Presidential hopeful Alie Kabba leads the voice of opposition in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 2 February 2016

alie kabbaAfter weeks of silence, since the conclusion of magistrate court’s preliminary hearings in Freetown, that have now been committed to the High Court, Dr. Alie Kabba (Photo) has spoken. He refuses to be muzzled.

Writing to supporters and well-wishers in Sierra Leone and all over the world, Kabba sounds more determined than ever, in holding the Koroma government to account. It seems the Alie Kabba train is unstoppable.

And if the political game plan of the ruling APC is to muzzle Alie Kabba through the trumped up charge of bigamy, then they have miscalculated. He is even more fired up now, than he was before his first arrest by the government.

“As I have said many a time before, whatever I am forced to endure here in Sierra Leone, with my life on the line, is nothing compared to the universal pain and suffering our people deal with everyday,” writes Dr. Kabba.

Last Friday, Dr. Kabba was at the opposition SLPP head office in Freetown, where he attended Friday prayers. He spoke to a large gathering of SLPP supporters.

He told them that over 50% of the ruling APC party supporters are now disappointed with the performance of the Koroma government that has reneged on every promise it made, during campaigning at the general election in 2007.

Writing today in the Sierra Leone Telegraph, his honesty, conviction and determination to lead the transformational change Sierra Leone so badly needs, is palpable. This is what he said:

Alie Kabba Dec 2015Fellow Sierra Leoneans:

I want you all to know that in spite of the toxic mix of judicial travesties and ridiculous propaganda stratagems, schemes and schemata, the Alie Kabba Campaign remains strong, vibrant, undistracted, issue-based, clear-visioned, unbought and unbroken.

I want to assure my supporters – the SLPP family and my fellow Sierra Leoneans, that I am resolute in my fight to make Sierra Leone a shining light on the hilltop of Africa.

If any unjust restrictions are placed on me, rest assured that I will reject them with the disdain they deserve, for acquiescence to such flagrant injustice is tantamount to the coddling of unruliness and despotism.

As I have said many a time before, whatever I am forced to endure here in Sierra Leone, with my life on the line, is nothing compared to the universal pain and suffering our people deal with everyday.

I want you all, supporters at home and in the diaspora as well as non-supporters alike, to stay strong and firm in your faith in Sierra Leone and to be optimistic about its future, even when we are confronted with the collapse of democracy and rule of law.

I would like those of us in the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) to realize that there was SLPP before the current Flagbearer contest, and there will be SLPP after the Flagbearer election. So let’s be respectful in our dealings and make this a campaign of vision and not personalities.

We can easily unite and present a formidable challenge to the ruling party, but we need to put a lid on infighting and concentrate on designing the best electoral ground game to take our party back to State House with a majority in parliament.

To win, we must champion the aspirations of the 99% of our people who have been chained by the excruciating pains of poverty, unemployment and under- development for far too long.

To win, we must be unapologetic and unequivocal in our opposition to corruption, impunity, widening social inequality and indifference to the plight of the poor.

Yes, to win, SLPP must be the party that affirms human dignity and social justice as foundational elements of our party platform.

Let’s unite to achieve victory and end the predatory politics of the current narcissistic ruling class before it is too late.

If you are sick and tired of the status quo and ready for real change, I invite you to join the Alie Kabba Campaign today for a radical progressive transformation of the nation.

One Country One People. Everyone in…No one out. Everyone up…No one down.

Your Humble Servant,
Alie Kabba

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