt, are designed to destroy the
country's fledgling democracy.
> Read More
Journalism in Sierra Leone
called to order
24 September 2011
'Gate keepers', also referred to as the Fourth Estate
of the realm of governance, with the mandate of a
para-political actor is required to set the agenda
for development as well as direct national debate.
It must be people and society-centred, while ensuring
that officials are made to account.
Today, the survival of journalists in Sierra Leone
depends on how many positive articles we write about
president Koroma, and how many fights we can
participate in - on his behalf.
Even though some of us are aware of the truth and
the difficult economic situation we find ourselves
in, we do not care because of our perceived need to
Most of us have put our integrity on the line, because
of our life-style choices.
But all the same, our media has a sacred
responsibility to represent the views and many
voices of our people, as well as to hold
office-bearers accountable for the country's limited
As journalists, we should be able to tell the
leaders the truth: that people are dying of hunger,
frustration and poor health.
And the only way we can achieve this is not by
mortgaging our integrity, but by upholding the truth
and nothing but the truth.
Since independence and more recently, some of our
journalists have, under constrained circumstances
performed this natural duty to serve humanity to the
best of their ability.
They have continued to demand accountability and
attract attention to daily societal challenges,
which are sometimes ignored for obvious reasons.
The Media landscape over the past decades has seen
little improvement, especially in the areas of
Criminal Libel and Freedom of Information, amid poor
conditions of service for journalists.
Despite the setting up of a professional association
for journalists – the Sierra Leone Association of
Journalists (SLAJ), working conditions for this
vital agent of democratic governance has seen little
or no improvement over the years.
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Is peace in Sierra Leone a
project under construction?
21 September 2011
"Peacebuilding is access to water, to education, to
basic health care — access to opportunities," Mr.
von der Schulenburg explains in an interview with
Africa Renewal.
The transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding is
often difficult, notes Mr. von der Schulenburg. But
it is essential to enable the UN to better align its
priorities with the socio-economic and political
needs of a country after war.
Mr. von der Schulenburg believes that Sierra Leone has
had an exemplary peacebuilding programme since the
UN operation became a wholly civilian mission.
A key achievement is security. "We don't have armed
groups," he says. "They are all integrated. And the
combatants have not become criminals, as so often
Other achievements, he adds, include a vibrant free
press and the entrenchment of democracy — as
demonstrated by periodic elections — as well as a
growing economy.
According to a 2009 evaluation of peacebuilding
projects commissioned by the Sierra Leonean
government, the UN Integrated Office for
Peacebuilding in Sierra Leone and the Peacebuilding
Support Office in New York, many of the key goals
have been met.
It reports that the UN Development Programme, which
managed most of the projects, achieved an 87 per
cent completion rate. "Measured on the scale of
budget delivery, this is clearly a remarkable
performance," states the evaluation.
There is a huge unemployment challenge in Sierra
Leone, however. In 2010 the World Bank estimated
Sierra Leone's unemployment at 80 per cent.
During a visit in 2007, UN Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon also raised concerns about the country's
high unemployment.
Sierra Leone's main income-generating sources are in
the extractive sector — gold, diamonds, bauxite and
But as a 2011 report by experts of the United Nations
Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union
pointed out, investments in Africa have been mainly
in the extractive sector, which produces few jobs.
Mr. von der Schulenburg believes that managing the
economy, especially the proceeds from the country's
abundant natural resources, is Sierra Leone's
greatest challenge. "Gold, iron ore, diamonds,
titanium, bauxite, you name it. Now oil and gas,
potentially," he notes.
Preparing Sierra Leone for an economic boom will be
vital for preventing future conflicts. Currently,
the data on the country's untapped wealth contrasts
starkly with the poor state of its social
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APC’s faulty DNA will never change
20 September 2011
Election violence was common place in the
70’s and 80’s when APC was in power, as they
fought amongst themselves and their opponents.
Many lives were lost, houses burnt, women raped,
and properties looted.
There were many instances that one can recall:
Radomatic machine vs. Alex Stevens in Freetown
West 2; Timbo and Eddie Turay in Bombali; Fofana
vs. Saccoh - again in the Bombali area.
During those violent APC confrontations, blood
was spilt, livestock and properties were
The ousting of Momoh’s APC in 1992, should have
spelt the end of the APC, but lo and behold, we
the people of Sierra Leone did the unimaginable
and brought them back into power.
It was in 2007 that I really come to believe
that Sierra Leoneans can be so forgetful. APC
was simply waiting to emerge once again with
their signature tune: violence and thuggery.
And now they have truly shown that they are
still the same – just as long as the name APC
remains. It’s in their DNA.
The elections conducted by the military NPRC in
1996 were relatively peaceful, only for a few
rebel attacks in some areas of the provinces.
But violence very largely took a back seat. SLPP
won the elections and power was transferred
peacefully to a democratically elected
In 2002 and 2007, the governing SLPP
conducted two general elections. Both elections
were largely peaceful with lots of party rallies
all over the country.
Ernest Koroma travelled the length and breadth
of Sierra Leone and he was never attacked,
contrary to rumours and propaganda of him being
attacked or ambushed.
The reason was because SLPP’s DNA is
characterised by non-violence, tranquillity,
respect, democratic values and brotherly love.
Although SLPP lost the 2007 elections, due
largely to the controversial and unlawful
nullification of hundreds of thousands of SLPP
ballots by the NEC, yet they peacefully handed
power over to the opposition APC. Everything
went well and even Ernest Koroma has praised
Kabbah and Berewa for such a smooth transition.
But immediately the results was announced and
Ernest Koroma declared the winner, APC unleashed
their reign of terror on SLPP, which resulted in
the burning of SLPP’s head quarters, raping and
beating of women, and waging of violence against
innocent men and children.
This unbridled violence continued until
today. Since APC took over in 2007, almost all
the local elections they have conducted have
been violent - from Kono to Kailahun and Makeni
to Pujehun.
Violence is in APC’s DNA. No one can change that
- whether they have Ernest as leader or not. APC
cannot rule or legitimize their power without
> Read More
Sierra Leone’s education conundrum
17 September 2011
Sierra Leone can never develop if we continue to
fail to improve standards of education in the
What is interesting is that, if we take a look at
the last decade of our education attainment records,
we will see mixed results, due largely to the
competence, vision and leadership of the respective
ministers responsible for that department.
Sierra Leone has one of the lowest levels of
literacy in Africa and that has been the main cause
of our under-development.
But credit must be given to the former education
minister - Dr Alpha Wurie, for implementing some of
the most innovative strategies aimed at improving
the quality of education, and increasing the number
of children attaining the required standards.
Those strategies and projects were moving along
the right direction. Indeed some had already been
implemented successfully, such as the ‘Sababu’ and
Girl child education drive.
Other projects were in the pipeline. And there was
hope that after 2007 there would be continuity with
those projects, so as to improve the quality of life
of students and youths, that will in turn have a
positive effect on the country’s productivity and
economic growth.
But ironically, and despite the economic need for
those planned education projects, after 2007 they
were either abandoned or had their funding reduced
to the detriment of the nation.
Today the improvements that the country should
have made in education, have not materialised
and the deplorable figures speak for
Four years since taking over as minister of
education, the Sababu project is almost dead. The
girl child education is a thing of the past; school
fees have increased exponentially.
Minister Bah says that education is expensive, so
parents should be prepared to face the difficulties.
But his government has increased the cost of living,
increased poverty and frustrated teachers to the
point that almost every month there is a strike in
his ministry.
The Millennium Development Goal on education, which
we had hoped would be achieved come 2015, is now
looking very bleak.
Thanks to the policies of the present government and
poor leadership of minister Bah.
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Random musing: Toxic memory versus attitudinal
change - Part 2
14 September 2011
Let us ask ourselves: Why the countdown to our
politics is always frantic and unbelievably
Must we always play ethnic cards, religious bigotry,
fuel personal feuds, political annihilation, as well
as deceitfully heat up the polity and give the
unprincipled a grandstand platform to generally
display undignified behaviour?
Why can’t we look at and play politics differently
for a change? Why can’t we focus on what’s important
and leave the froth and nonsense on the burner of
the past?
Why must parochial rather than national
interests, pettiness, unruly behaviour, naked greed,
disloyalty, casual dishonesty and downright deceit
become the wrapper of our political delicacy?
Why must we continue to fool the majority of
innocent impoverished masses that all is fair in
love and war?
Why should those whose neglect appears to be the joy
of locust-rulers be subjected to unpleasant anguish
and political pestilence? Why must we always at
every polling time, still stick our fox in a hole
instead of a brave new era?
Dumping nearly four in five citizens on the
scrapheap, trampling on their dreams, hopes and
aspirations while chasing the shadowy trails of a
single individual, is nothing but a dreadful waste
of precious time. And those who want to drag the
rest of us by the scruff of the neck down this
avenue have their reasons for doing so.
Now that we have succeeded in pulling the
trigger, I hope those who simply fail to appreciate
the fragile nature of our politics and the insidious
threat of a mostly illiterate electorate who simply
listen to their leaders, will be prepared for the
consequences of their fool hardiness.
It is even very baffling when so-called
right-minded, enlightened and intellectual people
are often disorientated by the conundrum between
personal agenda and socio-political imperatives.
While our nation is still in the cusp of yesterday,
those who have made the past a component of our
future as well as those who posture and preach the
politics of envy and hatred are forgetting the fact
that almost five years on, our real economy remains
in a dire strait.
Even spin doctors could no longer put a gloss over
the grim economic plight and the realities on the
ground, which is why the government suddenly decided
to trade its fantasy for reality and accept that
things had not gone according to plans, by recently
pumping out from its erstwhile dried breast, the
‘milk of kindness’ for the patched throats of a
ravaged populace.
To simply exist, government has had to rely on the
benevolence and dictate of the rest of the world,
shaking a tin cup before them and using the ray from
their outpost lantern to see the way in the maze of
darkness that has enveloped us.
But, as we suffocate under the empty national
glucose-cylinders, why don’t we learn to fill them
with focus and the future in mind?
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Politics is a contest of
ideas not insults
13 September 2011
My advice to Maada Bio is that he should use
political ideas and economic philosophy to design
and put forward innovative strategies that will
improve the lives of Sierra Leoneans, in order to
counter the daily insults.
Sierra Leoneans want a change from poverty to
wealth; from beggars to givers and from wearing
second-hand underwear to brand new ones.
Let the people of Sierra Leone understand that Bio
has innovative ideas that could turn the country
round, if given the opportunity.
Your party has a lot of intelligent men and women,
full of integrity and goodwill to save us from
further sinking into poverty and economic
Do you need to launder your past?
I doubt it. As I said before, being part of a system
does not mean you are responsible. So what I think
you will need to do with the Atlantic Ocean is to
make sure that the new found wealth - oil and our
marine resources, are guaranteed to benefit all
Sierra Leoneans without regard to tribe, party or
You are capable of running Sierra Leone positively,
and you will be second-time lucky, because you are
representing a party that has positive economic,
social, infrastructural, educational and democratic
policies and principles that will change the current
situation of the country.
Former American president - Thomas Jefferson, once
said that; a good government is one "which shall
restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave
them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits
of industry and improvement, and shall not take from
the mouth of labour the bread that it has earned."
This is what political parties in Sierra Leone
should stand for. A political party should not have
thugs going around beating, molesting or destroying
properties in the name of politics. A political
party should be full of visionaries, policy
innovators and peaceful men and women.
As a journalist, I have always held the belief that
politics is and should be a competition of ideas and
never of insults and violence, as has been the case
in the last few weeks.
Recent development, giving rise to political insults
thrown at the opposition presidential candidate, is
in bad taste and we should all be ashamed of
Maada Bio is a presidential candidate and has met all
the criteria that qualify him to rule the country
for the second time, if elected by the people.
Even now that Ernest Koroma has turned the
country upside down - with no sense of direction and
purpose, the opposition criticise him constructively
out of respect for the office that he represents.
> Read More
Random musing: Toxic memory versus attitudinal
change - Part 1
12 September 2011
Knowing that the citizenry has been fed on a diet of
parochialism, fear has become the operative word by
a segment that seem to know nothing better than the
politics of intimidation, confrontation, bribery,
rigging and other underhand values.
They have started to hum the music of paranoia
knowing fully well that with their plates full, the
battle-weary voters who just want to focus on things
that will relieve them of the chronic weight on
their shoulders need an equally burdensome
distraction fashioned out of the remnant of our
collective misdeeds.
Indeed, who is it among the political class at
present that can be described as an icon of
democracy and its ideals; or an enduring symbol of
moral courage?
In reality, who can we point to at present as a hero
of the struggle for a better nation; not on the
pages of newspapers or on the lips of chorus
singers; but etched in the lives and minds of the
ordinary man on the streets?
We are currently staring at a lifetime of anonymity
as a nation and all we are being led to do, is to
stare blankly back in a merry-go-round.
As if riding a camel in a space age is not painful
enough for us; personal agenda have suddenly become
the dish of the day in the manic jostle to describe
what’s on the menu for 2012.
But it is the media that should be blamed partly for
this whole façade. Its failure to set the agenda for
the political class, rather than being a vehicle for
the manic –depressives who want to sink further into
the black pit of the past, makes national moral high
ground look decidedly shaky.
Despite the fact that millions of our compatriots
continue to trudge on the long journey to their
economic Eldorado; and in a land full of milk and
honey, those who profess to love Sierra Leone and
who claim to be social and political leaders have in
their infinite wisdom, decided that concerns like
the challenge of homelessness, stunted and wobbling
economy, terrible state of infrastructure, energy
crisis and galloping kleptomania should play second
fiddle to the conflict of who killed cock Robin; as
well as exhuming the ghost of the past.
This distraction, when people are expecting
immediate policies and programmes that will touch
their lives positively and alleviate their
suffering, thus become another scenario of the
doctrine of necessity.
Making the polity ever more combustible as a
leverage for political advantage at this time when
the economy craters and the society is being pushed
to breaking point, is indeed a funny kind of
democratic change on display.
I find this development a manifestation of the
illiteracy in our system as those clamouring for a
duly elected flag bearer to be deposed at all costs
or jettisoned through the subversion of the will of
those who chose him are displaying crass
insensitivity to the will and wishes of the same
citizenry they profess to be protecting.
Their crass utterances are the gateway drug to
political chaos.
> Read More
Government of Sierra Leone needs to close
infrastructure gap, expand social services and
reduce unemployment - says IMF
9 September 2011
IMF Mission Chief for Sierra Leone - Jan Mikkelsen,
issued a statement yesterday, saying that;
"Following a 5 percent growth in real GDP in 2010,
economic activity has remained robust in 2011,
supported by continued expansion in agriculture and
Although it is not certain by what percentage
points, if at all, the economy has so far grown this
year, compared to 2010, what is most worrying is the
significant hike in year-on-year inflation, reported
by the Sierra Leone Telegraph last week, after the
Bank of Sierra Leone decided to peg its interest
rate at 23%.
"Consumer price inflation increased, however, to
20.9 percent (year-on-year) in July 2011 on account
of food and fuel price increases, as well as the
effect of expansionary monetary policy in the second
half of 2010", says the IMF chief – Mikkelsen in
The return to single digit inflation rate forecast
for 2011 is yet to be seen, and few in Sierra Leone
believe it will be achieved.
According to the IMF, the government Treasury bill
rate has fallen, indicating a slowing down of the
government’s domestic borrowing, which was driving
up commercial banks' interest rates.
But with the government’s on-going programme of
large-scale infrastructure development, it would
seem that there has been a slight shift in borrowing
from domestic financial market - the sale of
Treasury bills to the expansion of nonconcessional
external debt.
As the IMF warns; "With regard to performance
relative to the ECF-supported program, the
tightening of fiscal and monetary policies
contributed to meeting all quantitative criteria for
end-June, with the exception of the ceiling on
contracting of nonconcessional external debt." But
President Koroma has still got a lot of work to do
in stabilising the economy, which many believe to be
stalling under the weight of the huge borrowing
needed to finance its capital programme.
This critics say, is being done at the expense of
real private sector led economic growth, and
investment in social programmes.
"The main policy challenges facing the authorities
remain to close the infrastructure gap, expand
social services, and reduce unemployment while
maintaining macroeconomic stability", says the IMF.
> Read More
Has the UN failed in Sierra
8 September 2011
Is it not clear that those ugly vices that led to the
war are visibly showing up once again in Sierra
When you read the various Peacebuilding reports by the
UNSG to the UN Security Council, they sound
superficial, but very deceitful and different from
what actually prevails on the ground.
In the co-operate agreements between the Government of
Sierra Leone and UN regarding Peacebuilding and
development, as outlined in the 2006-2007 UNDAF
document, Sierra Leone identified four priority
areas for UN intervention, namely: Youth employment
and empowerment, Justice and Security Sector Reform,
Consolidation of democracy and good governance, and
capacity building.
Having realized the inadequacies of the UNDAF
2006-2007 Security Council resolution on an
effective Peacebuilding agenda in Sierra Leone, the
UN again adopted resolutions 1829 at the 5948th
Security Council meeting in 2008.
Clause 3a of this resolution broadly provided for
"political support to national and local efforts for
identifying and resolving the tensions and threats
of political conflict".
My problem with this resolution had to do with
ambiguity in trying to understand and define the
concept of 'political support'. Is political support
only limited to letting the ruling APC get unlimited
access to the UNPB Fund, while making no attempt to
capacitate opposition parties?
The UN is failing to realize that their continuous
exposure of the government to access the PBF in the
name of legitimacy will only further financially
capacitate the APC party, which is evident in the
sumptuous life style of our President and his
Similarly, Resolution 1886 at the 6189th meeting in
September 2009, where the mandate of UNIPSIL was
extended to September, 2010 as set out in the
previous resolutions 1829 in 2008, emphasized on
supporting preparations for the 2012 General
elections, without adequately outlining efforts to
promote good governance and tolerance - especially
those relating to inter party politics.
Clause six of this same resolution only vaguely
mentions good governance without due reference to
the actual dynamics of inter-party rivalry and
The 14 page report by the UNSG to the Security Council
in 2009, had lots of misrepresentations and at the
same time technically failing to forward any logical
argument on their dismal handling of the 2007
election violence perpetuated by the APC.
What have we achieved as far as democracy and good
governance are concerned?
> Read More
Koroma does
not deserve a second term!
6 September 2011
Koroma visited Brazil with a large entourage, but
failed to learn any lessons from the Brazilian
economic experience. He should have copied their
success formula. He did not!
Instead, he encouraged national prayer. He called for
divine intervention, wishing that Sierra Leone was a
prayer camp.
In point of fact, after the first few months in
office, President Koroma abandoned the pastors that
were praying for him and turned to other means of
spiritual intervention.
There was plenty of talk of ‘Ariogbos’ gracing the
corridors of State House. The absurdity of it all!
Somebody should have told Ernest Koroma that
religion kills the imagination. Ask Galileo!
In 2009, we were told that we have the largest deposit
of Iron Ore in Africa. The first thing the
government did was to draw up a mining policy. But
that policy has hardly informed the agenda, during
negotiations with the mining companies.
The country was debt free when President Koroma
took office in 2007. Today, we are back in debt
heavily, which is now having a devastating effect on
the economy.
The income generated from the sale of our resources,
if carefully managed, should sustain us financially.
My dissatisfaction with the Koroma administration are
numerous, and quite rightfully so. And honestly, I
do not think that he deserves a second term.
President Koroma is not a man of vision, nor is he a
patriot. The Income Electrix project should ring a
bell. How unpatriotic was that?
Why did President Koroma drag more poor people down
below the poverty line, by implementing Goods and
Services Tax starting at 15%, causing prices to
Why is it that he just cannot take sound decisions at
the right time? Why is it that some ministers are
more powerful than all the cabinet ministers put
Does he think that he can run a government like an
insurance company or a social club? Is he running
the government like a business that has become a
liability to its investors?
These are questions we should ask ourselves, because
in the last four years Sierra Leone has become worse
than it was in 2007, yet his praise singers - those
that are benefiting directly or indirectly, have
become blind to the reality of life in the country.
> Read More
SLPP Presidential candidate – Maada Bio speaks to
the world
5 September 2011
"I see the 2012 elections not as a battle to be
fought or won by violence, but as a contest that can
best be fought and won by ideas, values and
beliefs," says Julius Maada Bio.
There is little doubt that the people of Sierra
Leone and the international community – to whom so
much gratitude is owed for their timely and costly
support in bringing the war to an end - must have
breathed a deep sigh of relief, when Bio for the
first time, spoke publicly about the alleged
atrocities committed by the NPRC.
The negative pre-2012 election campaigning
strategy adopted by the ruling APC, which is seen by
many as an attempt to deny the people of Sierra
Leone the right to choose who governs them, has been
taken head on by Maada Bio himself. He has set the
record straight. This issue was the main highlight
of his speech - and this is what he said:
"The coup of April 29, 1992, that toppled the
decade-and-half long repressive and corrupt APC
one-party rule, was embraced overwhelmingly by the
people of this country and recognised by the entire
international community."
"That NPRC junta has been held collectively
responsible by the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (TRC) for the extra-judicial executions
of 26 persons during its administration."
"For my part, I had made it clear, in my testimony
to the TRC, that I bear neither personal involvement
nor personal responsibility for those executions nor
was I in any position to prevent them from
happening. I was neither the head nor the deputy
head of the NPRC junta at the material time. I stand
by that testimony."
Maada Bio’s offer of unconditional apology and his
attempt to bring closure to the country’s awful past
– for which politicians of all shades are
responsible, will be regarded by most Sierra
Leoneans and the international community as
The SLPP presidential candidate went further in
extending an olive branch, by calling on the
international community to facilitate and broker a
cross-party peace initiative.
He said that; "By the same token, with the help of the
moral guarantors of our country’s peace, I would
like to invite President Koroma to join me now in
issuing a joint statement."
The cross-party peace initiative proposed by Bio in
his speech on Saturday, will be underpinned by three
fundamental principles.
> Read More
Ernest Koroma's APC has failed our youths!
1 September 2011
President Koroma’s APC government continues to
struggle in meeting the expectations of the hundreds
of thousands of registered unemployed youths across
the country.
They were promised job opportunities and prosperity
during the election campaign of 2007.
Today, it is now clear that this government has
abandoned its election commitment to the youth of
the country.
They have failed to develop or continue with major
youth policies and programmes, initiated by the SLPP
government led by former president Tejan Kabbah.
It is very worrying that some of the youth oriented
programmes started by the Kabbah administration,
have either been grossly neglected or mismanaged.
It is also sad to note that even the National
Youth Commission, which ironically was initiated by
the former government, is yet to create an impact on
the lives of our youth.
Instead, the government is planning to feed our
young people with lies and drugs, and prepare them
to take to the streets during the 2012 elections.
I believe it is time for the Youth Commission to be
depoliticized and positioned, as a major
mobilization tool for youth development and nation
The youths in Sierra Leone should be put at the
heart of steering the country to a better future.
There must be a review of the National Youth Policy.
It must be changed from its current partisan bias,
to a truly national strategy for economic and social
A new national youth strategy should focus on
leadership development, education and skills
training, entrepreneurship, a can do attitude and
healthy living.
Four years have already been wasted. Yet in the
coming months and in preparation for the 2012
elections, APC will want to mobilize the youth in
pursuit of their political objectives.
But be rest assured that the days of hooliganism is
over, and such strategy will never again succeed in
Sierra Leone. Sierra Leoneans are now conscious of
the political game plan.
