Sierra Leone Telegraph: 6 April 2020:
A special chartered flight from Brussels last night landed at the Lungi international airport in Freetown, carrying vital medicines and medical supplies valued at $130.000.
The cargo weighs about 18 tons and contains critical medical products procured by UNICEF on behalf of the country’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation in support of the government’s Free Health Care Initiative (FHCI).
The Government of Sierra Leone introduced the FHCI in 2010 to allow pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children under five years of age to receive essential treatment and medicines at no cost.
To date, the FHCI has been supported by several donors, including UK Aid, the European Union, USAID and others.
The chartered flight also contained a World Health Organisation consignment of 140 litres of glycerol – one of the ingredients needed for producing alcohol-based hand rub, currently not available on the local market, for the prevention of infections.
After unloading its cargo, last night’s specially arranged Brussels flight to Sierra Leone, collected 135 European tourists and foreign expatriates – many of whom were left stranded in Freetown, after the government of Sierra Leone announced the closure of the country’s airspace to commercial flights.
Based on the current situation on the ground in the USA, I will recommend that the government of Sierra Leone should start making contingency plans to evacuate all of its dual citizens who are willing to go back home temporarily till this situation returns to normal. It’s scary to hear that almost 2000 people died within 24 hours from only the Coronavirus.
May the almighty continue to protect us. Amen and Ameen.
Why are all these Europeans leaving our country at a time like this? Do they know something coming to our country regarding Coronavirus that we don’t? Also, what will happen to our country if the President, His Vice, the Chief Minister and the Speaker become ill, God forbids, due to Coronavirus? Scary times ahead that only Sahr Matturi is concerned and thinking about. God save our country from any political instability due to Coronavirus. Amen and Amen.
Sahr Matturi says: “Scary times ahead that only Sahr Matturi is concerned and thinking about. God save our country from any political instability due to Coronavirus. Amen and Amen.” You are in a safe place son. The tiffi tiffi APC is kaput. BTW when is the next flight?
Please let me know about any other flights to Europe.
All is well. Nothing will happen to our country Salone.