Sierra Leone Telegraph: 27 June 2020:
Today, 27th June 2020, marks the first anniversary of the departure of our beloved father, brother, grandad, uncle, cousin, and friend – Mr Michael Alphonso Kalley, who sadly passed away in Freetown on the 27th of June 2019, aged 66.
Michael was a long-time resident of Houston, Texas, USA – a man full of life and love for family. Mike was an alumni of St. Edwards Secondary School at Kingtom in Freetown, where he excelled as an athlete in track and field events. He was also the goalkeeper for the school soccer team in the ’70s.
He migrated to the USA immediately after finishing High School in Freetown, and made Houston his home.
He graduated from Texas Southern University with a BA Degree in Accounting – and later worked as a Tax Specialist in the private sector.
Michael is survived by his daughter – Sylvia Suadu in London; granddaughters – N’Gardie and Fantah; Sisters – Isabella Deensie in Virginia, USA, Evelyn Bright – Davies in Atlanta, USA, Ann Dunn in Dallas, USA, and Sylvia Suadu Mason in London, UK; his brother – Mr Donald Ishmael Kalley in Canada; Sisters in law – Yvette Kalley in Houston, Texas, and Mrs Christiana Kalley in Canada; brothers in Law – Dr Alex Dunn and Mr Dennis Deensie in the USA. Several nieces and nephews in Sierra Leone, USA, Canada and UK.
Michael Kalley was a larger than life character. He was a socialite and an icon to every young person growing up in Freetown in the 1970s.
Speaking to the Editor of the Sierra Leone Telegraph – Abdul Rashid Thomas – about the passing of his friend Michael, one gets a true sense of the depth of loss that his family and friends are going through – twelve months on. Michael is very much missed by all who knew him, not least his wonderful family.
Recalling Mike’s younger days growing up in Fisher Lane, Freetown, Abdul Rashid Thomas said: “Mike was the spark that lit every social gathering in the 1970s. He was friendly and loved music. He was a fashionista who donned the latest couture in town, even before they got to the shops for sale. He was a great showman who excelled in sports too.
“Back in the day, every young school boy wanted to be like Michael Kalley, whether it’s in athletics, football or cricket. Mike was a star, an icon and a role model. He inspired many young people to become the best in whatever sporting event they chose.
“Sadly, that bright star of Sierra Leone has been extinguished by the unseen hand of the Almighty God.
“Mike is sorely missed by his family and friends, especially in Sierra Leone, UK, Canada and the USA. May his soul continue to rest in perfect peace.“
Houston is missing a dear brother, father and friend – A man who will spare his shirt to make his kinfolk happy.
Michael Alphonso Kalley – the fashionista and super sportsman left us a year ago but will never be forgotten.
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