> Read More
Bank of
Sierra Leone’s decision to hold Base Rate at 23% may
hamper economic growth
29 August
This latest decision by the BoSL -
acting as a lender of last resort, to hold Base Rate
at 23% for the third consecutive month, may be
interpreted as a strategy designed to stabilise
commercial banks’ liquidity.
But it may be deflationary, and
could well have an adverse effect on the economy.
Although commercial banks’ rates are
closely linked with the BoSL Base Rate, yet banks
are unlikely to pass on this lower lending rate to
their borrowers.
Whilst banks' loans and
advances rose from Le658.9 Billion in 2009 to over
Le874.7 Billion in 2010, it is also less likely that
banks will significantly increase the availability
or access to credit finance - much needed by
the business sector to expand, create jobs and grow
the economy.
Commercial banks are opting instead to borrow from
the BoSL in order to improve their asset balance
sheet, as demanded early this year by the
Mrs. Gladys Strasser-King, the Vice
President of the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce,
Industry and Agriculture, has warned the government
of the impact that the lack of access to adequate
capital, high interest rates and short repayment
terms are having on economic growth.
The decision by the BoSL monetary
policy committee in Freetown last week to peg Base
Rate at 23% for the third consecutive month, rather
than opt for a steep reduction, may further damage
consumer confidence and their ability to spend - in
an already depressed economy.
> Read
The deadly face of racism revealed by the NATO led
war in Libya - Black Africans are being
27 August 2011
According to the UK Independent Newspaper:
"Around 30 men lay decomposing in the heat. Many of
them had their hands tied behind their back, either
with plastic handcuffs or ropes. One had a scarf
stuffed into his mouth. Almost all of the victims
were black men. Their bodies had been dumped near
the scene of two of the fierce battles between rebel
and regime forces in Tripoli."
"Why had an injured man receiving treatment been
executed? Mr Sabri, more a camp follower than a
fighter, shrugged. It was seemingly incomprehensible
to him that anything wrong had been done."
Throughout this conflict, what the rebel leaders have
shown is nothing other than utter contempt for Black
Africans and their leaders.
At the start of the conflict, President Jacob Zuma
of South Africa led an African Union delegation to
Benghazi – the rebel tribal stronghold, to negotiate
a ceasefire and a peaceful resolution to the
conflict. He and his entourage were disrespectfully
booed out of Benghazi.
Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama had told the rebels not to
discuss the African Union's Peace Plan, as NATO's
war strategy had been set into motion.
One of the rebel leaders told reporters that they do
not regard Libyans as African, but Mediterranean.
They want nothing to do with Black Africa. Their
future, he said, lies further North - across the
Mediterranean Sea - Europe.
That the African Union did not succeed in
intervening in Libya to stop the carnage, is partly
to be blamed on the intransigence and belligerence
of French leader – Sarkozy, British Prime Minister
Cameron, and US President Obama.
With NATO leading the assault on Libya, the
rebels are feeling emboldened to now turn their
brutality against Black African migrants. The wave
of reprisal killing is continuing unabated, paving
the way for a bitter post-conflict racial discord -
between Libyans and Black Africans in the continent.
"It is also the case that the regime has repeatedly
unleashed appalling violence on its own people. But
the mounting number of deaths of men from
sub-Saharan Africa at the hands of the rebels –
lynchings in many cases – raises disturbing
questions about the opposition administration, the
Transitional National Council taking over as Libya's
government, and about Western backing for it" – says
the UK Independent Newspaper.
> Read More
The health of Sierra
Leone’s economy will determine the outcome of the
2012 elections
23 August 2011
In just over twelve months, Sierra Leone goes to the
polls to elect a new President or renew the
incumbent – President Koroma’s tenure in office.
With the debate – both at home and in the diaspora
intensifying and sometimes inflammatory, it is
getting quite difficult to see the woods from the
trees, as it shifts ominously away from policy
toward personality.
The ruling Party – APC, are hoping that by focusing
the debate on the credibility of the newly elected
presidential candidate for the country’s main
opposition SLPP – Julius Maada Bio, they will be
able to gain sufficient mass popular support for
President Koroma’s bid for a second term.
But with the country’s economy struggling to recover
from four years of stagnation, due in part to the
global recession, but mainly as the result of
government’s economic policy, the question that many
are asking is; whether it is prudent for the ruling
Party to adopt a strategy of negative campaigning
against the opposition SLPP presidential candidate.
"Presently, media houses sympathetic to the
government are inundated with over-enthusiastic
praise singers preaching hatred and intolerance
under the guise of criticizing the opposition party.
Yet this contributes nothing to Sierra Leone’s gross
domestic product, which continues to decline
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita has dropped to
an all time low of 300 US dollars as the rate of
inflation has risen to an all time high of 18%.
This is expected to rise even higher in 2012.
Agriculture, which until recently, was recognized as
the engine of growth, has suffered a serious setback
as much needed funds have been directed to botched
infrastructure-related developments.
Prices of basic food have skyrocketed and have
become unaffordable to the average family as the
unemployment rate gradually approaches the highest
in the world.
Education at all levels has collapsed as colleges have
even had to cancel exams for inexcusable reasons as
the lack of stationery.
Closely associated with this neglect is the pathetic
situation of government-sponsored students living in
squalor and neglect."
> Read More
Maada Bio - a man of
extraordinary gravitas
18 August 2011
I remember my first opportunity to chat with Maada at
length; an opportunity created by one of my
troublesome friends - Abdulai.
At that maiden meeting in my very office, I felt Maada
unravelling the inner recesses of his heart. I could
feel his heart-beat.
He kept on emphasizing "our country, our country" for
the entire duration of our conversation.
I am aware, as Shakespeare says, "there is no art to
find the mind’s construction in the face"; but like
Larry King, I am sure I was able to read his lips,
as much as my several friends whom I had invited to
that meeting.
I felt Maada’s appreciation of our country’s problems
and in all candour, he quite acknowledged some
lapses whilst at the helm of our political
leadership during NPRC days; some of those lapses,
he attributed to the nauseating insincerity of some
comrades and civilian government functionaries.
Acknowledging one’s mistakes is a show of humility and
statesmanship; and I pardoned him for that, in view
of the peculiar prevailing circumstances then.
I told Maada to his face, "if you become president
and, start messing up, I’ll be the first to trumpet
it". I was convinced I was addressing my future
president, and I felt fulfilled.
He was incredibly articulate and, was never boring. By
the way, someone described a bore as "one who will
not only stop talking; but who will not let you stop
I still cherish that moment; and I have been following
the Maada Bio campaign trail since then; offering my
own humble pieces of advice and rebuke where
For me, Maada’s emergence as the SLPP flagbearer was a
foregone conclusion. I am happy that the process
which led to his election (and not selection and
coronation like others) has been acclaimed as
One thing the former head of state was quick to build
upon, was, the foundation of the last Makeni
convention where he polled 33 votes.
Maada Bio’s gravitas transcends the transition he
thoughtfully and patriotically pioneered in 1996;
and has shown true statesmanship through the events
thereafter; amidst malicious and frivolous
orchestrations of vendetta and witch-hunt.
> Read More
Bio must answer to allegations of serious financial
malfeasance committed during the NPRC’s rule
18 August 2011
"Furthermore, in his capacity as Chairman of the
NPRC, Brigadier J.M. Bio himself on the 1st February
1996, few days before he left office, caused the
Government to pay into the account of his private
firm, P. Banga Investment Limited the sum of
Le235,000,000 in respect of contracts that that firm
had purportedly entered into with Government for the
supply of spare parts for the replacement of
helicopter engines which did not belong to
"Incidentally, it was into the account of this same
firm in the Channel Islands that Brigadier Bio paid
his own share of US$400,000 from the passport deal
which was disclosed recently."
These are very serious allegations coming from the
then President of Sierra Leone – Ahmed Tejan Kabbah,
a senior Party grandee of the Sierra Leone Peoples’
Party (SLPP).
But what is also significant is the utter failure by
both President Kabbah and Vice President Berewa,
during their 10 years of tenure to take appropriate
steps to recover the alleged misappropriated funds
from Maada Bio.
It is going to be impossible for either Kabbah or
Berewa to shrug off accusations of serious lapse of
judgement, without satisfactory explanation to the
people of Sierra Leone.
President Koroma and his government are being
lambasted and pilloried every single day by the
media, not least by the Sierra Leone Telegraph, for
perpetuating the culture of corruption that is
damaging the very fabric of what is required to get
the country out of poverty.
One cannot keep quiet or defend the opposition SLPP
against any allegation of corruption that has a
credible trail of evidence, which former President
Kabbah and Vice President Berewa seem to have in
their possession.
And given the legal implication and the gravity of
such allegations, the Chief of the Anti-Corruption
Commission – Joseph Kamara ought to look into the
evidence that former President Kabbah is purporting
to have.
And this process must be done immediately,
transparently, and fairly, without President
Koroma’s APC trying to exploit political capital
from these allegations.
> Read More
The economic paradox of Sierra Leone’s vast natural
wealth: Thanks to poor leadership
17 August 2011
Sierra Leone can easily be described as one of
the most natural resource rich countries in the
Today, she is at the crossroads of poverty and
bad governance. There are deep social divisions and
serious economic problems.
Crime level is alarmingly high; with high incidence
of rape, armed robbery, lawlessness and
May God Almighty help us to think rationally in
2012, as we strive for yet another positive change,
which eluded us in 2007.
Sierra Leone – "the Lion Mountain", was the envy of
other African countries, a darling colony and a
pride nation of the British - called the Athens of
West Africa.
Sierra Leone was a nation of loving, hospitable,
compassionate, sociable and easy to approach people
– an envy of the rest of the British Empire.
She was a nation noted for her moral values,
disciplined society, spirituality, hospitality and
virtuousness; a people of intelligence, wisdom, hard
working, communally-spirited, and patriotism.
A nation that once boast of its civil service, high
educational standard, best health service, a
disciplined army and police force, much better
infrastructure; has become a demoralized, fragmented
and lawless poor nation - governed by incompetent,
lazy and lethargic politicians.
Fourah Bay College that was once an envy of West
Africa, responsible for educating thousands of West
Africans, has today suspended students’
examinations, because of the lack of paper to write
When I read this story on the BBC’s website, I cried
because it is the most shameful and embarrassing
story I have ever read about my country, in a long
This is what President Ernest Koroma’s four years of
misrule has brought upon us.
Sierra Leone is a very small country with a
population of about 5.5 million people - living
within a geographical space of 71,740 square
kilometres and a coastline of 402 kilometres.
Yet 75% of the population is classed as poor –
living on less than $1 a day.
> Read More
Random musing: "Lessons from the billowing ashes"
15 August 2011
The youths we refer to as 'Djamba smoking thugs' or
'ne'er-do-wells', are a product of our creation.
Labelling them is simply taking away the last dreg
of their dignity and replacing it with ammunition
against the very society that has abandoned them and
driven them to find succour in the bosom of
They are also the segment that has been patronised
with empty rhetoric in the last four years, only to
watch the rich and the highly connected riding the
gravy train, while they get drenched in the urine of
poverty from the genitals of those in the corridors
of power.
The assumption that one person can be demonised for
whatever these youths unleash will prove too late
for us to look for answers, and we may be consumed.
So let us face the real world. We created the lost
generation, which has lost faith in seeing salvation
from those in power, and will cling to any thing or
person that point towards redemption.
Our careless disregard for the rumble in the jungle
of 1991 is still a scar on the left side of our
We do not need to self destruct. We need to do
something more concrete and endearing - not
Heating the polity by threats of digging up dirt and
the ghosts of the past; or whipping up emotional
blackmail in an already charged atmosphere is simply
creating a tsunami that may consume us in the
process of its rage. Recent political clashes are a
pointer to what lies in store.
What has the government done since assumption of
office to remedy the situation which it acknowledged
and recognised at its inception? What strategy has
it put in place to even ensure that the long,
much-touted Youth Commission, when it finally leaves
the realm of the imagination, will be able to apply
a soothing balm to the epicentre of the festering
How far have our leaders gone to implement, for
example, the 2004 continental Ouagadougou Plan of
Action for young people? What multi-sectoral
approach is in place? How is the government planning
to ensure that the flood of dreams of these youths
is being properly channelled and consolidated for
the desired societal rejuvenation?
> Read More
Microfinance: What role in Africa’s development?
25 August 2011
Despite microfinance’s global reach, the majority of
its clients remain in Asia. In Africa the sector is
growing quickly, but from a comparatively small
At the end of 2008, microfinance institutions in
sub-Saharan Africa reached 16.5 million depositors
and 6.5 million borrowers.
With rapid growth comes closer scrutiny. Yet it
has proven difficult to measure the actual impact on
poverty. Proponents often rely on case studies and
This has prompted leading scholars to conclude
that "strikingly, 30 years into the microfinance
movement we have little solid evidence that it
improves the lives of clients in measurable ways"
Recent and well-publicized cases of over-indebted
households and interest rates approaching those
charged by loan sharks have contributed to a more
critical view of microfinance — and of microcredit
in particular.
There is also a more fundamental critique. Some
argue that channelling scarce resources into
unproductive micro-enterprises in the informal
sector may actually be detrimental to sustainable
development and industrialization.
This is because tiny businesses contribute little
to building an economy’s productive capacities, or
to its structural transformation.
A recent study by the UN Office of the Special
Adviser on Africa suggests that now is a good time
to reassess the role of microfinance in Africa’s
Drawing from experience elsewhere, it seems
clear that on its own cannot fundamentally transform
African economies held back by many structural
Yet providing a whole range of financial services to
the poor — including credit for small and
micro-enterprises, savings facilities, insurance,
pensions, and payment and transfer facilities — is
clearly desirable and can contribute to the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Africa has seen an increase in such services in
recent years. Microfinance institutions offer a
variety of products.
Where such institutions do not reach, traditional
and informal providers — such as the tontines in
Cameroon, the susus in Ghana and the banquiers
ambulants in Benin — continue to serve the poor.
> Read More
Government politicians and media whipping up
political tension in Sierra Leone
14 August 2011
Maada Bio, winner of the largest share of the votes
at his party’s convention two weeks ago, is facing
fierce opposition from the ruling party, the media
and sections of his own SLPP party, over allegations
of human rights abuse.
Although the country’s Truth and Reconciliation
Commission in its enquiry did not find him
personally responsible, yet the report held him
"collectively responsible" for not stopping the
alleged abuse.
But what many in the country find rather curious,
is the government’s motive in calling for an
investigation into the involvement of Maada Bio in
the alleged atrocities, which took place nineteen
years ago.
There is a groundswell of opinion that the
government's motive for revisiting the past is
political, rather than an honest pursuit of justice,
in defence of the rights of the families of the
Many in the country believe that the government is
trying to prevent Bio, who is thought to have
significant popular support in the country,
especially among those aged 40-50, from contesting
the elections in 2012.
This group of electorate, who in 1992 were aged 20
and slightly older, had overwhelmingly welcomed the
NPRC coup and the democratic changes ushered in by
the military intervention.
It is thought that Bio’s campaign for Presidency in
2012 is likely to deny President Koroma’s bid for a
second term in office, especially with the growing
economic hardship, which is expected to continue
well into 2013.
Observers say that any enquiry set up now to
investigate the involvement or otherwise of Maada
Bio, will take at least three years to report back.
By then, the 2012 elections would have been a
foregone conclusion - with the opposition SLPP not
being able to fully participate at the polls.
What is indeed ironic is that, as early as 2003,
when the now ruling APC were in opposition,
President Koroma had strongly called for an enquiry
into the alleged violations of human rights.
So why did the President baulk at his own
'pursuit of justice' eight years ago?
> Read More
Britain’s broken society – the rioting class: 'let
us say it like it is'
11 August 2011
I remember visiting No.12 Downing Street in 1989 to
discuss policy with a Senior Civil Servant in the
Inner Cities Unit of the Cabinet Office. Though the
discussions were tense but frank, I left the meeting
feeling rather deflated.
Perhaps then, I should have predicted that the
possibility of further
inner city riots was far from over.
Today, as politicians search for answers, We must
not lose sight of the primary origin of the unrest,
which has been described as the worst inner city
riots in England since 1985.
It started in Tottenham – North London, last
Saturday, after a young black man was shot dead by
police the previous Thursday. Black youths, angered
by what they see as another case of police
brutality, went on the rampage.
Also, in the wake of the Tottenham disturbance, in
Hackney – London, a black youth was randomly stopped
and searched by the police and found to be innocent
of any crime, also sparking a violent reaction from
youths in the community.
Sadly, their legitimate anger and protest, was
hijacked and exploited by political anarchists and
sections of the far-right British National Party, in
order to further heighten tension and cause maximum
damage, so as to peddle Enoch Powel’s "rivers of
blood" chorus of inter-racial doom.
Having personally witnessed the 1981 and 1985 riots
in England, I can say with some authority, that we
are likely to see many more copycat rioting across
inner cities, if the government continues to fail to
acknowledge the underlying socio-economic root
causes of the disturbances.
But they also need to learn the lessons of those
previous riots.
What is needed now is a clear, open and honest
debate as to the issues and causative factors of the
breakdown of what must now be regarded as Britain’s
fragile society.
And for those bent on taking a right-wing
conservative view of the world and how society
functions, this is not helpful, nor does it
necessarily provide us with a holistic answer to the
dysfunctionality of certain groups and communities,
referred to by the Prime Minister as 'sick'.
Liberal conservatives, who profess to believe in
pluralism, ought to know that there is never one
single answer or solution to a problem. The issue is
complex and multi-dimensional, and ought not to be
simply written off as 'depravity' or 'criminality'.
> Read More
Ernest Koroma: heart of a
coward - spirit of a sycophant!
10 August 2011
Mr. President, the last time I wrote to you, was on
this same matter when on two occasions you came to
China and promised the students that you will
definitely solve this ongoing problem that your
government started four years ago.
But you woefully failed, and I believe you were
deceitful, because you never followed your words
with actions.
Even with the intervention of the president of the
Sierra Leone Association of Journalists - Umaru
Fofana, and many articles written by students about
their plight, you did nothing.
What is so pathetic about this story is that it went
to the cabinet, and the minister of education once
again disrespected you and your cabinet, to the
embarrassment and disappointment of the Ambassador
of China - who was a cabinet minister when that
decision was taken.
Nothing has happened and nothing will ever happen to
the minister in question.
Mr. President, have you asked your self why so many
industrial strikes and disputes are taking place in
Sierra Leone under your leadership?
Does it not tell you that you have too many
lieutenants who are not qualified or capable of
being in such positions; or don’t you think that
your policies are failing the nation?
Do you think Sierra Leoneans will vote for you again
because you are handsome?
You see, SLPP has just chosen a younger and more
handsome aspirant than you.
So should you ever think that the 'fine boy' image
of 2007 will give you a smooth ride to State House
next year, you should start rethinking.
> Read More
Bio has been elected – the genie is out of the
bottle: So what is the way forward now for the
Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP)?
4 August 2011
It now behoves upon the elected Presidential
candidate - Bio, to ensure that he clears the air
during his maiden speech to the people of Sierra
Leone (in plain and simple Krio - if he can), with
respect to the human rights accusation, which for
many - seem to have stained his character.
Bio’s leadership election victory – whether rightly
or wrongly, has attracted a negative public response
that could derail any chance of SLPP winning the
elections slated for October 2012, if allowed to
The cost of Bio not addressing this issue NOW, far
outweigh the risks of keeping quiet, while hoping it
will go away before the 2012 elections. The
accusation of human rights abuse, will not disappear
any time soon - if at all.
While Bio may be innocent of all accusations, only
he - and he alone can put the minds of all Sierra
Leoneans at ease, once and for all, without
constantly having to refer the nation to the
contents of the TRC Report.
Somehow though, SLPP will have to find a way forward
to normal business and painstakingly work toward
weaving together, every warp and weft frayed by the
leadership election result.
With threats of internal strife, mutiny and
resignations, Bio will have to show the rank and
file of the party, and indeed the nation, that his
professional skill does go beyond the use of the
He must now begin to galvanise the Party into a
non-fractious and business-like opposition, that is
capable of unseating President Koroma’s government
from office.
Can he succeed in transforming his weaknesses
into strengths; and threats into opportunities?
First and foremost, he has to quickly appoint a
shadow cabinet. And given the fact that since the
announcement of the election result there has been
no dissension from the other 18 candidates that
lost, Bio could do worse than appointing all 18
candidates into his shadow cabinet.
But he must approach each one of them with the
utmost respect and humility, based on the philosophy
that they can be a winning team. To do otherwise
will be a massive folly that can only speed up his
fall from the Party's pedestal.
> Read More
Partisanship aside: Ernest
or Maada – who is more marketable?
9 August 2011
Today, another southerner, Julius Maada Bio, faces a
more difficult hurdle as he goes about marketing
himself to challenge a tried and tested politician
with outstanding marketable qualities in his favour
– President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma.
In spite of the rising food and fuel prices in the
world market, which had negatively impacted on the
Sierra Leone economy - with the corresponding
increase in fuel and food prices, President Koroma
strikes most Sierra Leoneans as a cute, nice, honest
person, doggedly committed to transform this
Detractors of Ernest Koroma often describe him as
"cool" and "quiet" as if it’s a deficit; while
supporters of Maada Bio are promoting Bio as a
"smart" soldier (although very arrogant) that
returned the country to democratic rule.
However, for the greatest part, President Koroma is
seen as the man of the people; the first president
in post conflict Sierra Leone to move around freely
at times even without bodyguards.
Most people believe, even in far flung Kailahun, that
President Ernest Bai Koroma is a serious minded
person and also very affable.
He is also seen as the man who restored the confidence
of the international community, as well as making
the country conducive for investors to come help us
rebrand our motherland. Is this not a plus for
President Koroma?
The deciding factor in the 2012 presidential elections
would be the ceaselessly ongoing development
projects that are being implemented by President
Koroma across the country.
> Read More
Maada Bio - SLPP Nominee: A perspective from the USA
7 August 2011
What can Bio offer our nation?
His past activities in the NPRC government present
us with crystal clear suggestions: We now know that
he and his cohorts looted the nation’s Treasury; he
is insubordinate and baneful, as demonstrated by the
actions he spearheaded against his erstwhile boss in
the military junta.
Mr. Valentine Strasser, he and his cohorts,
summarily executed people without due process of
law; and above all, we know he is capable of
committing treasonable offences.
This man placed himself in authority once, and we
now know him for who he is. We know enough to
conclude that he is not the kind of person we want
at the helm of our fledgling democracy.
As a military officer, his lawless and "Jamba
Smoking" group of soldiers in the junta were
a spectacle of the most ineffective fighting force -
misnamed as an army - that could not even match, let
alone defeat the rag-tag rebels of Foday Sankoh’s
Yet they had no scruples promoting themselves from
one rank to the other every other six months or so,
just to ensure a fatter retirement salary.
That the SLPP would choose such a frothy candidate
for the nation’s highest office, speaks volumes
about the sorry state of affairs in this opposition
The party had a fairly decent crop of candidates to
choose from, but they chose to settle for the one
with the least staidness and amplitude, and
certainly also, the one who is the most acquisitive
among them.
What an ignominy this nomination has brought to the
reputation of the country in general, but to the
hapless SLPP in particular.
This infamy of a nomination would no doubt beg
the question - why was Maada Bio chosen by those
SLPP delegates?
