Politics & Law

Africa – which way now?

The Great Sayedna: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 26 December 2020: For countless decades, political scientists, pundits and ideologists that are well versed on subjects relating to ethical ideals, principles and doctrines affiliated with a class or a large group of people have been pondering over the best ways our societies must [Read More]

Politics & Law

Sierra Leone’s Covid-19 response is “ineffective but yet expensive operation” says audit report

Lawrence Williams: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 23 December 2020: Sierra Leone’s Covid-19 audit report uncovers “massive” corruption in the management and utilisation of funds by the National Coronavirus Emergency Response Centre (NaCOVERC) and other Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. (Photo above – Head of NaCOVERC, Mr Solomon Jamiru). The report highlights [Read More]