> Read More
Controversial land investor
in Sierra Leone – Kevin Godlington denies Oakland
Institute’s land grab report
1 August 2011
"To be clear from the outset, Kevin Godlington has
never worked with Tony Blair, nor will he ever work
with Tony Blair"
"Kevin Godlington
returned to Sierra Leone having served as a British
Soldier during the war to help create jobs and
develop poor communities like Mange."
formed Sierra Leone Agriculture (SLA). A company
that now employs 245 people, 2000 by end of 2012 and
manages its operations in a fully engaged way with
the community, chiefdom and government."
"The Oakland Institute claims the Minister of
Agriculture is unaware of our company SLA. SLA
hosted a conference in London with the Minister to
increase Investment to Sierra Leone."
"The minister knows Kevin Godlington very well and
is penning a statement to that effect. Oakland
Institute know this conference took place, how then
do they expect anyone to believe the Minister does
not know of SLA’s existence?"
"Oakland Institute knows the Minister attended the
event and was with Kevin Godlington throughout the
event. (See attached photo with the President of SL
opening SLA estates, and letter from Ministry of
Agriculture as far back as 2008)."
"How more public than an international conference in
central London hosted by His Excellency the
President of Sierra Leone and Tony Blair, where
Kevin Godlington gave an address before Tony Blair
and presentation on SLA’s endeavours? This is the
only connection with Tony Blair."
"Of further note is that His Excellency the
President attended the Sierra Leone Agriculture’s
(SLA) estate in Mange himself and attended a press
conference and presentation panel with the chief and
a selection of Ministers; where Kevin Godlington
again presented to over 500 people from Mange,
setting out the companies intentions through 2011
and 2012."
> Read More
Is President Koroma’s government taking the Human
Rights Commission of Sierra Leone seriously?
29 July 2011
Paragraph 90 of the Tribunal’s decision notes that:
“The MOD and RSLAF are reminded that under
Section 13 of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra
Leone Act 2004 the government should respond
publicly within 21 days to the specific case as well
as the findings, recommendations and other decision
that the commission may issue as a remedy for a
human rights violation.”
As at the time of writing this article - 26th July
2011, the government had not responded to the case
in point at least publicly.
In my opinion, this is a show of lack of commitment
on the part of the government to upholding and
enforcing the fundamental rights of citizens which
are entrenched provisions in the Constitution of
Sierra Leone, Act No. 6 of 1991 and the various
international human rights instruments it had
signed, ratified and domesticated as the case might
One would have expected that the government was
going to issue a public statement on the matter even
before the expiration of the 21 days provided for in
the commission’s Act.
It is appalling that the government has reneged in
making the required response at a time it has just
submitted The State of Human Rights report at the UN
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Geneva,
The seeming accolade which the country received
could have served as a motivating factor for the
government to address the matter of the ex-soldiers
with the seriousness it deserves.
But whether the government makes a statement in time
or on time or afterwards, there are lessons that
could be learnt from this debacle.
Sierra Leone is a country in which many people have
failed to stand and fight for their basic
human rights.
Complacency has eaten deep into the moral fibre of
most Sierra Leoneans.
But does the buck stops with the government?
> Read More
Sierra Leone government publishes its official
Progress Report on the achievement of its 'Agenda
for Change'
22 July 2011
Almost everyone agrees that Sierra Leone’s economy
has been on a life support machine since the end of
the civil war in 2001.
But it seems the medicine prescribed by President
Koroma has been sending the economy into deeper
coma, as the IMF warned of "difficult times ahead".
With foreign aid accounting for over 40% of
government’s income, coupled with a low tax revenue
base, prospects of turning the country around in
three years – as promised by the President looked
pretty grim.
However, there was a ray of hope that with the
restructuring of the country’s National Revenue
Authority by DFID, efforts to collect taxes would
significantly improve.
Also, export earnings from agriculture and mining –
especially gold and diamond, had started to rise as
the global economy comes out of recession.
But behind that promising silver lining, there was a
dark and ominous cloud. Corruption, poor governance,
bloated departmental overspending, and the lack of
domestic capacity to implement and manage
large-scale infrastructural projects, are
threatening to derail any chance of a much deserved
economic prosperity.
Monies meant for development projects and poverty
reduction programmes are being siphoned off by
government officials. And corruption in high places
remains a key constraint to the country’s
Both the departing Head of DFID in Sierra Leone and
the visiting UK minister for international
development commented last week and yesterday that:
"corruption remains a serious problem; there must be
zero tolerance for corruption".
As President Koroma publishes his official
progress report on the last three years, in
consultation with the World Bank and the IMF,
considerable interest has been attracted, not least
by supporters of the government.
And the report is not short on analysis showing
the performance of the government in managing the
economy to be nothing but 'ingenious and
But is the government’s real performance as
spectacular as the report suggests?
> Read More
SLPP delegates urged to vote for John Ernest
28 July 2011
In exactly three days from today, the
opposition SLPP will elect its flag bearer.
Delegates of the SLPP, I call upon you to join
the fight in giving back to Sierra Leone what is due
to Sierra Leone.
As the sands of time trickle down from hours to
minutes, the hope of all patriotic-minded Sierra
Leoneans is for the SLPP delegates to do what is
right - by electing John Leigh.
He is
the only candidate, without whose sacrifice, Sierra
Leone would have been destroyed by a bunch of
At a time when journalists were faking
Pan-Africanism to team up with the RUF, diplomats
switching loyalty, and Kabbah and company fleeing
the country; only one man, passed the test of
With a megaphone he challenged Ghadaffi, Taylor, the
RUF, and the AFRC.
He pleaded with the US senate, engaged with the
American media for the world to come to the rescue
of our dying nation.
That selfless man, ladies and gentlemen is John Leigh.
Without him Sierra Leone would have become another
Somalia. And had Colonel Ghadaffi had his way, the
war would have engulfed the whole of the West
African Sub-region.
John Leigh may not be a Southerner, but he is someone
who has stood firmly in support of the SLPP
throughout its difficult years.
He is an experienced diplomat with a very strong
background in Business and Industry.
Yet there are those in the Party who may not want to
vote for John Leigh because he is not from the
South, despite his leadership qualities and
Standing up for what is right may not be easy, doing
the right thing too - may sometimes be difficult.
But when we fail to stand up for what is right,
history judges us very harshly.
> Read More
A defining moment for Sierra Leone’s 2012
Presidential election: John Leigh raises the stakes
24 July 2011
Sierra Leone is one of the world’s poorest countries
and is in desperate need of a new kind of politics,
based on those values that once kept Sierra Leoneans
together as one nation, under the umbrella of
liberal democratic pluralism.
Sierra Leone needs a new way of thinking as to how
it’s going to get itself out of poverty.
And each of the 19 candidates vying for the
Presidential candidacy of the SLPP, must be able to
demonstrate that ability to lead a government that
can create the space and agenda for this to happen.
It is true that Sierra Leone has become a shadow of
its former self. But it need not have to be this
way, if only those elected to govern are honest,
trustworthy, committed, and principled; and have the
know-how to work with the people in order to build a
prosperous nation.
Sierra Leone has the potential to once again become
a nation where everyone believes in hard work and
collective responsibility to eradicate poverty.
But it must have a government that is genuinely
committed to creating an environment that encourages
everyone irrespective of tribe to maximise their
The Sierra Leone People’s Party has an opportunity
to present itself as a credible and viable
alternative to President Koroma’s APC.
However, it must ensure that it elects the most
capable Presidential candidate that can effectively
lead the Party and country into a new horizon.
It must put in place a strong visionary leadership
that is capable of unseating President Koroma, whose
performance record in the last three years is
There are 19 candidates throwing their hats into the
ring. But there will be
only one winner, who should be of such pedigree, as
to be able to muster the political experience,
diplomatic skills and broad knowledge of economic
and social development issues that will take the
country out of its current state of paralysis.
Former Ambassador
- John Leigh is raising the stakes.
> Read More
Meet the shameless millionaires and billionaires
buying hectares of precious land in Sierra Leone
15 July 2011
Poverty in Africa, especially Sub-sahara Africa is
getting worse, as corruption and poor governance
continues to drive the continent into further
economic quagmire.
But far too many African leaders are more than happy
to sell their way out of poverty, though not for the
common good.
Amid calls from Tony Blair and others for countries
such as Sierra Leone to open up for business, there
are many Africans who are saying that:
"Africa has long been opened for business, and
desperately seeking foreign investors with whom it
can form mutually beneficial partnerships, for the
transformation of its fertile and mineral rich
landscape into an engine of wealth creation for its
But it seems the agenda of some foreign investors
scrambling for Africa’s precious land is not to
enter into partnership and collaboration with
indigenous African entrepreneurs, but the wholesale
transfer of ownership of land for exclusive
Since the establishment of the Africa Governance
Initiative by former British Prime Minister – Tony
Blair, suspicions have grown regarding his true
motivation and intention, as information surrounding
dodgy land deals in countries such as Sierra Leone
become evident.
Many Africans now believe that the overseas
investment arm of the Africa Governance Initiative
set up by Tony Blair is covertly pioneering a new
scramble for Africa’s agricultural and mineral rich
landscape, while pretending to be promoting good
governance in Africa.
And since the publication of the Oakland Institute’s
Report on dubious land sale in Sierra Leone, there
has been no official comment from Tony Blair or the
office of his Africa Governance Initiative.
After all, is Tony Blair and his team of eight
specialists not in Sierra Leone to promote good
> Read More
Risk or Reward: Elections
in Fragile States
9 July 2011
There are several initial risks and opportunities that
may be unique to elections in post conflict
countries, although most of those also are likely to
be fragile.
First, the minimum requirements are that former
combatants, returning refugees and internally
displaced persons are able to vote, that they are
able to form parties that can present candidates who
have a reasonably level playing field upon which to
Second, conditions that lower the destabilizing risk
of elections include the likely post-election
existence of a state capable of performing critical
public functions, including assuring citizen
Another is the existence of a negotiated consensus
that the government coming to power through
elections will not be operated under a
winner-takes-all basis, and will allow the losing
forces adequate political space in which to
Finally, when the nature and timing of the elections
are part and parcel of the negotiations leading to a
peace accord, there is a better chance the elections
will be accepted by former combatant forces.
If the UN or other international bodies or groups of
countries have facilitated the accord, the former
combatants also are more likely to accept an
international role in assisting, conducting,
monitoring and almost always financing those
As a result, the international community also has a
greater opportunity to help countries determine
whether conditions exist, enabling the elections to
contribute to reconciliation.
Unfortunately, all too often, the international
community - with mounting peacekeeping
responsibilities and competing commitments for
security and diplomatic resources, sees an early
election as an exit strategy pure and simple.
> Read More
Free health care programme
in disarray: a case of bad planning or muddled-up
6 July 2011
The unnecessary haste to launch the programme on the
27 April, 2010, to commemorate the 49th year of
independence of Sierra Leone, was a folly.
And British Prime Minister - Gordon Brown’s hasty
intervention to speed up the launch, before the
British general election in May 2010, did not help
And with the first few weeks of the programme delivery
dogged by industrial strikes involving poorly paid
health workers, very little time was spent by the
government in ensuring that key elements of the
programme – such as storage and logistics, were
properly established and managed.
The gaping strategic management vacuum created by the
unnecessary and prolonged absence of a substantive
minister of health, was a serious indictment of the
government’s all too often choice of political
expediency over management best practice.
Whilst President Koroma was busy playing ‘pass the
parcel’ with the management of the programme between
his Vice President and the Deputy Minister of
Health, the delivery of essential care became
muddled in chaos and confusion.
Patients in need of desperate care, had to suffer
the consequences.
Now, there are worrying signs that after spending over
$200 Million on the free health care programme, the
entire service is about to collapse.
But the President has today told the international
stakeholders and local NGOs that failure is not an
> Read More
When the wife of the President errs on the side of
4 July 2011
The war is over, infrastructures are being rebuilt;
new institutions are emerging to replace the old;
democracy is taking roots in Sierra Leone.
Good news. But how often do we hear stories of the
gross abuse of power by those we regard as the
custodians of the rule of Law? Far too many – I hear
you say.
Although 'land grabbing' - as is now popularly
referred, is nothing new in Sierra Leone, what many
find particularly disturbing is the fact that in
this case, the wife of the President has taken the
Law into her own hands, without recourse to due
She failed to seek
justice through the Courts - assuming of course that
she truly believes she is the rightful owner of the
For the 'first lady' to have brought the office of
the President into public disrepute, beggars belief.
The cardinal rule for anyone associated with the
office of the President – including his wife, is to
refrain from doing anything that will bring the
President’s office into such disrepute.
The land dispute involving the President has done
nothing other than reinforce the prevalent view that
in Sierra Leone, the rich and powerful are allowed
to take the Law into their own hands with impunity.
Despite millions of pounds poured into the country
by the international community, especially Britain,
to help combat lawlessness and promote the rule of
Law, it seems those in power are the greatest
> Read More
Africa’s economy rebounds without jobs
28 June 2011
In 2009 Africa’s growth slowed sharply to 1.6 per
cent. But that was still far better than the
performance of the developed world, whose economy
that year actually shrank by 2.2 per cent.
The 2011 Economic Report on Africa predicts a steady
growth of African economies. Indeed, the report
announces a 5% increase rate for the continent this
year compared to the 4.7% recorded in 2010.
But although many African countries already benefit
from this growth, yet for most countries in the
sub-continent, such as Sierra Leone, employment –
most especially youth employment - is still a major
Role of the state
An upbeat Robert Vos, Director of the UN Department
of Economic and Social Affairs, while launching the
report in May at UN headquarters in New York,
stressed the role of the state in stimulating
economic growth.
That was a key theme of the report, which advocates
state intervention in "planning, articulating and
implementing policies of resources allocation".
It cautions, however, that governments must possess
the legitimacy to accomplish the task and their
institutions must "link bureaucracy with key
Mr. Vos maintained that many African states do not
currently gain from international trade because of
weak production capacities.
The report’s highly encouraging news for Africa has a
flipside. The continent is still a long way from
attaining the Millennium Development Goals, it
finds. There are also disparities in the pace of
growth among African countries.
> Read More
The Sierra Leone Police Force and prospects for
post-war sustainable nation building
23 June 2011
The challenge for British Police Chief Biddle in
creating a post-war, nationally integrated police
force in Sierra Leone, whose ethos would be based on
respect for the rule of Law, respect for human
rights, and the maintenance of law and order, was
And few in Sierra Leone ever believed it was
possible to achieve.
But after three years of hard work, and despite
all odds, a new police force was established,
incorporating elements of the previous internal
security units and members of the rebel movements.
The reintegration of ex-combatants into the country's
security institutions was highly controversial.
Many in Sierra Leone had believed this arrangement
to be a recipe for disaster.
Some analysts say that the integration of former
rebels into the national police force was always a
risk that would undermine the integrity and
capability of the police in maintaining law and
But is this a fair analysis, after ten years of
nation building?
In the last few years, reports of police involvement
in corruption cases have increased; the number of
police officers convicted of criminal offence has
risen; the public’s perception of the ability of the
police in maintaining law and order remains low;
overall confidence and trust in the police force is
declining; morale within the force itself is far
from healthy.
The government is insisting that they are doing all
they can to recruit, train and develop members of
the force, so as to build a modern, respectable,
professional and responsive institution that is fit
for purpose.
> Read More
The privatisation of the
Sierra Leone Telecommunications Company - Sierratel
is long overdue...but
20 June 2011
After all, Sierratel has a highly strategic function
as controllers of the country’s telecommunications
gateway, which must be safeguarded irrespective of
ownership of the company.
While Sierratel has consistently and for many decades
considered to be a loss-making venture, the manner
in which its services have been stripped away and
diverted to overseas investors is alarming.
The wooing of overseas investors to develop and
deliver the mobile telephone networks has had huge
economic and social costs, despite obvious benefits.
Investors have been given a free hand by the
government to cherry pick aspects of the
telecommunications infrastructure for short-term
profit making.
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Sierratel
has been stripped of vital assets.
This includes its intellectual property rights, which
successive governments have not been competent
enough to assess, value and exploit for the benefit
of tax payers.
The abandonment of the provision and investment in an
efficient landline telephone infrastructure is
destroying competition, and more importantly eroding
consumer choice.
There are suspicions that ministers have secured
private and personal investment interests in most
state-owned enterprises.
> Read More
Local journalist slain over land dispute in
Sierra Leone: Is this a sign of things to come?
15 June 2011
Tensions are rising as lawlessness and criminality
take roots - deep into the heart of many abjectly
impoverished and deprived communities.
The land dispute between the Grafton and Kossoh Town
communities in the outskirts of Freetown, which
allegedly brought the life of a young journalist to
a brutal and abrupt end, is just the thin edge of
the wedge.
For many observers who regard all community lands as
state assets, the government is not seen as an
innocent bystander in these ugly disputes.
In some respects, government policy is regarded as
the driver of the culture shift towards illegal land
deals, which inevitably is turning peaceful
communities into warring factions.
The once evergreen hills and volatile eco-systems of
rural Freetown are fast disappearing, making way for
shanty communes and the construction of illegal
housing. Yet government turns a blind eye.
Indeed, with a government policy that is aimed at
encouraging and assisting the acquisition of land by
investors for large scale mechanized farming,
foreign companies such as Addax have come under
serious attack.
Just a week ago, an international report:
'Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa',
discussed the prevalence and economic and social
consequences of community land sales, especially in
fragile states such as Sierra Leone.
> Read More
Big shake-up at NRA: But has it gone deep enough
to stem the culture of corruption and poor work
9 June 2011
Since the suspension and indictment of the incumbent
Commissioner-General of the NRA – Alieu Sesay, in
2008 for corruption, there has been a significant
improvement in the collection of taxes by the
With the support of the international community,
especially the British government's department for
international affairs – DFID, the Authority has been
restructured, and new computerised systems for the
management and control of the organisation’s affairs
have been implemented.
But a menacing culture of corruption, underperformance
and poor work ethics, continue to undermine and
threaten the implementation of a new DFID sponsored
- high performance management strategy.
Whilst the total revenue collected by the NRA in 2010
exceeded all expectations, analysts were quite
surprised at the very poor performance of the
customs and excise department.
In the first quarter of this year - January to March
2011, the Customs and Excise Department only
collected Le53 Billion, compared to Le126 Billion
raised in income tax in the same period.
This poor performance at the customs and excise comes,
despite the recent implementation of the new ASYCUDA
computerised goods tracking system, which many
believe, is being bye-passed by rogue officers in
order to defraud the state.
> Read More
Is Bumbuna Phase 2
Hydro-electric project another White Elephant?
7 June 2011
The massive cost overrun not only created
embarrassing political fallouts for both the
previous and current governments; but has led to the
collapse of confidence in the government’s ability
to deliver what it promises.
Many Sierra Leoneans were made to believe that the
Bumbuna Phase 1 project will provide energy for the
whole country, with surplus to sell to other
neighbouring states.
The reality is that most people in Sierra Leone today
are still using generators.
Although by their very nature, all projects are
risky and prone to failure, good planning and
effective risk management should have ensured that
the chances of failure are reduced or eliminated.
The controversial debate as to the success or
failure of the first phase of the Bumbuna
Hydro-Electricity Project raises a fundamental
question: whether the estimated $200 Million spent
on the project is value for money.
At the very least, Bumbuna is supposed to be
generating 80 Megawatts of electricity, and should
have created and spun-out thousands of new jobs.
Many in Sierra Leone are now expecting Bumbuna phase 2
to become another white elephant.
The government they say lacks the human resource
capacity needed, to simultaneously manage a large
portfolio of complex development projects.
Sceptics are of the opinion that with the current
financial constraint; too many concurrent projects;
and the government trying to cope with competing
priorities, the success of
Bumbuna Phase 2
may seriously be impeded.
> Read More
Sovereign Equality and its Limitations in
International Law
2 June 2011
The idea of sovereign equality of states puts
forward that 'the conduct of states towards each
other, their regulatory competence within their
boundaries, and their capacities to participate in
and make rules for international system are entitled
to the same level of legal respect regardless of
their territorial size, population, material wealth,
technology or cultural savoir faire'.
However, in recent years this principle has come
under challenge from several sources despite Article
2(4) of the UN Charter stipulating that 'all members
shall refrain in their international relations from
the threat or use of force against territorial
integrity or political independence of any state, or
in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes
of the United Nations'.
The Guinean occupation of Yenga in Sierra Leone, has
not yet brought the two nations to war, but there
are many in Sierra Leone, who are fast becoming
impatient with the Guinean occupation, and the
seeming acquiescence of the government of Sierra
Similarly, the involvement of Liberia's Charles
Taylor who is now standing trial in the Hague for
war crimes committed in Sierra Leone, has raised
many questions about respect for sovereign equality,
and the disdain with which leaders are able to violate
international Law - with impunity.
In this article, Sierra Leonean International Law
expert - Mohamed Kunowah-Tinu Kiellow, discusses the
complexities of the principles of 'sovereign
> Read More
"Fighting climate change takes a village"
30 May 2011
It is still early
on a hot and dusty Wednesday morning, but the
temperature is already above 35 degrees centigrade.
Residents say that it rained just a month ago,
although there is no proof of this.
Plants have shed
their leaves and all the green vegetation has now
changed colour.
Moli Kituvi strides past in search of water, her
container held tightly by one arm.
Because of the
harsh conditions in this parched district some
kilometres from the capital, Nairobi,
one would
expect a long walk ahead of her.
But in the near
distance lies a stretch of green vegetation. Napier
grass, sorghum and other greenery traverse a small
section alongside a dry seasonal river.
With her
calabash, Moli starts scooping sand from the river
bed, one scoop after another. Close to 20
centimetres down, water finally seeps out.
"I only have to
wait less than five minutes, then the water will be
very clear," she says with a smile. Indeed, she soon
fills her bucket. "Now," she says, "I can go to
Moli does not
understand why it is that she is able to find water
in such a dry area. But Kavinya Kata, 35, who herds
her cattle to the same spot, does.
She cites the
sand dams built along the river that have changed
the local environment — and the residents’ lives —
for the better.
Few African
countries are beginning to take the issue of climate
change seriously; and just a handful of governments
in the continent, have put sound policies and
strategies in place, in response to what has been
described as one of the most challenging issues of
our time.
In Sierra Leone,
the effects of climate change are profoundly
worrying, yet the response from the government is
almost non-existent.
> Read More
New partnership to increase
the capacity of Bumbuna Hydro-dam to 400 Mega Watts:
Is this the light at the end of the tunnel?
23 May 2011
Sierra Leone's Bumbuna hydro-electricity project was
commissioned in 2009, with a planned capacity of 80
Mega Watts.
But observers say that this planned output has never
been achieved due to poor planning and
The dam’s operation is also being hampered by the
irregularity of water supply from the river source,
and frequent technical breakdowns.
Average daily electricity output from Bumbuna does
not exceed 35 Mega Watts.
Hence the signing of a memorandum of understanding
between the country’s ministry of energy and Joule
Africa should mark a significant hiatus in the
government’s drive to salvage the Bumbuna project.
Joule Africa will develop Bumbuna to produce
"incremental increase in power capacity up to 350
MW, bringing the total Bumbuna power capacity to 400
Mega Watts", says the government.
Although this agreement would be welcomed as a step in
the right direction, concerns must be expressed
regarding the major mistakes made in the management
and delivery of Bumbuna Phase One:
failure to undertake a robust feasibility study
that should have included an analysis of risks,
costs and benefits.
But the government has this time around, assured that
Joule Africa’s "Work is anticipated to start on the
initial feasibility studies within thirty days".
"Increasing the availability of affordable power has
been a top priority for the APC since coming to
power in 2007. I was delighted to commission the
first phase of the Bumbuna Hydroelectric project,
which has delivered a significant increase in energy
to Freetown. The signing of this partnership with
Joule Africa makes possible the next major step in
this journey" - says the President.
But is this the light at the end of the tunnel for
Sierra Leone?
> Read More
President Koroma chairs ‘fuel and economic
summit’ at State House
18 May 2011
According to State House report, President Ernest
Bai Koroma on Monday, met with petroleum marketing
companies, dealers, civil society groups, and other
stakeholders for a 'fuel and economic summit' at
State House.
The President is calling for "comprehensive
solutions to issues adversely impacting on the
country’s overall economy and the people".
He calls "for quick solutions to the problems
created by the recent change to the metric system
and simultaneous adjustment in the price of fuel".
But there is no quick fix to the crisis.
The President does not accept responsibility for the
government’s failure to predict the likely outcome
of the change to metric and the removal of
government subsidy.
He is confident of his approach in managing the
Many observers would regard Monday’s 'fuel and
economic summit' as a damage limitation strategy and
a PR exercise.
It is reported by State House that in concluding the
'fuel and economic summit' the President "appealed
to stakeholders to be very careful in their work and
to engage seriously on the relevant issues, to find
lasting solutions to the country’s perennial
What is critical for the survival of the government,
is whether those comprehensive and durable solutions
to the country’s problems will come quickly enough,
with the 2012 general elections just twelve months
In the meantime, the youth unemployment queues are
getting longer; inflation is running out of control;
poverty is widening – engulfing those in the working
population; and the water shortage exacerbated by
increasing electricity outage, continues to pose
serious threat to the very fabric of Sierra Leone’s
But has the summit done enough to avert social
and political instability?
> Read More
It is time for the opposition SLPP to take a look
at itself in the mirror as Dr. Sama Banya speaks out
13 May 2011
writing in the Sierra Express Media today, veteran
politician and Senior Party Grandee – Dr. Sama Banya
has accused the Party Chairman of putting personal
interests ahead of the Party. He calls on John
Benjamin and other Executive members "to swallow
humble pie and allow progress" to evolve.
There is little doubt that Party Chairman - Benjamin
and his executives may argue that their decisions
and actions have been taken in the fullest interest
of the Party, especially the conducting of those
local and regional representation elections.
Following recent media speculation as to Dr. Banya’s
position since the granting of the court injunction,
and his alleged anti-Benjamin fervour, he has now
decided to put all such speculations and accusations
to bed. He has spoken out:
"If the National Executive had listened to our advice
all of what we are going through now would certainly
have been avoided."
"Unfortunately John Benjamin and his colleagues dug
their feet in and were determined NOT to hold any
constituency, district and regional elections before
a national delegates’ conference."
"They have used all sorts of procedures, none of which
has been helpful; on the contrary they have only
landed us where we are at the moment."
"I must state here that a lot of progress was made in
the last couple of weeks with a broad agreement on
the way forward. Here I must commend the patience
and tenacity of all concerned."
"It is therefore a matter of disappointment that the
National Chairman and his executive are moving in a
way that I can only describe as dragging their
> Read More
Tackling the blight of poor
governance and economic mismanagement, and the
resultant violation of the people's right to food
13 May 2011
obligation to respect existing access to adequate
food, requires state actors not to take any measures
that result in preventing such access.
The obligation to respect requires that the state
abstain from interfering in the existing enjoyment
of a right — in this case the human right to food.
This includes direct interference by the state in
the enjoyment of the right, and also the withdrawal
of existing programs or processes that facilitate
enjoyment of the right.
government of Sierra Leone, led by President Ernest
Koroma has since coming to power, taken measures
that result in preventing people’s access to food.
More than a year ago, the government introduced the
Goods and Services Tax in Sierra Leone.
introduction of this tax has led to the escalation
of prices of basic commodities, while the salaries
of workers in the private and public sectors remain
the same.
As a result of the GST tax, people now spend 15%
more than they earn. Consequently, the people’s
right to food has been threatened, and many could no
longer afford a single meal a day. This action by
the government has caused untold suffering to the
people of Sierra Leone.
In addition, the government has also cut off all
measures in the form of subsidies that were put in
place by the former SLPP government, meant to reduce
the prices of basic commodities. As far as I am
concerned, these are retrogressive measures that are
not in favour of the suffering majority in Sierra
Secondly, the much trumpeted government agricultural
policy has not contributed much to poverty
alleviation. Most of the projects being undertaken
by the government are marred by corruption, or lack
coordination in their implementation.
> Read More
Uncontrolled Government Spending has weakened Sierra
Leone’s Economy
8 May 2011
Early this year - January 2011, the Sierra Leone
Telegraph predicted a gloomy outlook for Sierra
Leone's economy in 2011, as a consequence of the
government's poor fiscal management and growing
structural deficit.
Four months on, the cost of living has worsened;
inflation is running at double digits
and escalating; and the supply of essential
utilities - water, electricity and fuel, is becoming
dangerously sparse.
"The sustainability of the country’s growing debt is
becoming worrisome, at a time when economic growth
is expected to slow down after its above sub-sahara
average of 4% in 2010.
Yet the dominant presence of the government in the
financial market, does not seem to be abating, as
government continues to sell Hundreds of Billions
(Leones) of Treasury Bonds.
Using new debt to cover old debt is never considered
as sound fiscal policy; not withstanding the impact
that increased government borrowing is having on the
ability of the private sector to grow the economy.
At the end of 2010, government’s debt was estimated
at over $800 Million – and growing.
On the one hand, commercial banks are being
encouraged by the Central Bank to gulp down copious
amounts of Government Treasury Bonds, while
concurrently asking the banks to increase their
capital base.
But it can be rather difficult to 'have your cake
and eat it' at the same time, as the government is
set to soon discover" - says our report.
How sustainable is the government's Agenda for
> Read More
Free health care for people
with disability: A plea to President Ernest Bai
Koroma for a policy change
26 May 2011
His Excellency, while we are all receptive to
government’s initiatives aimed at improving public
health in Sierra Leone, I ask you most kindly to
start thinking about the plight of people with
People with disability are not at all disabled, they
are only suffering from a disability, and their
lives could, with no iota of doubt, be improved if
they are also provided with free access to medical
The quality of life lost as a result of a disability,
can sometimes far outweigh that of the sick. People
with disability do find it almost impossible to
access healthcare because they are either, by
diagnosis, physically or mentally compromised.
They are also not in gainful employment, which makes
it impossible for them to afford proper medical
Indeed, this makes disability an issue of great
significance for public policy, and deserves the
bi-partisan cooperation of all political Parties in
Sierra Leone.
Without free health care for people with disability,
they are very likely to continue to suffer from
their daily deplorable experiences, which will
further worsen their quality of life and reduce
their life expectancy.
The issue of disability in Sierra Leone is very
poignant, because there has never been a national
health service that cares about the health and
social care needs of those affected.
This situation is not only peculiar of Sierra Leone
as a country, but also of many other developing
countries - if not all, but most.
Undoubtedly, the past brutal civil war has also
negatively contributed to the burden of disability
in the country. Most of us have seen or experienced
some form of disability, as a result of the war.
A policy change is needed.
> Read More
Koroma calls for national renewal as the country
celebrates 50 years of self-rule
29 April 2011
"We must all come on board to push this country
forward. We must all be contributors and monitors of
our development. I am today conferring the title of
Public Monitor on all Sierra Leoneans. It is the
business of every Public Monitor to be interested in
the implementation of public projects and contracts
to ensure value for money.
Government shall soon introduce a Bill in
Parliament setting out the framework for public
Public monitoring will be aided by a
government accountability portal TRANSPARENCY SIERRA
LEONE through which citizens would monitor the
implementation of public projects, and to ask
questions on implementation.
Fellow Sierra Leoneans, our people are mostly clear
about what this country should become in the next
fifty years; a developed democratic country that is
a global example of inter-ethnic harmony, religious
tolerance, gender equity, unity, freedom and
justice. My government’s Agenda for Change is an
action oriented interpretation of these aspirations.
To ensure that we continue the momentum, this
generation must chart out the specific action
oriented details of our aspirations for the next
fifty years. It is in this light that we shall
be organizing the Sierra Leone Conference to map out
the broad parameters of our actions for a New Sierra
> Read
“Sierra Leone at
50 can feed itself if there is the political will to
do so”
27 April 2011
Sierra Leoneans
across the world today celebrate 50 years of
independence from British colonial.
But sadly, as the
celebrations unfold, many of the country’s citizens
– over 50% will be going to bed hungry.
After 50 years of
independence, if there is one single indicator as to
the level of impoverishment and poor governance
suffered by the people of Sierra Leone, it is the
inability of the country to feed itself.
governments of Sierra Leone have not only
prioritised rice production since 1961, but have
made substantial budgetary allocations, which sadly
have yielded very little.
In 2007 a bag of
rice, which fed a family of three for a month, cost
Le60,000. Today that family has to pay a staggering
Le135,000 for the same bag of rice.
The World Food
Programme has embarked on a massive 'food for work'
programme funded by the UN to combat hunger in
Sierra Leone, since the end of the war in 2001.
How does one
square up this grim reality with the fact that the
government, through an appointed Quango, has in the
last few months spent Le800 Million on fire works to
celebrate 50 years of independence - a disgraceful
decision that has brought so much debate and
> Read More |
The ghosts of Bumbuna and Guma threatening 50
years independence celebrations
21 April 2011
The Guma Valley is fast drying out, with changes in
the country’s weather patterns, and environmental
This is being exacerbated by water leaks from the old
pipes buried under the city, many of which have been
damaged by construction workers and criminals
illegally tapping into the water grid.
Most households in Freetown have in the last twelve
months experienced increasing shortage of pipe-borne
water. The east of the city is worst affected.
The intermittent supply of electricity is adding
further difficulty to the woes of residents across
the city, putting great strain on their daily
Many areas of Freetown have in the last six months
experienced serious electricity outage, the
frequency and coverage of which, are quite
reminiscent of the pre-Koroma era.
'Kabba Tiger' - the popular domestic generator used by
almost every household, has returned.
Residents living in the Kissy and Wellington suburbs
are enduring acute electricity and water shortage.
Some residents say that they have to go without
essential supplies, for up to six days each week.
President Koroma had pledged to transform the image of
the capital – Freetown, from that of "the darkest
city on the planet", by spending hundreds of
millions of dollars on fuel annually to keep the
electricity power plants running.
> Read More
50th anniversary of independence lacks
substance without Freedom of Information Bill
18 April 2011
In colonial times, few
in Sierra Leone could utter the word - 'diamond', in
a country that produced one of the largest stock of
diamond in the world; not because of illiteracy,
but out of fear.
Today, Sierra Leoneans are incapacitated in many ways
- economically, socially, and politically, by a
government that seems afraid of people's power and
their 'right to know'.
But the grim reality is that the
development of Sierra Leone and the growth of the
economy will remain stunted, for as long the
government continues to deny the people their
freedom of access to public information.
What good is it for the governed – citizens, to
be empowered only to legitimize the authority of the
governor, once in every five years, if
they cannot have access to public information, which
tells them about the governor's performance?
There are serious doubts among the people of Sierra
Leone, as to whether the nation has been able to
cement the three grand principles upon which the
country was founded: 'Unity, Freedom and Justice'.
And, the proposed Freedom of Information Act, would
clearly have served to demonstrate to the people of
Sierra Leone and the world at large, the extent to
which 'Freedom' has been achieved, since gaining
independence from colonial rule – 50 years ago.
> Read More
Investing in Africa's farms
and its future
Ernest Harsch
16 April 2011
In 2009, according to the latest estimates of the UN
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Sierra
Leone grew 784,000 tonnes of rice, well above the
550,000 tonnes needed for domestic consumption and a
third higher than the previous five-year average.
The absence of war is one factor, since it allows
farmers to tend their crops in peace. Rainfall,
while erratic, has generally been sufficient as
But perhaps the most important element has been the
government's enhanced support for agriculture.
In 2008 President Ernest Bai Koroma, who had just been
elected the year before, declared that agriculture
would be his administration's second highest
development priority, after energy.
For Sierra Leone and the rest of Africa, this is a
critical time. In early February the FAO reported
that its food price index had increased for the
seventh consecutive month.
Since most African countries do not produce enough
food of their own, UN estimates, the continent
spends about $33 Billion annually importing food.
> Read More |
Sierra Leone - 50 Long
2 May 2011
"In January 2002, subsequent to the countrywide
conclusion of the disarmament process in Sierra
Leone, the brutal war came to an end.
Since 2002, Sierra Leone has managed to make
considerable progress in re-establishing governance
structures and sustaining the peace.
Freetown - the capital now appears to be normal and
safe to travel around, and so it is for most areas
of the country.
Although most people I interacted with in Sierra Leone
are satisfied with the current APC government headed
by Ernest Bai Koroma, yet beneath the semblance of
peace, discontent seems to be growing among many
young people, due to high rates of youth
Moreover, with 53% of the country’s 2011 budget
financed by grants, Sierra Leone is still largely
dependent on international aid.
While many ex-child combatants that I interviewed in
many parts of Sierra Leone, including Freetown,
Makeni, Kono and Moyamba were
disgruntled with the official Disarmament,
Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programme,
there were also those who were satisfied with the
But most ex-combatants I interacted with at the Lumley
car wash in Freetown, were disappointed with the
> Read More
Will the dark cloud of Ivory Coast cast its long
shadow on Sierra Leone’s 2012 elections?
13 April 2011
Those claiming to be speaking on the behalf of the
international community, and thus empowered to act
as such, may not necessarily and at all times,
represent the voice of common sense and justice.
This was clearly evident in the case of Ivory Coast
and Sierra Leone.
There are often, too many complex and disparate
geo-political agendas at work, such as the ever
present urge and temptation for former colonial
powers to continue to exert their authority and

Leone's NEC Boss |
Prior to the 2010 general elections in Ivory Coast,
relationship between President Laurent Gbagbo and
the French government had broken down irretrievably.
Regime change was the only acceptable outcome for
France, in what was fast becoming a political crisis
in the making.
There was absolutely nothing Gbagbo could have done
to prove to the world that the 2010 election results
had been manipulated against his favour.
The country’s UN sponsored National Electoral
Commission had declared Alhassan Ouattara winner of
the highly controversial election
run-off by a margin of 8%.
Circumstances leading up to the tragic events in
Ivory Coast, are no different to Sierra Leone’s 2007
> Read More |
Random Musing: ‘The last fig leaf of denial’
Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon
4 April 2011
In-fighting and internal intrigues are doing SLPP's
bruised and battered image no justice, while eroding
the chances of re-grouping for power.
The slow song of the ruling Party’s first term has
started. Yet there appears to be no one to hold the
hands of the SLPP, thus ensuring that it will not end up
with tears rolling down its cheeks as the 2012 music
pitches on the high note.
The challenge for the SLPP was to look like a
'must-have' designer outfit, rather than a tailor’s
dummy. But instead, its members are busy waving
their hands like a happy drunk at the start of a
Instead of making a headway on a landscape fit for a
moonwalk, members of the party, still reeling from
the self-inflicted sucker punch of 2007, have
single-handedly and more than the surreptitious
underplay and sponsored incursions of its rivals,
ensured that the party is in no frame of
electability, by putting its prime in the rear-view
> Read More
The end of Sierra Leone's
150 years love affair with British
Imperial Measurements
2 April 2011
Observers say that Sierra Leoneans have been caught by
surprise, especially traders that have not been
sensitized or assisted in developing their capacity
and in putting new systems in place.
Most consumers too, will find the change daunting, as
they try to work out the difference between a gallon
and a
litre of petrol.
There is little doubt that prices will go up
immediately at the shops and markets, as the cost of
fuel rise.
Inflation in Sierra Leone is currently running at more
than 20%, and is likely to be exacerbated by this
latest bombshell from the government.
But why, after more than 150 years of Sierra Leone’s
'love affair' with the imperial standard of
measurement, has the government decided to cut
And what effects would this change have on the
country's economy?
> Read More |
Minister Samura counts the cost of Sierra Leone’s
health care programme
1 April 2011
"We are however faced with a number of binding
constraints; one of which is what this panel is
called upon to consider - how to find more
money for healthcare for all.
Domestic budgetary constraints have restrained our
ability to achieve this objective.
Hence, many governments in Africa are forced to
restrict themselves to providing only limited
access, focusing on some of the most vulnerable –
women and children.
This certainly, may be regarded as the most
appropriate first step towards universal coverage,
given the very high maternal and infant mortality
Such a situation, even if adequately funded, which is
obviously not the case, is untenable, as a sizable
proportion of the population is left out; the
youths, the physically charged, and the aged.
We are making substantial improvements in rebuilding
the sector in post conflict period. Health
facilities have been increased by over 30% since
> Read More |
International Crisis Group calls for greater UN
resolve as both Ouattara and Gbagbo strengthen
their intransigence
28 March 2011
Ouattara’s excuse is that the AU’s appointee has a
"personal relationship" with the beleaguered
President of the Ivory Coast – Gbagbo.
But such relationships are not uncommon between
heads of states and senior government officials,
across the continent.
Many analysts now believe that Ouattara’s
intransigence is seriously undermining all efforts
by the international community to pull the country
back from the brink, as the death toll mounts. The
number of people killed in fierce fighting is now
estimated at 500.
Ouattara is relying on segments of the international
community that are in favour of military
intervention, to shoot their way into the Ivory
Coast’s Presidential palace, so as to bring about
his coronation to the throne. But the price of
military intervention will be costly to civilian
Politics in Ivory Coast is not only demarcated by a
north-south divide, but by tribal and religious
sentiments, which makes the conflict all the more
It is for this reason that proponents and advocates
of the formation of a 'government of national unity'
– including the African Union, are increasingly
becoming impatient with both sides of the conflict.
> Read More |
Sierra Leone’s opposition SLPP debunks government’s
record on the economy and corruption
March 2011
"Today our nation is faced with prices increasing at
an unacceptable level, which is intensely felt in
every household, farm and business.
Even though the Bank of Sierra Leone met the minimum
foreign currency reserve requirement, the excessive
government spending exerted pressure on the exchange
Hence the Leone depreciated from around Le3, 950 by
the end of 2009 to around Le4, 350 by the end of December 2010.
The fulfilment of our reserves target was not due to
increased foreign exchange raised by Government, but
rather, reserves accumulated through budgetary
support from DFID, EU and the World Bank.
Otherwise, the ruling APC Government would have
missed out in achieving any of the laid down IMF
criteria in the absence of such budgetary support.
There is hardly any week that the press does not
unearth corrupt practices by senior officials in
Government" - says John Benjamin.
> Read More |
“There is a new scramble for
African riches – its consumers” – says André-Michel
24 March 2011
Across the continent, new deals involving major
foreign corporations are becoming a common
occurrence in industries previously considered
Nestlé, the Swiss food giant, has announced plans to
spend $1 billion by 2013, for acquisitions in
various African countries.
This include investments in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, Nigeria and Angola.
Less than two years ago, Nestlé’s main competitor,
France’s Danone, took full ownership of South
Africa’s leader in fresh cultured dairy products,
Investments in African infrastructure, services and
retail sales - development experts note, could have
a very positive impact on African economies.
For a continent so long regarded by outside
observers as "hopeless", the coming years are likely
to bring more good news.
Having weathered the global recession better than
most regions of the world, Africa’s growth rate is
now second only to that of Asia.
> Read More
"We may forgive - but we must never
Dr. Sama Banya – Freetown
23 March 2011
The assault from Liberia did not
begin in Bomaru, but in a small village called
Bandoma (meaning on the boundary) in the Kpombali
section of Luawa chiefdom.
It was Christmas Eve, and most of the
able bodied men and women had left for the weekly
market day in the section headquarter town,
It turned out that renegade soldiers
of Charles Taylor’s army had entered the village and
looted it of all available food stuff. No one was
killed or injured.
The government of President Joseph
Saidu Momoh sent relief supplies about a month
They therefore entered Bomaru to
settle scores.
The first civilian to be caught in
the cross-fire - Baindu John, is still alive and in
As stated earlier it was a sad day
for the inhabitants of the village, but that day,
March 23, was only the beginning for them and for
the rest of the country.
Our President issued a stern warning
to Charles Taylor and his government, that the
Sierra Leone government viewed the unprovoked
aggression with the utmost seriousness, threatening
hot pursuit in the unlikelihood of a repetition.
What a vain threat it turned out to
be, because when Charles Taylor’s Krahn soldiers
finally launched their assault, Daru, our main
garrison in the south-east, didn’t even have a
single operational vehicle.
> Read More
Will the newly launched Youth Employment Support
Project achieve its mission?
18 March 2011
"The strategic shift from employability to employment
- oriented interventions, coupled with developing
the area of matching the supply and demand for
labour, were highly recognized as key for the sector
by the new strategy."
"Another major strategic shift in the sector is to
focus on stimulating economic development –
including private sector development and local
economic development – as a catalyst to creating the
demand for jobs.
It is this strategic shift that this project and other
on-going and planned interventions seek to address
in a systematic and sustainable manner. As you can
see, all these activities would require the
appropriate institutional framework to coordinate
the sector.
This is why my Government is taking steps to
facilitate the operations of the National Youth
Commission to take the lead in promoting
coordination and harmonization in the youth
development sector" - says President Koroma.
> Read More
Are Sierra Leonean diasporans returning home more
corrupt than their home grown public sector
9 March 2011
Diasporan returnees back then in the
1960s, were mostly doctors and lawyers entering
medical and judicial practice, psychologically
overwhelmed by the joys and challenges of the
country’s achievement of independence.
Of course, there was the 1967
pre-election dirty tricks campaign, which was
dominated by personal media attacks, waged by the
Siaka Stevens’ APC propaganda machine, against his
SLPP rivals in government. They were accusing the
SLPP government of tribalism and mal-administration.
But fast forward to the 1970s, it
seemed then, as though the art and science of
CORRUPTION had been invented in Sierra Leone, with
'Professor' Siaka Stevens – the inventor himself -
in charge of the loot.
Sierra Leone’s Inflation
Committee tells President Koroma to sort out the
rising cost of goods himself
5 March 2011
Although it is not unusual, and indeed it is good
practice, for heads of states to have regular
discussions with industry leaders, so as to check
the pulse of the economy, there are now doubts as to
the level of trust and confidence President Koroma
has, for those responsible for the running of key
institutions of his government.
Since the government took office in 2007, the fact
remains - overall inflationary trend has been going
The Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone, the Minister
of Finance, and the Minister of Trade and Industry,
should be the eyes and ears of the President, rather
than the three servants that: sees no evil – hears
no evil – speaks no evil.
But, have they failed in looking after the economy
or simply ran out of economic policy ideas?
> Read More
Sierra Leone’s
National Revenue Authority: Does Parliament fully
appreciate its functions?
2 March 2011
On the 11th
February, 2011, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament
brought forward a motion to withhold seventy-five
percent of the NRA’s 2011 budgetary allocation, on
the grounds that previous and current management of
the Authority had not produced end of year accounts.
the merits of this argument, it is rather surprising
that the current Acting Commissioner General was not
invited by the Parliamentary Finance Sub-committee,
for investigations.
There are rumours of sabotage - ironically, not
perpetrated by opposition Parliamentarians.
> Read More
"African Minerals’ $10M
payment needs no fanfare"
Theophilus S. Gbenda
12 March 2011
seems in recent months as if our newspapers and many
of our journalists, who enjoy the payment they
receive for printing African Minerals' propaganda and
job adverts, would have us believe that he and his
company - here to exploit our mineral wealth - are
some kinds of 'Latter Day Saints'.
They are here to make profits, big as they possibly
can. And make no mistake about it – they are
anything but saints, and their business is anything
but charity.
Take a look at Mr. Timis' very questionable
reputation. Those who interview him say he uses
obscenities in great number, and in London he is
known as "The Gusher".
His previous forays into the oil business earned him
headlines calling him a "rogue oil man".
London Evening Standard reported that in 2005, Timis
claimed that Regal Petroleum, the London-based oil
company he was running, had made a major find off
Greece. In fact, the discovery proved to be
commercially unviable.
Too late — investors who believed in Regal lost
their shirts as the share price plunged. No problem,
apparently, for Mr. Timis.
happened to the missing 50th Independence
celebrations' $1.6 Million?" – Vickie Remoe speaks
24 February 2011
One month into the job at the end of October, five
members of the committee - including the Chairman
and Executive Secretary, had taken a 10 day trip to
Nigeria to" learn from the Nigerian independence
experience, and also to gather Sierra Leoneans in
Lagos and Abuja to raise funds for the
The committee spent close to $80,000 on plane
tickets and per diem, but they came back penniless.
When they returned to Sierra Leone, the Chairman
then proceeded to the United States, but
was quick to admit upon his return, that the trip had
been a failure.
> Read More
Office of Diasporan Affairs unveils plans for –
'Sierra Leone at 50: The Peace Legacy'
Isata Kabia
Special Assistant - Diaspora Affairs
15 March 2011
The idea is to have an Olympic torch being run in
each of our districts, 13 days prior to the 27th and
then finishing in Freetown on the 27th of April.
The torch will be launched on April 15th. It will
run for about 5 miles in each district, before being
driven to the next district to be handed over, along
with a gift from the preceding district.
The opening ceremony will occur at the city centre
of the first town, with a gathering of district
heads, chiefdom heads, and religious leaders, both
Christians and Muslims.
We need to emphasize our success in religious
tolerance, and make a greater effort in attaining
the same for political and cultural tolerance.
The Olympic torch is therefore a perfect symbol for
this event, as we consolidate our peace and build on
national unity.
In light of the fact that we have limited resources,
and time is against us for the Sierra Leone @ 50
celebrations, we have to dig deeper to get to the
essence of what this means for our nation, to be
more resourceful with ideas that will have a lasting
impact, create a legacy without a burden on
> Read More
Sierra Leone's Peoples Party (SLPP) in crisis - What
John Mannah
24 February 2011
SLPP came to power in 1996, when Sierra Leone was
caught up in an internecine rebel imbroglio that
took the lives of over fifty thousand of its
Yet the Party was able to dig very deep, used up the
last arrow in its quiver to end the war.
It succeeded in restoring vigorous economic
activity, with an unprecedented resurgence in
economic growth at a rate of 7 percent per year.
This improvement in economic activity went a long
way towards rebuilding the country’s infrastructure
and improving living conditions of its people.
> Read More
Plans to rid
the streets of Freetown of the mentally ill in
preparation for the celebrations of 50 years of
independence is morally wrong and strategically
Dr. Fawzia Thomas - UK
23 February 2011
This latest policy of ‘mental illness cleansing’ is
reminiscent of government’s action in the early
1990s, when it was declared that Freetown should be
cleansed of the mentally ill who were roaming the
No one would disagree that the mentally ill who pose
safety threats because of their violent disposition,
must be taken off the streets, as a matter of
policy. But it must be done as part of a comprehensive
strategy to address the high incidence of mental
illness in Sierra Leone.
> Read More
Years of Independence: What is there to celebrate?
26 February 2011
"Despite what the 50th Anniversary Committee is
going through, there are important reasons to
celebrate our Anniversary in style and fashion.
It is a Golden Jubilee and at this height, Sierra
Leone is ready to undertake another step forward
towards development."
> Read More
Why Should Sierra Leone’s
50th Independence Anniversary Celebrations be
jeopardised by Corruption?
22 February 2011
In just few months of being established, entrusted
with the responsibility of formulating a national
plan of action and programme of celebrations, to
mark the country’s 50th Independence anniversary,
the management committee has been dogged by poor
governance, skulduggery and mismanagement.
Media reports have suggested that the 50 years of
independence celebrations management committee has
not been able to account for at least $1.6 Million,
donated by various donors in support of the
independence celebrations.
But, as long as there are doubts in the minds of the public
as to the selectivity of the President’s approach in
tackling corruption, his attempts at sanitizing the
corridors of power against corruption shall remain
> Read More
According to information -
Dr. Bu-Buakei Jabbi was to have received Le200
Million from APC to disrupt SLPP’s leadership
election – says Dr. Sama Banya
17 February 2011
For some time now, Dr. Jabbie in spite of his
credentials, has aroused the suspicion of most
members of the Party that he was a mole planted by
the ruling APC.
One of his colleague aspirants, had as much as, said
that, even the learned Doctor’s 50 Million Leones
had been paid by the APC, through the old/new
convert to the APC - J. B. Dauda.
As an individual, I am very disturbed in my mind
about the sincerity of Dr. Jabbie’s commitment to
the SLPP, especially when the talk of money changing
hands comes into the picture.
I have come to this conclusion with a heavy heart, as
I am also aware of his involvement in some critical,
legal battles on behalf of the Party.
> Read More
President Koroma Defends his Democratic Credentials
and Values in Germany
15 February 2011
"Democracy is the best protector of the security of
our people’s aspirations; it is the guarantee of
their freedom; and protector against assaults on
their dignity as human beings, endowed with
fundamental civil, political and social rights."
"whilst we do not deny possibilities of a relapse
into conflict; we strongly believe that our
aspirations for peace and our actions for security,
development and democracy are stronger.
We have had events and happenings that threaten the
peace and security of our country. Some of these
events are external, like the global food and
financial crisis and the elections in Guinea; others
are prompted by actors within the country."
"But my country’s post conflict history is a prime
example of a people who have taken a stance against
a relapse into conflict and repression; it is an
illustration of a people’s commitment to democracy,
and an account of a struggle for dignity, democracy
and development."
President Koroma’s decision to choose 'democracy'
as the main thrust of his speech delivered in
Germany, is his strongest attempt, so far, in trying
to set the record straight as to his democratic
beliefs, values, and ideals.
But cynics and critics would no doubt argue, that
there is a wide gulf existing between the
President’s policy statements, and the actions of
his government in maintaining and promoting,
those liberal democratic values, which so many had
sacrificed their lives to build.
> Read More
Evolution of Parliamentary Democracy: Moments in the
history of Sierra Leone
14 February 2011
"Having inherited a weak economy and poor
infrastructure, lawmakers passed legislation geared
towards improving the economy and raising the living
standards of citizens.
However, political debates became increasingly
antagonistic and, by the early 1970s, cooperation
between the majority and minority Parties in the
House of Representatives had dwindled
"The next two decades saw a phenomenal rise in
the powers and authority of the Presidency, while
those of the legislature continued to decline, as
Parliament was reduced to rubber stamping dictates
from the executive branch.
In 1978, Parliament adopted a new Constitution,
making Sierra Leone a One Party State, with the APC
as the only legally recognized Party.
Few women opted for elective parliamentary office,
due in part, to the extreme violence that
characterized elections."
After fifty years of what can only be described as a
disjointed, independent - self-rule, will the
current ruling APC Party continue to nurture and
preserve those liberal democratic values and
heritage, for which so much sacrifice has been made
by previous generations?
The future of
Sierra Leone's liberal democracy hangs on a balance.
is therefore incumbent upon all political Parties,
including the ruling Party, to respect and uphold
the rule of Law, and provide political space for
plurality to evolve and mushroomed.
Sierra Leone's
political landscape has changed markedly, since the
collapse of the APC-PMDC coalition that was
responsible for guaranteeing electoral victory for
President Koroma's APC in 2007.
> Read More
SLPP’s Presidential Leadership Election: Let the
Facts Speak for Themselves
Dr. John Mannah
11 February 2011
The SLPP is the hope of forward thinking,
progressive and patriotic Sierra Leoneans. And the
race for a place on the Party’s ticket is more
democratic now, than it has ever been, throughout
its history.
SLPP’s leadership election process will help
immensely in preparing its candidate for the 2012
national elections. The winner of the Party leadership race, will be
running against the sitting President, who has an
advantage of incumbency.
When one compares this SLPP leadership election to
the 2004 primaries of the Democratic Party in the
United States, one can certainly draw some
As arduous and tough
as it was, for the contestants of the Democratic
Party’s primary race in 2004, it helped transform
President Barack Obama from a junior, inexperienced
one-term Senator to a seasoned politician, by the
time he won the Democratic nomination.
The SLPP flagbearership contest will no doubt do
the same for the candidate who will emerge as the
winner on the 5th March. It is therefore an understatement to say that the
on-going process to elect a Presidential flagbearer
for the SLPP, on 5th March 2011, has added value to
Sierra Leone’s multi-Party democracy.
It has enhanced our country’s fledgling democratic
credentials immensely.
Members of the SLPP should be proud of that, and
work hard to maintain their liberal democratic
instincts, for the good of country and our people.
> Read More
Is President Koroma's Zero Tolerance for Corruption
2 February 2011
The President’s zero tolerance for
corruption is being fully tested. There
is a lot at stake, as the general
elections slated for July 2012 draws
closer; the outcome of which will be
decided, based upon the government’s
record in tackling corruption, rising
unemployment and abject poverty.
News of corruption at the government’s
national social security office
(NASSIT), the attitudinal and
behavioural change secretariat, the
national revenue authority, the health
ministry, the fisheries ministry, the
lands ministry, and now the nation’s
50th Independence Celebrations
Committee, does not make for good
Sierra Leone’s radio airwaves have been cluttered in
the last few weeks, with strong reactions against
the planned $25 Million to be spent on the 50th
Independence celebrations, for a country that cannot
feed itself nor capable of looking after its sick.
Many in the country have referred to the $25 Million
budget as lop-sided economic thinking, at a time of
extreme global financial austerity.
Poverty in Sierra Leone remains a grave concern for
the country’s stability. Youth unemployment is not
coming down. Mental illness among young people
affected by the ten year long civil war continues to
pose serious threats.
These are the issues that ought to be preoccupying the
minds of those in government, if they are seriously
looking for legacy projects to be funded.
There are very few job opportunities in the country,
yet corruption scandals in government departments
and agencies, appear to be growing.
The Anti-Corruption Commission is quite busy, painting
a rather chequered canvass for itself, with which
its performance will be judged.
> Read More
consolidation of the Rule of Law in Sierra Leone had
slowed down in 2010, sparking fears of the country
heading backwards - says Human Rights Watch Report.
9 February 2011
Endemic public and private corruption has for decades
undermined development, and was one of the major
factors underpinning the 11-year armed conflict that
ended in 2002.
High levels of unemployment, persistent weaknesses in
the performance of the police and judiciary, and
increased political tension in advance of the 2012
elections slowed the consolidation of the rule of
While President Koroma repeatedly admonished
government officials to desist from corrupt
practices, the May resignation of ACC Commissioner
Abdul Tejan-Cole, reportedly over security concerns
and government interference, and the ACC’s
subsequent failure to investigate or indict several
ruling party politicians, raised concerns that
recent gains would be reversed.
Serious deficiencies in the judicial system persist,
including extortion and bribe-taking by officials;
insufficient numbers of judges, magistrates, and
prosecuting attorneys; unprofessional conduct and
absenteeism by court personnel; and inadequate
remuneration for judiciary personnel.
The police in Sierra Leone continue to engage in
unprofessional and at times criminal behaviour.
There were persistent allegations of crime victims
being required to pay for investigations and of
police involvement in extortion, solicitation of
bribes, and other criminal acts.
> Read More
SLPP Chairman - John Benjamin Strongly Condemns the
Defection of Party Presidential Aspirant to
the Ruling APC
31 January 2011
"Ladies and Gentlemen, in the wake of one of our
former flagbearer aspirant defecting to the ruling
APC Party, we have been subjected to media reports
that our Party should expect more defections from
our ranks to that of APC."
"Let me say that as Party Leader, I will continue to
have fullest confidence in every single member of
the Sierra Leone Peoples Party until such time as
that member decides to betray the cause. Media
reports of defections do not discourage me, and I
appeal to you not to be discouraged
by such reports.
Sierra Leone’s multi-Party democracy needs to be
sustained by all means possible. We cannot, I
repeat, we cannot allow it to fail. Multi-Party
democracy is the best form of Governance for Sierra
"The challenge to us is, in ensuring that in spite of
all the difficulties we are facing, and in spite of
all the intimidation and incentives being offered to
SLPP members to jump ship, that we put our shoulders
to the wheel, to ensure the continued existence of a
Multi-Party Democratic State of Sierra Leone."
Many people defend those who seek to graze on
lucrative pastures of the APC, as being on a mission
to ‘serve the Nation’. This is untrue and should be
scorned! They are on a selfish mission which will
take this country back to the One-Party days at
great detriment to the ordinary man.
Only a multi-Party democratic culture with distinct
dichotomy between the two main political Parties can
firmly embed democracy into our Nation."
"The ruling APC seems to be ready to stop at
absolutely nothing to undermine the chances of the
SLPP at the 2012 Elections. This includes, paying of
SLPP members within our ranks, to act as moles and
spies, transmitting sensitive information from
within our ranks to the APC."
> Read More
"Why I Left The
Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP)"
Professor Ritchard Tamba
29 January 2011
have not asked for, nor have I received money from
the APC, as an enticement to defect. I was not
acting on anyone’s behalf but myself. And His
Excellency has not promised me a job! We
both are happy that we will be able to talk again
about matters of policy affecting our country as we
always did. But I assured him that whenever he needs
me, I’ll be on the next flight back to my country.
If this is a crime, I plead guilty!
APC spy? No! If that were the case why would I post
my campaign photos on my Facebook knowing that
sooner or later, I’ll be defecting or I will be
found out? They are still there.
Spies don’t behave like that! They cover their
trail, and any honest person desiring to know the
whole truth about my recent action can follow that
trail to find out if this was a deliberate act of
Besides, I conducted my campaign in a more
transparent manner than the SLPP conducts its
business. I signed at least two petitions, together
with other aspirants, protesting against some of the
But the leadership was not interested in openly
dealing with such grievances. Our petitions were
dismissed without any consideration.
> Read More
Cutting Through the Ivorian Impasse: "An ECOWAS
Court For An ECOWAS Problem"
Rakwena Molefe
Pan African - New York, USA
24 January 2011
It is grossly illegitimate for France to call on
Laurent Gbagbo to step down, and much worse - to set
the date for stepping down.
ECOWAS and the African Union were also wrong to have
echoed France, or appearing to be echoing France.
Electoral disputes and conflicts will continue in
West Africa and across the African continent. The
duty of the African Union is to establish a Pan
African Court; and to strengthen independent states
and regional courts to be able to resolve electoral
and all other disputes and conflicts peacefully.
Africa may use military force only in the last
resort, so as to stop the torture and killings of
innocent civilians, and to enforce the rulings of a
Pan African Court.
The threat by ECOWAS and the African Union to invade
and remove Laurent Gbagbo by military force,
discounts collateral damage, especially the loss of
innocent civilian lives, and the diversion of scarce
resources needed by the West African countries to
rebuild from civil wars.
The UN, ECOWAS and African Union cannot be regarded
as impartial arbiters to the conflict in the Ivory
Their stated bias for military intervention is a
consequence of the absence of a Pan African Court.
> Read More
Higher Government Spending Could Leave Sierra
Leone’s Economy Weaker in 2011
14 January 2011
The sustainability of the country’s growing debt is
becoming worrisome, at a time when economic growth
is expected to slow down after its above sub-sahara
average of 4% in 2010.
Yet the dominant presence of the government in the
financial market, does not seem to be abating, as
government continues to sell Hundreds of Billions
(Leones) of Treasury Bonds.
Using new debt to cover old debt is never considered
as sound fiscal policy; not withstanding the impact
that increased government borrowing is having on the
ability of the private sector to grow the economy.
At the end of 2010, government’s debt was estimated
at over $800 Million – and growing.
On the one hand, commercial banks are being
encouraged by the Central Bank to gulp down copious
amounts of Government Treasury Bonds, whiles
concurrently asking the banks to increase their
capital base.
But it can be rather difficult to 'have your cake
and eat it' at the same time, as the government is
set to soon discover.
According to the Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the Commercial Banks, speaking at
the Extraordinary General Stakeholders Meeting, held
in Freetown in December 2010; "the increase in the
capital base will allow for credit to be extended to
more customers."
But there are sceptics, who believe that it is highly
unlikely the banks would be able to double their
capital base through the open market, when
government is at the same time, offering 25%
interest rate on Treasury Bonds, compare to
commercial banks' savings account rate
of 1-2%.
So, how business friendly is President
Koroma’s Government?
> Read More
"The Irrationality of Replacing a
Winning Horse in the Middle of an Epic
Political Race"
Dr. John Mannah
Maryland, USA
18 January 2011
Fresh ideas that are needed for 21st
century organizations to succeed and
attract young people, were developed and
The SLPP once again has become the place
where leaders, policy makers, various
stakeholders, foreign diplomats,
everyday citizens and journalist could
meet, discuss and articulate policies on
the way forward for Sierra Leone.
I am talking about the innovative idea
of the monthly press conference
organized by the Party, coordinated and
chaired by Chairman Benjamin.
This novel idea and initiative, has not
only won accolades for the SLPP, but has
also won the admiration and respect of
the international community.
We should use common sense and
pragmatism to manage our affairs.
Therefore, the focus of the leadership
at this time is to garner all its
resources, and utilize them towards the
prospective flag bearer leadership
conference, slated to make the most
important decision of the Party for the
next national political cycle - the
general election of the presidential
candidate in 2012.
We should not make the mistake of
crowding out this most important event
with an election of new national
executive members for doctrinaire,
dogmatic, and pedagogical reasons.
The SLPP Constitution was designed to
govern the party, through rules and
regulations that cannot be deemed to be
The Party elders and leadership should
do everything in their power, to make
sure that this document is not used as a
bulwark and sledgehammer to stifle the
aspirations of the majority of the Party
> Read More |
Sierra Leone’s
National Revenue Authority: 2010 Tax Revenue
Collection Performance Exceeds all Expectations
10 January
With the start of
2011 already upon us, and the current uncertainty of
the global recession, it is reasonable for Sierra
Leoneans to expect further increases in inflation in
2011, largely driven by the removal of government
subsidy on fuel, which started in November 2010;
exchange rate fluctuations; and global market forces
– especially oil price instability; and pressure on
global finance.
But setting aside
the political fallout and the impact of the GST on
consumers, the performance of the country’s National
Revenue Authority in achieving its tax collection
targets in 2010, has been more than impressive.
When the IMF
negotiated with the government of Sierra Leone and
subsequently approved a new three year Extended
Credit Facility of US$47.88 Million in July last
year, in support of President Koroma’s economic
development programme, there was no doubt as to what
the aim was: "To raise economic growth in the
medium-term by accelerating investments in
infrastructure and social development." The IMF to this
end "welcomed the government's plan to accelerate
public investments in roads, water, and energy, but
stressed the need to constrain non-priority spending
and raise domestic tax collections."
While the three
year extended credit facility of $47.88 Million is
helping the government plug its Le1.4 Trillion
budget deficit for 2010, both the IMF and the
government had pinned all hopes on the National
Revenue Authority to step up and make good on its
efforts to achieve its 2010 tax revenue collection
target of Le930,494 Billion. If preliminary
unofficial NRA figures that are still subject to
confirmation by the Central Bank and the
Accountant-General’s office are correct, then both
the Board and senior management of the NRA have much
to celebrate.
> Read More
West Africa’s “Three Wise Men” returns home empty
handed as President Gbagbo refuses to Relinquish
4 January 2011
Laurent Gbagbo has
been offered 'generous incentives' such as legal
amnesty and safe passage to a 'friendly' country of
his choice, in return for stepping down from Office.
But he remains
steadfastly convinced that he had won the elections.
Both the African Union and ECOWAS are running out of
options. A spokesman for
Laurent Gbagbo has called for the election results
to be re-counted. The dispute centres
on the polling results of the country’s Northern
districts, which the President says have been rigged
by the Opposition Party led by Alassane Ouattara.
Mr. Ouattara is just
as defiant today as the incumbent President – both
claiming victory and legitimacy. Ivory Coast – one of
the richest countries in West Africa, is now
dangerously polarised and divided into the Ouattara
led Northern-Muslim half and Gbagbo’s
Southern-Christian stronghold.
Such polarisation is likely to
make a military offensive - a major
humanitarian disaster, with far reaching
consequences for religious and ethnic cohesion.
> Read More
"Action Needs To Be Taken Now By All African
Internet stakeholders To Increase The Deployment
Of The Next Generation Of
Internet Provider Identifier "
- Says AfriNIC
Adiel Akplogan -
Chief Executive Officer, AfriNIC
20 January 2011
With internet bandwidth becoming more widely available
and less costly, ISPs and broadband providers need
to ensure that the infrastructure is in place to
support this unprecedented growth in Africa, and
consequently the increasing need for more IP
The global Internet is currently running on IP
version four (IPv4). However, the remaining global
supply of this resource is predicted to run out
within the first quarter of 2011.
To ensure that devices can still connect to the
Internet, the technical community developed a new
version of the protocol, IP version six (IPv6) which
provides a much larger pool of addresses.
Adoption of the next generation of IP addresses is
fundamental to continue to be able to connect new
devices to the network, and protect the future
growth of the fixed and mobile Internet in Africa.
AfriNIC is keen to emphasise, that whilst action needs
to be taken by all African Internet stakeholders to
increase IPv6 deployment, there is no need to panic
as such.
ISPs and other businesses must use the time available
to plan for the next stage of Internet growth, and
avoid rushed and potentially expensive deployment
later on.
Only by adopting the new protocol now, can the
region protect and maintain Internet access and a
thriving ICT industry.
> Read More
President Koroma’s Diplomacy Skills and Tact Put to
a Test by ECOWAS: What Lessons for Sierra Leone's
2012 Polls?
31 December 2010
President Koroma is amongst the West African
chosen “Three Wise Men”, including Cape Verde’s
Pedro Pires and Benin’s Yayi Boni, that flew to
Ivory Coast this week to talk Gbagbo into stepping
down, or face military confrontation with the West
African military force - Ecomog.
But the outcome of the meeting with Gbagbo - not
surprisingly, ended in deadlock, as Gbagbo refused
to budge.
The “Three Wise Men” are expected to return to
Ivory Coast on the 3rd January 2011, for what is
scheduled to be the final meeting before Ecomog
troops enters Ivory Coast.
Ivory Coast is on the brink. But what lessons for
Sierra Leone's 2012 polls?
President Koroma won the controversial 2007
general elections in Sierra Leone, after the
opposition SLPP peacefully conceded defeat – thereby
putting country above partisan political
This show of political maturity, magnanimity and
respect for the rule of Law, is now paying huge
dividends for the country’s fledgling democracy.
The international community is investing hundreds
of millions of dollars in aid to resuscitate the
country’s ailing infrastructure, the economy and
public institutions.
Although it would be foolish to attempt to predict
the likely outcome of Sierra Leone’s 2012 polls,
what many independent observers are questioning, is
the readiness with which the incumbent APC
government would be prepared to relinquish power,
should they find themselves on the losing side.
> Read More
Is Parliament rendering the Criminal and Seditious
Libel Laws useless through the back door?
26 December 2010
The erroneous decision by Parliament to set aside the
eligibility requirements of the 1991 Constitution
and the 2002 judgement of the High Court, is now
being shamelessly celebrated by those seeking to
repeal the country’s draconian Criminal and
Seditious Libel Laws, as victory for justice.
In the Christmas Day press release of the Sierra Leone
Association of Journalists (SLAJ), its President –
Umaru Fofana is quoted as saying:
"The fact that Mr. Kamara has been confirmed
despite a criminal conviction barring eligibility to
become a minister means our Parliament has shown
character and modernity and respect for freedom of
the press rendering the Law useless and out of tune
with present-day reality and civility."
To the contrary, what the country’s Parliament has
done is to show its disregard for the rule of Law
and the judiciary.
By setting aside the ruling of the High Court,
Parliament has made a complete mockery of legal due
process, and has bastardized the entire process of
appointing and confirming government Ministers.
Yes, the Public Order Act must be repealed, but not in
this way.
> Read More
Policy and Ideological Discourse on Governance:
"President Koroma needs to surround himself with
competent people - not based on tribal, hegemonic
and regional considerations - but competence"
Dr. John Mannah
Maryland – USA
29 December 2010
What provoked my sensibility as an economist is where
the author – Dr. Bankole Gibson - Assistant CEO of
Cocorioko Newspaper stated:
"I found confusing your explanation of how the concept
of oligopoly applies to the negligence of your Party
to provide the staple food of the nation,
Rice....Are you justifying SLPP’s inattention to the
food crisis by stating that it is supposed to work
that way?"
Adam Smith’s idea of the ideal society was one in
which competition prevailed and the government
allowed everyone to serve his or her self-interest
with a minimum amount of interference from any
central authority.
when I made the statement that "this is how it is
supposed to work", I was referring to the
competitive market system that was the rubric of the
SLPP economic policy of neoliberalism, and within
it, you have the different types of markets.
The SLPP government therefore as a democratic
government that respected the tenets of
constitutional democracy and free enterprise
economic system that goes with it, did not interfere
in the market by selecting who should import rice,
neither flour, nor any other commodity, but left it
to the dictates of the market.
> Read More
Sierra Leone National Revenue Authority: ‘A
Workhorse for the common good or a Gravy Train for
the Few?
17 December 2010
Investigations conducted by the Sierra Leone
Telegraph shows that although the management of the
NRA accepts that the sacked employees are
predominantly from the south-east, according to an
NRA spokesperson who pleads anonymity:
“they were sacked due to irregularities
discovered by the NRA Board and its Management.”
What is at stake in this case is the desperate need
on the one hand to weed out corruption and theft;
and on the other, to ensure that due process and
fairness are seen to be done, transparently and
openly, without any form of intimidation or
discrimination – whether tribal or otherwise. That
is the challenge for the NRA Board and its senior
But what prompted the Audit Investigations that led
to the sacking of those employees, and are the
sackings fair?
> Read More
silliness of President Ernest Koroma’s Government:
The ban on all musical activities is
illiberal, undemocratic and selfish – Part 1
6 January 2011
The Government’s decision it seems, is more a product
of political timing than democratic reasoning. A
political cocktail that started with the scolding of
Emerson’s album, combined with the government
sidling certain sections of the music industry and
boosting the moral of those musicians who sing in
support of government policy, no matter how damming
such a policy may appear.
The government highlighted the recent youth violence
in Freetown in support of its long running campaign
to ban music activities altogether.
But banning the whole music industry because of a
one-off episode of violent behaviour by a small
minority is perverse. There clearly is an obvious
cause for concern here, but not against the music
The government's decision to ban the whole music
industry is not a wise option. If these youth are no
longer able to engage in symbolic musical
expressions of dissent, what other options are
afforded to this group of misguided youth to support
the cause they feel so passionately about?
The music industry provides youth with an
opportunity to channel their anger and views on
pertinent issues that concern them, as long as the
chosen mode of expression is acceptable.
The music industry has served as a brake to more
radical, violent actions such as going back to the
bush to fight. With this avenue now closed in the
eyes of music fans, is there a real concern as to
what path they will take?
> Read More
President Koroma’s New
2011/2012 Class of Ministers: Is this the High
Performing Team that will help uplift Sierra Leone
out of Poverty and Economic Stagnation?
8 December 2010
Early this year, President Koroma announced the
audacious and unexpected sacking of the country's
Chiefs of Defence and Police Force, in what was seen
as a move aimed at countering accusations of
harbouring corrupt 'sacred cows' in his government.
The sacking last Saturday, of the current Attorney
General and Justice Minister – Serry Kamal from the
2011/2012 Class of ministers, has sent shock waves
across the ruling APC Party.
Some analysts say that in getting rid of the Attorney
General, President Koroma is clearing the deck of
some of the old guards, whom he had regarded as one
time adversaries a few years back, in a bitter legal
battle for the Party leadership.
With unemployment running out of control, poverty
levels worsening, inflation rising, and economic
growth not expected to show significant signs of a
recovery before 2012, President Koroma was truly
expected to pull a rabbit out of his cabinet
reshuffling hat.
But his announcement has left many feeling
disappointed. The President has chosen to play it
safe with his choice of ministers, especially those
that are directly responsible for key ministries
that should take the lead in promoting job creation,
tackling poverty, and grow the economy.
> Read More
“Fallout from recent Cabinet
Dr. Sama Banya (Puawui)
14 December 2010
"Iscandari cannot understand his Excellency’s failure
to appoint more members of the APC living in the
Diaspora to ministerial positions.
He expresses equal disappointment at the President’s
appointment of some members of the diplomatic corps,
and criticizes the President for the latter’s
failure to curb indiscipline and violence (referring
to the recent violence against the SLPP in Kono), as
well as his failure to curb corruption.
Others have criticized President Koroma for daring to
nominate J.B.Dauda for a ministerial post in an APC
It is anathema to them and if they had their way, they
would reverse or annul the entire exercise.
Well, they can still do so through their members of
Parliament; after all they have a majority of
members on the Selection Committee as well as on the
floor of
> Read More
President Koroma's Cabinet Reshuffle Continues to
Ruffle Feathers
"On J.B. Dauda’s appointment" (Culled from PV)
Alieu Iscandari - USA
12 December 2010
"Mr. President, I wanted to see a report card about
what these Ministers have done in the departments
that they were in prior to their assignment to other
Photo: Serial SLPP Defector - J.B.Dauda
"It seems to me that if a Minister is doing well in
his present capacity, that there should be no reason
to remove him or her from office."
"Why were the others removed from the Ministries that
they served in?"
"Were they removed from the ministries because of
incompetence, non-productivity or some other
negative factors?"
"If so, why then are they being assigned to other
"At the end of the day you will be judged not by
whom you appointed to office; rather you will be
judged by what you did while you are in office. So
far your report card comments Mr. President are
moving from the 'Excellent' comments that you had
had to Needs Improvement."
> Read More
A Review of
the Constitution of Sierra Leone: “the recognition
and protection of fundamental human rights and
freedoms of the individual”
Mohamed Kunowah Kiellow - The Netherlands
6 December 2010
The legislative organ should use her constitutional
power to enact laws that will protect the social and
economic rights of the populace of Sierra Leone.
Article 107 - sub-section 1 of the 1991 Constitution
accords the right to a minister to initiate a bill
in parliament - yet the social and economic
situation of sierra Leoneans is declining every day.
Much heed is not being paid to the desperate position
in which majority of sierra Leoneans find
The ministers that are therefore heading ministries
that are important to social and economic rights,
should make use of their powers to introduce laws
that will improve our social and economic lives.
> Read More
Investigative Report finds no evidence that APC
attacked SLPP in Kono – but a democratically elected
Government must be held Accountable
29 November 2010
"The back windscreen of the Jeep was largely covered
with red cloth. This was in the full view of the
public and the Sierra Leone Police. The vehicle was
seen full of youth chanting provocative slogans.
However, they were ordered by the Sierra Leone
Police (SLP) to vacate the precincts of Fachima, but
no arrests were made at that time" - Says the PPRC
The Report further states that:
"The PPRC staff saw unidentified youth on the rampage
setting up road blocks at strategic road
intersections and the Koidu City Centre. Youth were
evidently seen molesting individuals they perceived
to be supporters of the SLPP."
If this premeditated lawlessness cannot be construed
as politically motivated, then the professionalism
of the PPRC must be seriously called into question.
> Read More
"Usman Boie Kamara Is
Confident of Winning 2012 Elections"
The UBK Campaign Team
24 November 2010"He was ushered into the Hanger Town Mosque for
Friday prayers, where he met with a cross section of
Muslim leaders present. After which, UBK and his
delegation led by scores of bike riders and cultural
mask devils, toured the streets of Bo on foot.
Throughout the six miles procession, the jubilant
crowd could not cease their singing and dancing
before stopping for lunch at the Family Guest House.
It was a struggle for UBK - making his way through
the eagerly awaited crowd to listen to him, as he
delivered a message of hope for the Party in the
2012 elections. The jam packed hall at the SLPP Southern Region
office listened, as UBK shared his vision and
message of victory, that will see SLPP bounce back
to power come 2012."
> Read More
“Sierra Leone’s Finance
Minister - Dr. Samura Kamara has been unable to help
President Ernest Koroma achieve Financial Turn
Around” – Says Dylan Sogie - Thomas
Dylan Sogie - Thomas (SEM
22 November 2010
"Dr. Samura Kamara as Bank Governor and Financial
Secretary was also unable to maintain financial
stability by keeping the exchange rate stable and
injecting liquidity into the banking system and
unable to reduce inflation."
"He is unable to develop prudent policy responses that
will help maintain macroeconomic and financial
> Read More
Blair welcomes Sierra Leone government's roll out of
“agricultural business centres”
Culled from the Africa Governance Initiative News
19 November 2010
"President Koroma has proven that with a clear
vision, strong leadership and a determined focus on
key priorities, it is possible to achieve results.
He has already done this with Free Healthcare, which
has delivered a threefold increase in children under
five receiving medical care compared to this time
last year, and over a million mothers and children
are expected to benefit from the initiative by the
end of the year."
"He can now do the same for farmers with his focus
on the Smallholder Commercialisation Programme,
which has the potential to reach some half a million
people over the next five years. I am very proud
that my team and I are able to support President
Koroma and his Minister for Agriculture, Dr. Sam
Sesay” - says Tony Blair.
The Government of Sierra Leone’s Smallholder
Commercialisation Programme, or “farm for business”,
is a five-year, $403m programme that will increase
the incomes and food security of smallholder farmers
by enabling farmers to increase production, to
process more of the crops that they grow, and to
market their product more effectively.
> Read More
President Koroma’s
Administration Slammed as Cabinet Reshuffle Draws
19 November 2010
Despite the under-performance of two-thirds of his
ministers, the President continues to allow
political expediency and patronage, rather than good
governance and economic prudence to overshadow his
This is no way to run a country like a business.
As Chief Executive Officer, the President must take
full responsibility for the under-performance of his
ministers, who have been left to their own devices
for far too long.
"The Awoko surveys on the ministers are damning,
shocking and disappointing, because if a cross
section of the Western Area can’t even name 50% of
their ministers, how can the rest of the country
that doesn’t have full access to radio and
television?" Asked Austin Thomas of Awoko News.
"It is quite clear that Ernest Koroma’s cabinet has
not been performing to the people’s expectation."
> Read More
The Sierra Leone National Revenue Authority:
Allegations of Improper Land Acquisition and Other
17 November 2010
The government cannot borrow its way out of the
recession to stimulate economic growth.
All eyes are now on the country’s National Revenue
Authority (NRA) to plug the gaping structural
deficit, which the Minister of Finance and Economic
Development - Samura Kamara - told Parliament last
Friday, will exceed Le300 Billion in 2011.
What is troubling are the series of newspaper reports
recently published regarding allegations of
financial mis-management and corruption in the NRA; also
questioning the rationale that informs some of the
high profile investment decisions made by the Acting
Commissioner General – Ms. Haja Kallah kamara.
Are these allegations malicious with intention to
injure the reputation of the Acting Commissioner
General; or is there cause for investigations by the
Anti-Corruption Commission?
> Read More
Sierra Leone’s Post-war
Recovery Continues: But Could do Better in its ‘Ease
of Doing Business’ Class
8 November 2010
According to the World Bank 'Doing
Business 2011' Report, since 2005, 85%
of the worlds’ economies have made it
easier for entrepreneurs to establish
and operate, through improved business
regulations and institutional reforms.
Sierra Leone is classed amongst the
thirty ‘most improved’ economies in the
last five years, including; Burkina
Faso, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali,
Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda,
and Senegal.
With respect to starting a business,
Sierra Leone ranked 61 out of 183
nations; down three points on last
year’s rankings.
In dealing with construction permits,
the government of Sierra Leone has
improved the process by five points to a
ranking of 166.
> Read More
President Koroma’s Strategy
for 2012 and Beyond: Investing for Sustained
Economic growth?
29 October 2010
The President’s twenty-seven pages long statement
delivered at the state opening of Parliament on
Friday 8th October 2010 is regarded as the
government’s road map for the next two years in
preparation for the 2012 elections. But is it a
clear and coherent strategy for economic growth and
As the President emphasised:
“My government is dedicating the coming years to the
successful implementation of rolled out projects. We
will intensify our efforts and build alliances for
implementation. We will form stronger partnerships
for completion of all projects.”
Sierra Leone’s economic policy is draped on a ten
year Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) that
keeps metamorphosing once in every five years.
The current PRSP Mark 2 dubbed the ‘Agenda for
Change’ has been described by the opposition as
muddled-up, incoherent and an uncoordinated economic
development framework.
> Read More
Unpicking the Efficacy of the Sierra Leone
Government’s Road Construction Policy: “This is
nothing other than State Bullying (natin pas
Paul Conton
4 November 2010
In its eagerness to gain credit for improving
Freetown, the government has not hesitated to
bulldoze the properties of honest, tax-paying,
law-abiding citizens; while blithely ignoring the
numerous illegal, unplanned and dangerous shanty
towns that are springing up every day around the
In serious road projects, environmental impact
assessments and public consultations are mandatory.
Before embarking on a multi-million dollar four-lane
highway that will affect the lives of millions, in
one way or another over the next fifty years;
feasibility studies including cost/benefit analysis,
alternative route assessment, and safety assessment
- are all very desirable.
If this had been a donor-funded project, all these
and more, would have been done and competent
consultants would have been employed. The project
would not have seen the light of day in its present
form. But this is a government-funded project in
> Read More
Britain’s Spending Review: What impact
would Spending Cuts have on efforts to
Promote Growth and Development in Sierra
22 October 2010
British government development aid to
Sierra Leone will not be directly
affected by the Spending Review.
However, efforts to curb corruption and
waste will be at the top of DFID’s
programme management priorities, as
political pressure from sections of
British media mounts, for the UK’s
Overseas Aid Budget to be cut.
Although British aid to Sierra Leone,
which is estimated at an annual average
of £60 Million will continue,
however, after factoring in the loss of
remittance to Sierra Leone as a result
of the impact of job cuts on UK Sierra
Leoneans, the net loss to families and
Sierra Leone’s GDP will surely be felt.
But, the UK Foreign Secretary - William
Hague MP is quite resolute about
his coalition government spending
review. This is what he had to say:
"We have a strong base on which to
build. With that in mind, we want to
inject a new commercial focus into our
relationship here in Sierra Leone. We
are aware our two countries already
enjoy an excellent bilateral
relationship, as shown by the London
investment conference in November 2009."
> More
The Wilkinson Road Widening Project:
A Rejoinder
Kweku Fraser
4 November 2010
At that meeting of 2nd October 2010, the
issue of compensation was raised by
The SLRA and the Minister were very
ambiguous about that, and instead
appealed to property owners to see it as
their contribution to national
When several participants protested, the
officials became somewhat hostile and
said that: “anyway the government has a
right to acquire any property
if it wants.”
A number of lawyers in the audience
disputed this. In the end the issue of
compensation was not resolved.
The property owners also asked that they
be given a timetable of when the work
would start - since it was fait accompli
anyway. They were promised as much.
But less than two weeks later the
demolition began from the Madongo town
end, apparently without notice that it
was starting.
> More
Fisheries Minister Found
Guilty of Corruption – What Price Justice?
13 October 2010
What is unique about this case is that the accused
was no ordinary minister of state.
She is believed by many observers and supporters to
have been amongst President Koroma’s top six senior
members of the inner core of his All Peoples
Congress Party.
Some members and supporters of the government say
that the price of justice meted out to the minister
yesterday at the High Court, is far too high for the
ruling Party, especially the President’s bid for a
second term at the 2012 polls.
But senior officials in the Party have long
discounted this view, saying that it is a price
worth paying, if the President’s policy of zero
tolerance for corruption is to be taken seriously by
the international community and the electorate.
No doubt, there are those who would say that this
verdict will go a long way in dispelling
accusations that the President is allowing his
‘sacred cows’ to graze in his backyard, whiles
offering his ‘scape goats’ to be slaughtered.
> More
"Tsunami Defection to SLPP:
PMDC Holland is no More"
Ernest Smith – Holland
October 2010
The executive of this vibrant SLPP Chapter has been
in serious talks with PMDC members in Holland, in
order to persuade them to join the rank and file of
the newly reformed SLPP. This laudable and giant
move has yielded dividend.
Mr. Osman Kabba, another Key founder-member and
former Financial Secretary of PMDC - Netherlands
Chapter, has also declared for the SLPP.
In his message to the gathering, Mr. Kabba
manifested his frustration about the leadership
style of Charles Margai and his lack of vision for
Sierra Leone.
His declaration was followed by Mr. Lamin Sesay, a
respectable Sierra Leonean gentleman in the
He started by telling the audience that he is a
Northerner by birth, born in the Kambia District of
Sierra Leone. He categorically told the gathering
that the SLPP is not a Mende-man Party.
> More
The Mo Ibrahim 2010 Index and Governance in Sierra
Leone: A Critical Response
to Pro-Government Media Analysis and
11 October 2010
Sierra Leone’s governance index as reflected in her
safety and rule of law, human rights, sustainable
economic opportunity and human development is by any
standard mediocre.
In this framework, to think or insinuate that Sierra
Leone doesn’t have especially bad policies
considering how poor we are is evidence that bad
policy is in fact a cause of our poverty.
We have to stop making fashionable excuses for
self-inflicted injuries.
> More |
Lifting of Sanctions: A
New Opportunity for Growth - Not Arms Proliferation
7 October 2010
Although the overwhelming majority of Sierra Leoneans
welcome the UN decision, however, practical steps
must be taken to ensure that the country does not
find itself spending scarce resources, in
re-building its military programme, as was the case
in the 1970’s and early 1980s.
There should be no return to a militarised Sierra
Leone. The people of Sierra Leone have suffered
The country has just seven years ago, came out of one
of the world’s most atrocious and brutal wars ever
So it is understandable that this UN decision is
creating some uneasiness in a country that is
struggling to combat poverty and joblessness amongst
its youths.
> More |
The John Ernest Leigh Campaign for the Leadership
of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) is alive
and kicking
The John Leigh for President Campaign Team
2 October 2010
"We know Mr. Leigh as someone who tirelessly strives
for whatever is best for our Party and our Country,
regardless of the difficulties or the obstacles put
in his way. He has always been with us in good as
well as in difficult times, without ever leaving the
"We witnessed Mr. Leigh during Sierra Leone’s long and
brutal civil war in action across the USA - day and
night, successfully striving by diplomatic means to
reinstate the exiled legitimate government of
President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah and the SLPP controlled
"We the founding members of the ‘John Ernest Leigh for
President’ Campaign Committee wish to express our
support, trust and faith in Mr. Ernest John Leigh to
take our Party into the 2012 Presidential and
general elections. We do hope that you too can place
your trust and faith in him for the good of our
country - Sierra Leone."
"Thank you. God bless you and God bless Sierra Leone!"
> More
Another Chapter in
Sierra Leone’s History Closes
1 October 2010
“Mindful of the United Nations efforts in assisting
the Government to address the capacity challenges of
the national electoral institutions, noting the
potential for an increase in tensions during the
preparation for and the period leading up to the
2012 elections in Sierra Leone, due to political,
security, socio-economic and humanitarian
“Calling upon the Government and the international
community to focus on fostering an environment that
is conducive to the holding of free and fair
elections by strengthening institutions that
administer and oversee the electoral process and in
so doing, contribute to the institutional
development and continued stability of the country;
“Emphasizing the importance of the continued
integrated support of the United Nations system and
the international community for the long-term peace,
security and development of Sierra Leone,
particularly through strengthening the capacity of
the Government of Sierra Leone."
> More |
The Sierra Leone Debate: Search For Policy
"President Ernest Koroma - APC and the Poverty of
Kawusu (A renowned contributor to the Bintumani
On-line Forum)
4 October 2010
A country’s domestic investment is also greatly
enhanced by domestic credit provided by the banking
sector to the private sector. Appropriately, another
cogent explanation for Sierra Leone’s deficiency in
domestic investment can be found in the reluctance
of the country’s domestic banks to engage in
economic ventures that would boost domestic
If banks are not extending credit, it becomes
difficult for entrepreneurs to open new businesses
or to invest in existing ones. But realistically,
banks everywhere are profit maximizers and not
philanthropic agents driven by a cause of altruism.
Since equating marginal revenue with marginal cost is
the veritable bottom-line in profit maximization,
Sierra Leone’s banks would fail if they indulge in
extending risky loans to poor Sierra Leoneans
earning rock bottom wages.
> More |
The ‘Millennium Dollar’
Question: Three Years in Power – Three Months to
Christmas Are we better off?
21 September 2010
After three years in power – the longest honeymoon for
any elected government in Sierra Leone, the
popularity of President Koroma’s government will be
fully tested in the coming months, as the rainy
season subsides, marking the end of the seasonal
dint in consumer spending. The expected Christmas
bonanza beckons but money supply is tight.
Consumer spending in the last quarter has been weak as
prices of goods continue to rise. Public sector
salaries and wages – a key barometer of the health
of the economy, struggles to keep pace with the
consumer prices index.
Private sector investment in key sectors of the
economy such as manufacturing, fisheries and
tourism, projected for the second half of 2010 is
painfully slow in coming. A slight increase in
economic growth, fuelled largely by public sector
capital investments and mining infrastructure
development has not translated into jobs.
> More
The ‘Millennium Dollar’
Question: Three Years in Power – Three Months to
Christmas, are we better off?
President Koroma Speaks at
the UN
23 September 2010
"The end of the civil war in 2002 left the state very
weak and absent in many parts of the country.
Economic and financial management was focussed
largely on emergency and humanitarian activities."
"Economic and human development programmes were given
relatively limited attention. Consequently, social
indicators were worse than pre-war levels."
"Clearly, Sierra Leone was going in the wrong
direction during the first decade of the MDG
"However, since my assumption of office in 2007, we
have made considerable progress in consolidating
peace and security. We have also focussed on
consolidating democracy through the electoral
process and by increasing transparency and
But, are we better off today?
> More |
Three Years in Power:
President Ernest Bai Koroma Speaks to the Nation
Press Secretariat - State House
18 September 2010
"The number of mothers and children dying in this
country is more than almost all other countries in
the world. This is unacceptable; we have to put a
stop to this. We devised the National Health Sector
Strategic Plan, setting out proper goals and
implementation plans for the wellbeing of our
"We have initiated the Free Healthcare Initiative for
Pregnant Women, Breast feeding mothers and children
under five."
"Now the turn around is well underway in the health
sector. There has been an increase of over 70% in
institutional delivery since the launch of the free
health care initiative; more women and children are
accessing health services than ever before."
> More
SLPP Presidential Aspirant - Ambassador Ernest John
Leigh - Says Thank You to All His Supporters,
Friends and Well Wishers!!

"As you know, winning one's Party nomination is the
most difficult stage, because that's where help is
most needed, but where it can be scarcest."
people do not understand its significance. YOU have.
For understanding and helping, I say: thank you,
thank you, thank you!"
"In my careful opinion, I believe I have a greater
than average chance of winning the leadership
So let us pray and hope that at the end of the
election in March 2011, I will be declared the
Presidential candidate for the
Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP)."
"After all, I have travelled across the length and
breath of Sierra Leone on more than ten occasions,
and I am familiar with all the key players across
the country, since I began campaigning at my own
expense in September 2003."
"Thank you. God bless you and God bless Sierra
Leone. One Country – One People!"
> More
In Defence of SLPP’s Record in Office – “We Shall
not be Deterred” – Says Dr. Sama Banya
22 September 2010
"It is a record of which we are proud and which we
shall continue to defend as often as critics make
out that we did nothing during the period."
"The Bo to Masiaka Road was close to the village
commonly known as Konta Line which was only some 18
miles to Masiaka."
"Work had progressed as far as Torkeh on the Tombo to
Lumley Road; the contract had initially been awarded
to a contractor whose country had provided most of
the funding for the project."
> More
The Sacking of Sierra Leone’s Military and Police
Chiefs: Can Good Men become so bad so soon?
11 September 2010
Is it true that the performance review of the sacked
officers conducted by the President show that the
security chiefs were not up to the expected
standards of leadership? If so were they issued with
Presidential orders to improve their performance?
Simply announcing on State television that 'it had
pleased His Excellency the President to sack the
country’s Military Chief – Brigadier Alfred Claude
Nelson Williams', who only a year ago was decorated
with the award of 'Distinguished Star Alumnus of the
National Defence College of Federal Republic of
Nigeria', raises serious questions concerning
national security.
The President is now hoping that with new leadership
at the top of state security, he could begin to
assert greater control over the running of the
police and army. But is this far too simplistic an
approach to solving what is otherwise seen as an
institutionalised culture problem?
Can good men become so bad so soon?
> More
Indeed, President Ernest
Koroma has the Potential of a “Constitutional”
Mohamed Kunowah Kiellow
17 September 2010
By not taking any action against those corrupt
ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Directors,
managers and so on, he had violated the
Constitution, to wit Section 5 of the 1991
Constitution of Sierra Leone states that "the
State shall take all steps to eradicate all corrupt
practices and the abuse of power."
Furthermore, Section 13j obliges every citizen to
render assistance to appropriate and lawful agencies
in the maintenance of law and order.
The president said that he had irrefutable evidence of
corrupt practices in his government and yet he did
nothing to forestall future corruption.
> More
"PMDC Holland - Party Strong
man Defects to SLPP": How Long before the PMDC
16 September 2010
"it's time for PMDC and its leadership to face the
reality and do the right thing. As from today I am
no longer a member of the PMDC."
back home to the SLPP is the right thing to do. SLPP
has the momentum, number and wisdom to unseat the
APC and restore the proper democracy we once
enjoyed" says Chernor Bah - founder member of PMDC
> More
An Emotional Moment for Sierra Leoneans as African
Minerals’ Locomotive Engine Arrives in Freetown
6 September 2010
The arrival of the locomotive engine was an emotional
moment for many Sierra Leoneans, as some observers
aptly remarked: “who breaks it – fix it!”
This pun they say, refers to the current APC
government’s role in concluding the mining agreement
with African Minerals Ltd., which now sees the
arrival of the first train engine in the country
after the
APC led government of President Siaka Stevens
dismantled and sold
the national rail network in the global market
as scraps,
36 years ago.
Critics say it is therefore fitting for an APC led
government to welcome the arrival of a rail
transport that could once again serve the needs of
the people.
> More
Dr. Kadi Sesay Steps up Her Leadership Campaign –
“The Lady is not for Turning”
30 August 2010
“I have no doubt that I am the candidate to win in
2012 for SLPP. If I have any doubt, I would not have
been in this race. I came in because I thought about
the circumstances really well. I have analyzed my
possibilities of winning. I have gone around the
country meeting delegates from nearly all the
districts in the country holding one and one
meetings with them. My message is being received
with an open hand.”
Dr. Sesay is taking much comfort in believing that her
strongest weapon in her armoury is her track record
in public life, most especially as minister in the
previous SLPP government. Her supporters say that
this experience in strategic governance has prepared
her very well for the leadership of the Party
and also developed her potential to serve as
President of Sierra Leone.
But critics see her role in the previous SLPP Kabbah
led government as central to what they regard as a
poor economic performance record. They perceive this
as the salvo that will not only torpedo her Party
leadership campaign ship, but will provide President
Koroma’s All People’s Congress (APC) Party with the
ammunition that will run her 2012 Presidential
campaign battleship aground.
> More
Presidential Aspirant Alhaji Usman Boie Kamara
Addresses SLPP Chapters in the USA
Pres Release by the Usman Boie Kamara Campaign
August 2010
"He challenged the Party to a new form of engagement
and dialogue which emphasised the primacy of a
bottom-up approach to decision-making as opposed to
the much-maligned top-down approach."
"This, he maintained, will allow grassroots members to
be at the centre of key decisions which will
determine the upward trajectory of the Party rather
than a few people at the top executive level."
"The mild-mannered, articulate and disciplined former
civil servant - with an enviable and unblemished
30-year track record of working in all the four
regions of Sierra Leone - launched his bid to be the
Party’s flag-bearer in the 2012 Presidential and
Parliamentary elections, with a five step plan which
he believes will return the country to the ideals of
the founding fathers of the SLPP."

> More
SLPP Party Chairman - John Benjamin Speaks out at
the Party's Monthly Press Briefing
Press Statement (No.5):
31 August 2010
"We reiterate that the initial results of the seismic
tests indicate that the potential for substantial
oil reserves in the various identified exploratory
blocks are very high. This, you would agree is a valuable national resource
that must be held in trust, well planned, and
The government therefore has an obligation to the
people of Sierra Leone and to unborn generations to
ensure that the hands of crooks, speculators, and
exploitative operatives be kept off such a national
treasure. The Sierra Leone People’s Party continues to
consistently maintain that all acquisitions of
interests in the petroleum sector must be done by
public tender."
> More
African Finance Ministers and Governors Urge
Immediate and Robust Replenishment of Funds
to Aid the World’s Poorest Countries
Mohamed Sidie Sheriff,
24 August 2010
Opening the Caucus, the President of Sierra Leone,
His Excellency Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, said “the
fiscal and monetary stimulus provided by the
advanced economies played a critical role in
jump-starting the global economic recovery. But most
advanced counties are now exiting from the stimulus
packages and are resorting to fiscal consolidation.”
“At the same time, recent developments in the United
States and some European countries show that global
recovery remains fragile and uncertain. In this
regard, it is important that the Bretton Woods
Institution take note of the impact of these
developments on our economies and provide
appropriate financing instruments and other forms of
assistance to ensure the continued financing of our
development and poverty reduction efforts” – said
President Koroma.
> More
A Defining Moment for Sierra Leone’s 2012
Presidential Election:
19 August 2010
SLPP Party leadership contender
Ambassador John Ernest Leigh - discusses his
ideological values, vision, hopes and aspirations
for a better and progressive Sierra Leone, with the
Editor of the Sierra Leone Telegraph.
"The key national problem confronting our society
today is the absence of good governance, together
with the problems this deplorable situation is
inflicting on the body politic. The lack of
sufficient personal incomes; limited employment
opportunities for the bulk of the people of our
country; and the lack of proper direction for our
young ones - are unacceptable."
"The absence of foreign and domestic investments,
and a clear lack of a coherent strategy that could
facilitate the transfer and diffusion of new
technology for industrial development, are hampering
our economic growth."
> More
SLPP’s Presidential Candidate Elections: A
Defining Moment in the 2012 Race for
State House
18 August 2010
How politically strong and attractive does the SLPP
opposition has to be, in order to regain control of
State House in 2012?
There is little doubt that this is the crucial
question that will be preoccupying the minds of the
ordinary members and delegates of the Party in the
coming months, as the leadership convention
The Party will need to reinvent itself following its
defeat at the 2007 polls - a defeat that many in the
Party blames on the shenanigans and machinations,
which took place at the Party convention in Makeni,
marking the beginning of a painful process of
The rank and file members and delegates at the 2011
convention, will be looking to choose a leader who
has a clear vision as to where they want the country
to be in another 50 years, amongst progressive
nations of the world.
> More
A Defining Moment for Sierra Leone’s 2012
Presidential Election: A Rejoinder
Dr. V. Labor
23 August 2010
I do not claim to hold all the solutions to our
country's problems, but I often wonder whether our
present system of democracy is right for us.
Sierra Leone is at war - war against poverty,
ignorance and disease. And in times of war,
political parties put aside their differences and
work together in the interest of the nation.
Maybe it's time we had a rethink about whether our
present brand of democracy is the right one for us.
> More
“British High Commissioner Promises
to promote SLIEPA”: But what are the Sierra Leonean
Embassies Abroad Doing?
12 August 2010
This question is being raised especially at this
crucial time, when the need for an ‘all hands on
deck’ government policy approach to promoting and
securing foreign direct investments into Sierra
Leone has become all the more paramount.
Sierra Leone’s
economy is expected to grow by less than 2% this
year, with the resurgence in the country’s mining
industry driving that ‘flicker’ of growth in Gross
Domestic Product. But other sectors of the economy
are seriously lagging behind, as investments in new
start-ups and business expansion in the country
remain sluggish.
Although very few may suggest that our foreign
embassy staff sits on their hands all day doing
nothing, most however, would like to know how many
foreign direct investors each of our embassies
succeed in getting to invest in Sierra Leone
Opponents of the government have criticised
President Koroma’s Agenda for Change, for
lacking in vision and coherence, yet it cannot be
faulted for providing the government itself with a
sense of trajectory as to how it wants to improve
the economic and social well-being of the country.
But the commitment and effort of key ministries and
departments, leaves a lot to be desired.
> More
Tackling Rising Youth Unemployment in Sierra Leone:
The World Bank and World Food Programme Step up
their investments
4 August 2010
Last week the World Bank announced its commitment to
provide US$20 Million to Sierra Leone, 'in support
of the government's short to medium term efforts
aimed at building on the successes of existing youth
employment programs in the country, through the Youth
and Employment Support (YES) project.'
Taken at face
value, this significant offer of support ought to be welcomed.
But a closer look at the objective of this $20
Million funding, gives cause for serious
According to the World Bank, "The objective of the
project is to increase access to short-term
employment opportunities and improved employability
of targeted youth."
> More
Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon
20 August 2010
Just a generation ago, we were still playing host to
African students at a citadel of education called
Fourah Bay College while Connaught Hospital and its
nurses could compete with any, wherever and a
drop-out or jobless youth was ashamed of himself.
Our West African Examinations Council (WAEC) results
were also decent and we had records of students
topping the whole west coast result.
> More
The British Conservative Party Blazing the Trail in
Africa with the Help of its Umubano Volunteering
14 August 2010
The story of Alexander Deane - Director of Big
Brother Watch (UK)
"It is easy and perhaps sometimes tempting for
travellers to exaggerate the dangers of the country
they visited.
Certainly, traffic can be chaotic, health facilities
outside of the capital - Freetown - scant and the
electricity supply sporadic and unreliable
But in both Freetown and in the country more generally
one can travel and spend time as a visitor without
tremendous problems (bearing in mind the relevant
Foreign and Commonwealth Office advice of course)
Sierra Leone's problems aren't really threats to those
there temporarily - they're crippling for those who
live there."
> More
Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon
9 August 2010
As a country, we face a crucial decision. We can
continue to drift into the future or we can plan for
a future whereby no one is holding us by the
jugular. A country with a strong, diversified,
sustainable and competitive economy that effectively
harnesses the talents and energies of its people and
responsibly exploits its natural resources to ensure
a high standard of living for its citizens.
This dream is more important than anything else but
it needs building systems that would enable us to
spend our own resources to get better results in
critical areas such as education, health care,
governance and human development.
The government needs to drink from the pint of
hindsight and realise that Salone’s future depends
on the small businesses, the wealth-creating
entrepreneurs, an efficient tax and regulatory
environment that will encourage enterprise and check
those ‘cowboy’ investors and nations eyeing our
> More
The Need for a Comprehensive Public
Procurement Strategy aimed at Developing Sierra
Leone's Private Sector
19 July 2010
In 2009 the President said that ‘Procurement plans
and competitive bidding have been established in 43
Ministries, Departments and Agencies, in conformity
with the National Procurement Act of 2004.’
But those words have not been matched with action.
The private sector continues to be marginalised, as
foreign businesses strengthen their upper hand in
the award of public procurement contracts worth
almost $500 Million.
With the country’s GDP not expected to exceed growth
of 4.8% in 2010, critics are questioning the
government’s rationale in out-sourcing so much of
the country’s productive capacity to foreign owned
companies, when the people of Sierra Leone are being
asked to put up with financial austerity measures
that are seriously affecting their standards of
Sierra Leone can do a lot more for itself by growing
its economy through the private sector. But this
will require a change in mind-set of those in power.
> More
Much remains to be done - Mr. President!
4 July 2010
If the World Bank has got $4 Million to spare the
poor people of Sierra Leone, should that money not be
better spent funding the creation of a Fruit
Canning Co-operative Enterprise, involving young
farmers? This could directly create hundreds, if not
thousands of jobs.
It could also stimulate the formation of a viable
fruit farming, processing and packaging supply chain
that would meet the needs of export markets.
Indeed it could be argued that the need for a Youth
Commission in Sierra Leone today is superfluous to
requirement, given the current status, democratic
role and constitutional functions of the Civil
Society Movement and opposition political parties,
who collectively are invariably doing well in
challenging government policy and performance in
meeting the diverse aspirations of all groups in
There are those that would advocate for the
formation of a Manpower Services Commission (MSC) in
partnership with the private sector, instead of a
Youth Commission.
> More
In accordance with the spirit and letter of the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report: SLPP
Chairman Says Sorry to the People of Sierra Leone
8 August 2010
In a speech marking the reopening of the newly
refurbished head office of the opposition SLPP, in
Freetown, Mr. John Oponjo Benjamin - the Chairman of
the party said:
“Today on behalf of all our membership now and
leadership at that time, I publicly apologise for
any suffering encountered by the people of Sierra
Leone in terms of violations and abuses of their
right during the period of the war when the SLPP was
in Governance.”
“More specifically as Leader of the SLPP, I want to
acknowledge the harm suffered by Women and Girls
during the conflict and on behalf of the SLPP, I
want to unequivocally apologise to Women and Girls
who suffered any act of violence during the 11 years
of conflict.”
The party will now be hoping that this gesture of
goodwill will go a long to assuage the highly
inflamed and frenzied political atmosphere that has
been created, following the suggestion by the
government to establish a Commission of Enquiry that
will examine the deaths of 29 government officials
and citizens, who were held in the custody of the
former NPRC regime, and others killed during
President Kabbah's led SLPP term of office .
> More
President Koroma takes one Giant Leap Forward to
Assert the Credibility and Integrity of the
Anti-Corruption Commission
23 July 2010
The success of the Anti-Corruption Commission in
winning the war on corruption in Sierra Leone,
which is estimated to be costing the nation Hundreds
of Millions of Dollars, now rests on those broad
shoulders of the newly appointed Czar - Lawyer
Joseph Kamara.
Should his track record and reputation at the
International Criminal Court (ICC) squares up to his
new role at the Anti-Corruption Commission, then Sierra Leone
should have much to celebrate.
But of course, should Lawyer Kamara allow himself and
his role to be politicised and marginalised, not
only will posterity judge him rather harshly,
his failure to deliver will be a massive blow to the
hopes and dreams of millions of poor people in the
country who go to bed hungry, because corrupt
officials continue to take bread away from their
> More
“Poverty – Field of Broken Dreams”
Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon
15 July 2010
Reports talk of considerable progress being made in
key areas of the Poverty Reduction Strategy, which
began in 2005 but all the economic theories of this
world are mere jargons to the illiterates, the
market women, traders and those whose lives do not
reflect this claim.
As far as I am concerned, the correction of past
shortcomings, though a welcome development is not an
achievement but a positive progression. That
progression now needs to translate into reality in
the lives of the generality of the people through
sustainable strategies and not more spin.
This age-long manipulation of the common psyche by
the political class is what has led many into
believing that any highlight of government’s
inadequacies or demand for the fulfilment of the
social contract with the people is an
anti-government vuvuzela.
> More
Empowering the Youths in Sierra Leone: The
President of the Young Leader’s - Sierra
Leone, Speaks out
1 August 2010
"Our colleagues in Sierra Leone
continue to face major challenges. They suffer the
most from unemployment; they sleep in the roughest
of places; they face deliberate marginalisation;
they suffer the worse form of poverty imaginable;
they die young because of poor health facilities. We
must cry out loud that this social injustice and
social exclusion must stop! And it must stop now!
It is profoundly disappointing to see
a young person who had spent 12 years in school, 10
years of extreme suffering during the civil war, 3
years acquiring higher education, and unemployed at
the age of 30. This is the depressing reality for
most of our brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone –
it is no surprise some people in their forties are
happy to call themselves youth. This is a total
destruction of a human being.
There are many ways we can all work
together with youth groups, policy-makers and other
stakeholders to reverse the numerous problems faced
by the youth in Sierra Leone."
> More
Much remains to be done – Mr. President!
A rejoinder (Courtesy of Bintumani On-line forum)
7 July 2010
Financial markets, especially stock markets, have
grown considerably in developed and developing
countries over the last two decades, and several
factors have aided in their growth.
Amongst them, are improved macro-economic
fundamentals, such as monetary stability and higher
economic growth.
General economic and specific capital market reforms,
including privatization of state-owned enterprises,
financial liberalization, and an improved
institutional framework for investors, have
encouraged capital markets development.
It is market forces that channel investments to
those who have the wherewithal and entrepreneurial
spirit and know-how to invest, not the invisible
hand of the government, like president Koroma is
It is the market that selects winners and losers -
not politicians, for parochial and selfish
> More
"Response to Innuendos Directed at
the Kadi Sesay Campaign in Respect of Certain
The Elect Kadi Sesay Team
22 July 2010
Over the past three months, Kadi
Sesay has demonstrated a unique ability to attract
new voters to SLPP because of people’s growing
awareness of her sensitivity to the issues of our
time and her proven capability to provide a better
direction for the country. We are therefore not distracted by
the publication but continue to keep our focus on
our core platform as the gateway to the hearts and
minds of Sierra Leoneans.
It is our position that the
current leadership contest in SLPP has produced many
extraordinary candidates many of whom would make a
great President if given the chance. Our focus is to work with all
aspirants and Party members to give this country the
leadership it deserves. We strongly believe that at
such a time when our country continues to suffer in
silence, now is the time for the SLPP to come
together and rise above bigotry in readiness for
victory in 2012.
> More
Lives and Regenerating War torn Communities: Does
Aid Work – Part 2
29 May 2010
The World Food
Programme (WFP) is one of the humanitarian agencies
that came to Sierra Leone, in response to the
humanitarian disaster that unfolded in the aftermath
of its ten year civil war in 2000/2001.
Its effort in
co-coordinating and providing emergency food Aid
across the country was quite remarkable. Ten years on,
there are communities in Sierra Leone that continue
to depend on food Aid, as part of a programme of
support in addressing joblessness and poverty.
the immense good that the 'food for work' programme
offers, the question that many would ask is; does it
reinforce and perpetuate the very culture of
dependency that must be eradicated in order to
tackle poverty?
The Sierra
Leone Telegraph investigates.
> More
Rebuilding Lives and Regenerating War torn
Communities: Does Aid Work? – Part 1
May 2010
one will doubt the immense benefit that
international Aid has provided for the people of
Sierra Leone, and continues to do so.
More than 60% of the country’s revenue is accounted
for by international donor Aid, which pays for
education, health, the administration of justice,
law and order, the provision of clean water,
governance, and economic reforms.
But despite the successes of donor Aid in Serra
Leone, few will dispute the fact that poverty is
increasing. The gap between the rich – who are very
rich indeed, and those languishing at the bottom of
the human development index, is widening. Something
has to change.
the World Food Programme (WFP) yesterday launched
its ‘Cash for Work Programme to assist Iraqis back
on their feet, questions are being asked by Africans
as to whether poor African countries recovering from
war, like Iraq, could have benefitted from a similar
programme, instead of food Aid.
> More
Rebuilding Lives and Regenerating War Torn
Communities: Sierra Leone’s Finance Minister
Welcomes the Return of Direct British Intervention
in Governance
14 June 2010
“Generations after generations of kids are coming
out of school or college with no prospect of a job,
and so you can sense that the anger, the
frustrations and the despair that fuelled so much of
the conflict during the war, are all still in
place,” says the BBC reporter.
Sulaiman Kamara – the son of a Paramount Chief in
the northern province of Sierra Leone told Alan
Little, “well I believe the British are our colonial
masters, we have been together, are almost infused
into each other now, so we don’t want that to break
Although many in Sierra Leone may not disagree with
Sulaiman Kamara, however, most would want to tread
cautiously towards any strategy that would see the
wholesale transfer of power back to London’s
Whitehall, with the President of Sierra Leone
playing a ceremonial role. Such a policy would be
disastrous for both the UK and Sierra Leone.
> More |
“A Cobweb: Our
Youths, Our Dilemma, Our Future”
Raymond Dele
4 July 2010
The government might refuse to appreciate the
devastating all-round consequences of the dilemma of
our youths and it might continue to use statistics
and platitudes in an attempt to get us to disbelieve
the evidence of our own eyes; but stark analysis
shatters any notion being bandied about.
The facade of diligent planning that is being
presented also suggests that the government is
planning to fail diligently in coming up with
genuine reforms for the transformation of current
social deficiencies and the exploitation of our
But if people are going to be beaming with smiles
and ready to take the accolades when it finally goes
right, they should appreciate that the buck also
stops at their desks when things are not moving in
the right direction or are not what they should be.
> More |
Rebuilding Lives and Regenerating War
Torn Communities: Is Sierra Leone’s Peace Dividend
now at Risk?
8 June 2010
Ten years of peace and political
stability in Sierra Leone have brought enormous
social and economic dividend and rewards, for a
people that deserve much more than just food
handouts from the international community to
For the people of Sierra Leone,
coming to terms with the effects of the war has been
painfully slow. But political tension appears to be
returning. Politicians are once again ratcheting the
temperature. Is this the beginning of the end of
the peace?
> More |
“Let’s Get the Cobwebs Out of the Systems Please”
Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon
24 June 2010
There is no point rejoicing that Sierra Leone is out
of the woods, because as we are now discovering, it
is such equivocation that has set the mood of drift
and inertia enveloping the nation.
Also, there is something definitely and deeply
disturbing about the contemptuous relish with which
the government appears to be ignoring three core
issues – the dilemma of our youths, the plight of
the many and the state of the economy.
Yes, infrastructures have greatly improved from the
ruins of yesteryears; but while the rest of the
globe is on the cusp of tomorrow’s world, we are
still trawling yesterday’s realm. The barometer of
national vitality is frantically warming in the red
zone. The new, much-vaunted Sierra Leone is still
scarred by extreme poverty and high unemployment; by
lack of basic facilities, political and social
> More |
" The Early Morning Dew Has Passed Away At Noon"
Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon
17 June 2010
And then just imagine this. Another twenty years or so
and power has changed hands. What happens then if
the new hungry hyenas then decide that the cocaine
saga was a dent and the trial a sham with the wrong
persons made scapegoats?
What happens if they decide that errors like the
Income Electrix mismanagement; to which the present
government has admitted its error in black and
white, was not a mistake but a web of fraud by this
same set of people today who are not afraid to tread
where even angels fear to go?
This adamant step will come back one day to haunt
those turning deaf ears to the voice of reason to
let sleeping dogs lie and bygone be bygone. One of
the easiest things to do in this world is to find
excuses for whatever action or inaction that we
> More |
SLPP’s State of the Nation Report to the UN Chief –
Mr. Ban Ki Moon
17 June 2010
"Your Excellency, the Sierra Leone People’s Party
considers the growing youth unemployment not only a
human development issue but a high security risk.
Both Parties agreed in the Joint Communiqué to develop
a bi-partisan approach to overcome youth
unemployment and to work together in implementing
various programmes that benefit Sierra Leone’s young
men and women from an idle into a productive force
of society.
We are looking forward to working with the Government
and our development partners to fight mass youth
We therefore call on the family of the United Nations
to support the Government and people of Sierra Leone
in tackling this issue with a view to providing
sustainable livelihood support to the hundreds of
thousands of our youths."
> More |
Lives and Regenerating War torn Communities: Does
Aid Work?
- A Point of View
Culled from Sierra Leone’s Bintumani Forum
31 May 2010
A new vision is needed.
One that rejects the old dependency and extraction
model for one that is mutually beneficial and
The new approach
must seek to coordinate those various international
Food Aid and Cash Investment Programs
that currently operate independently, have limited
effects and fail to blossom into something dynamic.
New partnerships
should be created between public and private
ventures, global and local forces, expanding
micro-credit and education endeavours, and forging
cooperative strategies among the various relief
> More
A New British Foreign and International Aid Policy:
All about to Change at DFID
13 May 2010
The Liberal Democrats - Conservative Coalition marks
the beginning of a new style of politics in Britain,
based on co-operation, partnership, fairness and
The new International Development Minister – Andrew
Mitchell is putting together a new team at DFID that
will be responsible for implementing the
government’s international Aid Policy.
The special relationship
brokered between Tony Blair and President Koroma,
which has shaped the country’s image both at home
and abroad, will no longer have a part to play in
the delivery and management of this new British
government Foreign Aid Policy in Sierra Leone. The fight against corruption
and efforts aimed at supporting the development of
Sierra Leone, are about to take a new direction for
the best.
> More
Dr. Sama Banya – Erudite and Veteran Politician:
The President that Many Say Sierra Leone Never Had -
Celebrates His 80th Birthday
11 June 2010
After the 1982 general elections I was given the
portfolio of Internal Affairs. In June 1985 along
with Dr. Abdulai Conteh I was thrown out of the
cabinet for opposing a Private Member’s Bill to
amend the constitution and allow the head of the
Army to succeed President Siaka Stevens.
I was also thrown out of the Governing Council of the
only recognized APC political party under the 1978
One Party constitution which I had supported
honestly and with great enthusiasm. I immediately
set up a thriving Private Practice in Freetown. In
the general election of 1986 “I was prevented” from
winning what everyone agreed was for me a safe seat.
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Beyond Parody: “Only Dead Fishes Go With the Flow”
Raymond Dele Awoonor-Gordon
June 2010
has become obvious that some of those leading us are
not only wetter than an august rain, but they have
learnt nothing from our chequered history,
especially the one that nearly ruined us and from
which we are yet to recover.
have always been a believer of the premise that
victimisation of a social minority or the silent
majority, is often engineered by those in power to
distract from fundamental problems of political,
economic and social inequities.
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Tackling Corruption is not a Game of Poker: The
Anti-Corruption Czar Resigns
10 May 2010
Why would an ambitious, patriotic, professional and
most legally capable young man chose to resign a
challenging job as the Chief of Sierra Leone’s
Anti-Corruption Commission?
Why should a young man be driven to such low ebb,
where he is forced to put his personal welfare ahead
of the need to bring culture change to his beloved
The answers to these questions will never be known
until Abdul Tejan Cole himself – the Chief of the
country’s Anti-Corruption Commission, firstly
confirms that he has indeed resigned his job; and
secondly issue a statement as to the reasons why he
has chosen to pack his bags and call it a day at the
No matter the reasons; no matter the explanations,
this is a sad moment for Sierra Leone that marks a
defining hiatus in the country’s struggle between
good and evil.
> More
British Labour Government Takes the Exit: The End
of an Era and the beginning of a Political Marriage
of Convenience
11 May 2010
Britain now has a new government – a Conservative
Lib Dems Coalition; a new Prime Minister – David
Cameron, with Nick Clegg serving as Deputy Prime
In normal times, this political chemistry may seem
odd. But these are not normal times in British
politics. Desperate times call for desperate
The voice and verdict of the British electorate was
clear. They did not endorse David Cameron’s
Conservative economic policy of retrenchment,
promising huge and immediate cuts in public
Although Nick Clegg’s Liberal Democrats performed
quite badly at the elections, ironically it was they
that the Conservatives had to turn to in search of a
bedfellow, to form their coalition government.
> More
Sierra Leone’s Health Care System Overwhelmed as
Demand for Free Health Care Exceeds Supply
3 May 2010
The international community and President Koroma have
committed themselves to the delivery of a free
access to health care programme that could benefit
over 50% of the country’s population.
But It is now clear that for political expediency,
they had thrown all caution to the wind, by setting
aside the rigorous planning process that usually
precede the development and delivery of such a huge
national programme. The nation’s health service is
now overwhelmed.
A new health crisis is beginning to emerge.
Expectations have been raised far in excess of what
the health infrastructure can deliver. There is no
turning back now. It remains to be seen whether the
programme can be sustained without the international
community increasing their funding contributions.
> More
Alert – A New NGO in Pursuit of Greater
Accountability in Sierra Leone
May 23, 2010
position at Accountability Alert (AA-SL) is that
holding someone to account, means one must be
accountable as well, a view shared by
Burkhard Gnaerig,
former director of Save the Children International:
“Challenging business and government to be more
accountable is a crucial part of our role. If we are
to point the finger at others we need to be
completely clean in our own back yard.”
will consult with other actors, speak on the issues,
and engage with the donor community. We
would continue to ask our donors be a part of this
initiative; for if the push to have greater
accountability is to be won, the donors themselves
must do much more to showcase their own
accountability to the government and its citizenry.
We would
continue to seek partnership with institutions
designed to champion governance, anti-corruption and
accountability in Sierra Leone.
> More
Sierra Leone’s Commercial Banking Sector in
Trouble: Is the Recession Deepening?
14 April 2010
The IMF cautioned that “the main challenge facing
the authorities continues to be the creation of
fiscal space to finance investment in basic
infrastructure and implement structural reforms to
promote higher sustainable private sector-led
economic growth.”
Structural reforms aimed at promoting higher
sustainable private sector led economic growth are
yet to be implemented. Key ministries such as Lands
and Planning are creating immense bottlenecks in the
registration of land and property transactions.
> More |
The 2012 Battle for Sierra Leone’s State House: The
Real Politic
9 April 2010
In 2012, President Koroma will go to the people to
request a renewal of his mandate to govern the
country for a second term. And, should the
opposition SLPP decide to elect Dr. Kadi Sesay as
their Presidential candidate, she will challenge
fellow Northerner - President Koroma, in the battle
to win the hearts and minds of the people of Sierra
Dr. Sesay, a highly qualified and experienced former
Trade Minister in the previous SLPP government, has
officially declared her intention to stand, and has
set out her vision for improving Sierra Leone’s
economic prosperity and social justice for all.
But the question now is; can she convince the SLPP
members that she is a Presidential asset with
immense leadership qualities?
> More |
Economic Empowerment: Key to
Consolidating the Peace in Sierra Leone
31 March 2010
Ten years since the end of the war, no
one can deny the positive results of the
UN Peace Building Programme. Hundreds of
thousands of refugees have been
resettled; thousands of young
ex-combatant men and women have been
rehabilitated – although their mental
trauma continues.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission
issued its Report – Some of the key
recommendations are yet to be
implemented. A series of successive,
relatively free and fair elections have
been held. The Anti-Corruption
Commission has started to leash some of
the ‘sacred cows’. This is peace
building success.
> More |
The Road to Freedom of Information is
long and Rocky
10 March 2010
The idea that citizens have a right to know what
their elected government and their departments
are up to is one that many overzealous and
unscrupulous officials in government sometimes
find unsettling. They would do whatever it takes
to prevent people from exercising what the rest
of society would say, is a fundamental human
> More
49 Years of Independence and Freedom – “What is
there to Celebrate?”
A Rejoinder by Abdul Kabba, Baltimore, Maryland,
6 May 2010
Dear Ms. Yvonne Atiba-Davies (PhD)
I read your comments in The Sierra Leone Telegraph
and totally agree with most of what you say, and my
question now is what we do about it? Sierra Leone
has deteriorated since independence; our country is
bankrupt and only survives on subsidies provided by
the first world.
How do we emancipate ourselves from this abyss of
poverty, degradation, squalor and despair? Who is
responsible to do this, is it just the government or
is it all of us supposed patriots of Sierra Leone?
> More |
Sierra Leone
Celebrates 49 Years of Independence
27 APRIL 1961 – 27 APRIL 2010
27 April 2010
Congratulations to the
people of Sierra Leone on your 49th
Independence Anniversary.
Happy Birthday to You Mama Salone and
God Bless as Always!!
Wishing you a much brighter future!
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49 Years of Independence and Freedom – What is
there to Celebrate?
30 April 2010
The people of Sierra Leone have just celebrated the
country’s 49th independence anniversary – with
street parties, lantern parade and civic functions
highlighting the celebrations.
But the question of whether Sierra Leoneans should
celebrate the country’s independence from colonial
rule given the high levels of poverty and aid
dependency; is one that has become a hot topic of
debate at each anniversary, with emotions running
high. Both sides of the debate feel quite passionate
about their views and beliefs.
> More |
Leone Needs a Comprehensive and Sustainable
Energy Policy and Strategy
21 April 2010
Leone is in desperate need of a comprehensive
energy policy and strategy that will meet the
demands of the country’s industrial development
and economic growth, as the global recession
wanes. And there is plenty of evidence that the
recession is slowly ebbing.
The Vice
President – Alhaji Sam Sumana met with
stakeholders including industry,
parliamentarians, the international community
and civil society groups on Wednesday 14th April
2010, to officially launch the ‘Sierra Leone
National Energy Policy and Strategic Plan’.
Expectations were high, but there were
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Renewal of Sierra Leone’s Social Housing
Stock: The Case for Local Government Intervention
25 March 2010
need for a national social housing
renewal and rebuilding programme cannot
be over-emphasized. It is now thirty
years since the government of Sierra
Leone embarked on a national low cost
housing development scheme.
The 1970s social housing scheme was
largely successful in meeting the needs
of a fraction of the low income
population in just a few of the major
towns and cities. But it was highly
politicised, and driven by corrupt
officials, with the blessings of
ministers. Lessons must be learnt.
> More |
Sierra Leone Telegraph's Exclusive
British MP – Denis
MacShane – Speaks to the Sierra Leone
Telegraph about the alleged corruption
of Sierra Leone's Ministers
13 March 2010
It was during question time in the
British Parliament, which took place on
11 March 2010, that Denis MacShane MP,
accused ministers in Sierra Leone of
lining their pockets with British tax
payers’ money sent to Sierra Leone for
tackling poverty. Was his allegation
true or false? The Sierra Leone
Telegraph investigates.
> More |
Leone’s Doctors and Nurses End Strike as President
Yield to Pay Demands:
Victory for Common Sense
29 March 2010
Health workers in Sierra Leone have
decided to end their ten day strike,
which was called in protest at low pay
and poor working conditions. The
president has acceded to their demands,
in a late night deal to increase their
pay by 500%.
The strike
organiser - Dr Freddie Coker told BBC’s Umaru
Fofannah, that doctors would now get a take home
salary of $600 (£402) a month, up from $100 (£67).
Health workers will also get a review of their
housing and transportation allowance by the Health
> More
President Koroma’s Credibility on the Line as
Striking Doctors Remain Defiant ?
27 March 2010
In just four weeks, the
President will be launching a nationwide
free access to health care for all
pregnant and lactating mothers, the
elderly and children under five – as a
prelude to the country’s celebration of
50 years of independence.
The British government is paying £34
Million towards the cost of this
programme, with an additional £7 Million
to pay for much needed drugs and
Did someone forget to factor into the programme
costs – a fairer and equitable pay for those hard
working doctors and nurses?
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Allegations of Corrupt Ministers in Sierra Leone
Continues to Reverberate at Westminster
17 March 2010
hugely damaging statement was totally
inaccurate and, moreover, the DFID
office has just been subjected to a
rigorous National Audit Office audit,
which went very well. Will you advise
me, Mr. Speaker, what means exist to
enable Members to correct wholly
inaccurate statements in the House,
particularly that statement, which has
unnecessarily damaged reputations and
undermined the good work and offices of
the presidential and DFID offices in
Sierra Leone?” - asked the Honourable
lady for Crosby.
Crisis of Leadership in Sierra Leone:
What Crisis?
21 March 2010
Citizens of Sanda will also have the
chance to express their vote of
confidence on President Koroma’s
leadership, or show dissatisfaction with
the President’s effort in eradicating
poverty, illiteracy, poor health and
unemployment, in what is regarded as the
ruling party’s heartlands. But will
they? Would the people of Sanda use this
bye-election as a referendum on issues
such as the President’s support for the
Anti-Corruption Commission, which is now
holding its APC ministers accountable?
> More |
Breaking News:
British Parliament
South Yorkshire MP
questions the Parliamentary Chairman of
The Public Accounts Commission about the
spending of British Tax Payers' money in
Sierra Leone
11 March 2010
During Prime Minister’s question time in
the British Parliament today – 11 March
2010; the South Yorkshire Labour MP
expressed grave concern that British tax
payers’ money sent to Sierra Leone is
lining the pockets of corrupt ministers
in Sierra Leone.
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Sierra Leone’s Crippling Underdevelopment:
Spotlight on the British Government's Antidote
4 March 2010The British Minister for International
Development is quite resolute about
preparations for Sierra Leone's 2012
general elections. He explained to the
Editor of the Sierra Leone Telegraph,
that; “DFID is in the process of
finalising a programme of support to
‘Deepening Democracy in Sierra Leone’,
one of the aims of which is to support
an inclusive, free and fair election
process in the run-up to the 2012
elections.” This programme will run from
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Tackling Corruption is not a Game of
26 February 2010
Fighting corruption in Sierra Leone is
everybody’s business, because for every
$1 that is stolen from the public purse,
approximately $10 is lost to the
economy, as the country’s circular flow
of income is asphyxiated by greedy,
selfish and rogue individuals in
> More
President Koroma Blows the Whistle on Corruption
Once Again: But Whats Different this Time?
23 February 2010
Yesterday, President Ernest Koroma ordered the
immediate arrest of National Revenue Authority and
Customs Officers that are suspected of facilitating
the defrauding of the State by unscrupulous
“I have included in this meeting the Inspector General
of Police, the Director of Public Prosecutions, and
the Office of National Security to ensure that these
instructions are carried out immediately and to the
fullest. There should be no compromise and we will
accept no apologies” - Said the tough talking
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Sierra Leone’s Public Sector: ‘Don’t Reform it,
Re-create it.’
20 February 2010
Attempts by previous governments to reform and
restructure the sector had failed, mainly because of
politicization and the deep rooted culture of
corruption embedded within its management
structures. Hence, our view is that any strategy
aimed at reforming the public sector now, that stops
short of a radical ‘root and branch’ change, will
not succeed.
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President Koroma Kick-starts His 2012 Elections
Campaign: Is a Second term in the offing?
14 February 2010
As President Koroma kick-starts his 2012 elections
campaign in the south-eastern region of the country
– the political heartland and nerve centre of the
opposition SLPP - both sides of the political
spectrum are now beginning to raise the ante.
> More |
Youth Unemployment in
Sierra Leone: Battleground for the 2012 Elections?
8 February 2010
There has been a
disconcerting rise since 2007, in the
number of young people out of work in
Sierra Leone. The global economic
downturn and a lack of vision and
commitment, to address the labour market
needs of those completing or dropping
out of the university, college and
school system; have ensured that young
people in Sierra Leone remain trapped in
the vicious cycle of poverty.
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Sierra Leone – A
Nation in Bewilderment: Will President
Koroma Slaughter his Sacred Cows or Will
He Look for Scapegoats?
3 February 2010
It was Tuesday, 26 January 2010. The
President of the World Bank had arrived
in Freetown for a brisk two-day fact
finding and confidence building visit to
Sierra Leone. The country’s President,
who had no say in the Bank’s Chief
itinerary, was not due to meet the Chief
until the second and final day of the
visit – Wednesday, 27 January.
> More |
Special Economic
Zone (SEZ) for Sierra Leone: Laying down
the Foundation for Economic Growth?
28 January 2010
The Government of Sierra Leone in a
press statement has announced the
signing of an agreement, between the
Ministry of Trade and Industry and the
American - owned
FIRST STEP Economic Opportunity Zone,
Inc., to develop a fifty acre Special
Economic Zone (SEZ) near Waterloo,
> More |
World Bank's Chief Zoellick In Town
23 January 2010
African leaders will be watching the P’s
and Q’s of not only their economic
policies, but their commitment to good
governance, overcoming poverty,
promoting peace, transparency, and above
all - tackling corruption. The World
Bank Group President - Robert B.
Zoellick – will be in Town.
> More |
President Koroma Donates $100,000 to Haiti as
Poverty Rises in Sierra Leone
21 January 2010
Sierra Leone is ranked as one of the three
poorest nations in the world. But in the wake of
a catastrophic earthquake, of epic proportion in
Haiti and Sierra Leone’s massive budget deficit,
President Koroma of Sierra Leone has somehow
managed to find $100,000, which he has donated
to the people of Haiti through the UN Office in
> More |
Sierra Leone’s Economic Prospects: Behind
Every Dark Cloud there should be a Silver Lining
18 January 2010
The Global economic downturn and financial crisis
has had a devastating impact on African countries
generally and Sierra Leone is no exception. But some
countries in Africa have been able to weather the
storm far better than most.
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International Funding
Donors Embroil in Local Politics: Who Pays the Piper
calls the Tune
12 January 2010
Sierra Leone's International Funding Donors’ press
statement published today in the Awareness Times,
urging Sierra Leoneans to support the government's
newly introduced Goods and Services Tax (GST), will
no doubt add to the political furore that has been
ignited in the country by the introduction of this
unpopular Tax. Many in Sierra Leone are now left
feeling perturbed, wondering about the role and
function of the international Donor Agencies in the
21st Century.
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The New Goods and Services Tax
Causing Chaos in Sierra Leone
9 January 2010
The introduction of the new 15% Goods and Services
Tax (GST) has brought chaos to the shops and markets
of Freetown, as rogue traders and shop keepers take
advantage of a poorly implemented ‘stealth tax’ to
raise prices far beyond the reach of the average
Sierra Leonean who earns less than 50 US Cents a
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Sierra Leone’s Economic Performance
– 2009 In Review: ‘Is there something to write home
5 January 2010
As Sierra Leoneans across the country look back on
2009, not only will they remember the devastating
impact of the global economic downturn, but the
government’s ‘seemingly’ lack of imagination in
taking the necessary bold steps that could have
cushioned the poorest in society against the effects
of rising prices, food shortages, depleting foreign
reserves, declining export and domestic tax
revenues, and the depreciation of the Leone against
the Dollar.
More |
President Koroma’s resolution for 2010:
Tackling the scourge of social
discrimination in Sierra Leone
21 December 2009
“Well Momoh that concludes the interview
for the position of Senior Clerical
Officer. If you are successful we will
contact you; otherwise you will not hear
from us.” That was the last Momoh heard
from the interviewing panel. Momoh
waited for over six months, hoping to
receive the good news.
More |
Northernisation – Southernisation
10 October 2009
The President’s speech at the state
opening of Parliament last Friday, 8
October 2009, must have struck a chord
for every Sierra Leonean and potential
investor that has good intentions for
the country.
> More |
Two Years and Counting: What Does the Future Hold
for President Koroma's Government?
18 September 2009
Much has
been written and said about President Koroma’s
first two years in office, but very little as to
what is in store for his government and the
people of Sierra Leone, as he starts counting
down to the end of his first term in power.
More |
More Power to Sierra Leone's Economy: 'Mind the
23 June 2009
In its latest report, the World
Bank is warning that “developing countries will be
hit hard by falls in private investment.” The
Washington-based agency predicted nearly $1 trillion
less in foreign investment this year than they did
in 2007, leaving developing countries, such as
Sierra Leone, hundreds of millions of dollars short
of the money they need to finance their obligations.
> More
President Obama’s visit
to Ghana leaves Sierra Leone out in the
22 May 2009
The reactions of
Sierra Leoneans to the White House
announcement that President Obama will
be visiting Ghana in July have been
mixed. Those erring on the side of
pragmatism and reasoning are quite
satisfied that the President’s decision
to stay away from Sierra Leone is
obvious and to be expected.
> More
President Koroma signs
new contracts with Ministers, as Tony
Blair warns of tougher times ahead
15 May 2009
As Tony Blair basked in
the hot sunny beaches of Freetown amidst
cheering fishermen and hawkers,
reporters were keen to clarify his role
in developing the country’s economy, in
particular his intentions for Sierra
Leone’s ailing tourism industry.
President Koroma succeed in rebranding
Sierra Leone’s image abroad?
5 May 2009
A major priority for President Koroma,
as he embarks on a mission to rebrand
the country’s image is to eradicate
‘Sierra Leone’s greatest shame’ – the
inhumane settlements of Kroo Bay,
Susan’s Bay and others languishing in
filth, squalor, disease and degradation.
> More
Mama Salone Laments 48 Years of Freedom
and Independence
April 2009
Doctor I am feeling so
tired, all that celebrations and
partying!! My back, my shoulders and all
my joints are aching Doctor.
Billions of Leones
borrowed by the APC government will
haemorrhage Sierra Leone’s economy
18 April 2009
The President has laid
down the gauntlet for his party
officials, Ministers and supporters at
the APC convention. But what is rather
odd and striking about his speech, was
the absence of any reference to his
government’s real economic achievements.
New Private
Development Strategy Revealed as Poverty
in Sierra Leone is Predicted to Continue
into 2018
April 2009
Alas, after much
procrastination and dithering by the
government, President Koroma has finally
announced his much awaited ‘Private
Sector Strategy’.