Sierra Leone Telegraph: 20 March 2020:
Yesterday, the Chinese ambassador to Sierra Leone – Hu Zhangliang donated a large consignment of much needed medical protective materials and equipment, as well as a 50 kw electricity generator to the people of Sierra Leone to help the country prepare for the coronavirus. Sierra Leone is yet to confirm any case of infection within its borders, whilst Liberia and Guinea have reported cases.
The donated items were handed over to the Minister of Health and Sanitation – Dr. Alpha Wurie, and the Chief Medical Officer – Mr. Samba. Also present at the handing over ceremony were representatives of Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, China-Sierra Leone friendship organizations, Chinese Medical Teams in Sierra Leone and the local media.
Speaking about the corona pandemic, Ambassador Hu said China has now effectively kept COVID-19 under control and things are turning for the better in China. According to reports, Wuhan – the centre of the pandemic, has in the last two days recorded zero new cases of infection.
Responding indirectly to the USA president Trump’s statement that China is the source of the coronavirus, the ambassador said that, though COVID-19 was first discovered in China, it does not necessarily mean that it originated in China.
He said that just as the Ebola shouldn’t be labelled as an ‘African Ebola’ or ‘Sierra Leonean Ebola’, referring to the coronavirus pandemic as “Chinese virus” or “Wuhan virus” is unacceptable, immoral and ill-intentioned.
He said that the medical items and electricity generator donated to the people of Sierra Leone by China yesterday, is a demonstration of the strong solidarity and genuine friendship between China and Sierra Leone.
Ambassador Hu commended President Julius Maada Bio and his government for showing strong leadership in preparing for CORVID-19. He said that despite the huge challenges facing China, his country will continue to share experiences with and provide necessary assistance to Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone’s Minister of Health – Dr. Wurie thanked China for the prompt support for Sierra Leone at this crucial moment. He said that China is always among the first to extend a helping hand to Sierra Leone when need arises.
The Minister emphasized that the donated items from China will significantly enhance Sierra Leone’s capacity in preventing and controlling COVID-19. The President of the Sierra Leone-China Friendship Society – Dr. Joe Conteh, echoed similar sentiments.
The donated items include 500 protective gowns, 500 N95 masks, 1,000 surgical masks, 1,000 pairs of medical gloves, 200 medical goggles and a 50 kw generator.
In addition, China has equipped their CDC and military expert groups working in Sierra Leone with testing kits, which will enable them to conduct about 1,000 COVID-19 tests.
While this donated consignment clearly will not be sufficient for the government of Sierra Leone to take further pre-emptive tests for the coronavirus across the country, there are calls for the president to do more to ensure that Sierra Leone remains corona free by freeing up much needed financial resources locked in non-essential programmes and projects.
Many in Sierra Leone are also pondering why president Julius Maada Bio (Photo) and senior ministers in his government, have not voluntarily decided to take reduced salaries for the next few months, as the country prepares for the coronavirus. Former president Ernest Bai Koroma and his ministers slashed their salaries in support of the Ebola crisis.
Charity begins at home and president Bio must now show true and honest leadership for all to see.
Thanks to the Chinese government for the humanitarian supplies they have donated to the people of Sierra Leone. But personally I’m not surprised because they always come to our rescue during good and bad times and I hope and pray that they will finally help us with some urgently needed Ventilators.
Based on my little knowledge in politics, I am 100% sure that wages ( including that of the President ) and wage adjustments during good and bad times is the sole responsibility of the House of Parliament – and during the Ebola crisis it was a bipartisan effort to temporarily adjust the wages of top government officials ( which I was not sure affected the lifetime leader of the APC ), even though the whole world donated millions of dollars to the affected countries.
The only credit I gave to the lifetime leader of the APC at the peak of the Ebola crisis was when he called the Ebola donations “ BLOOD MONIES “ and he even warned Paolo Conteh and others against stealing blood money and went further by swearing anyone who stole blood money which I believe caught up with them during the 2018 presidential election loss . I was really shocked by the total silence and inaction by the then Anti Corruption Commissioner because Paolo Conteh and others stole those blood money with impunity which was evidence based on the amount of mansions they built and fancy cars they bought after the Ebola crisis.
Finally I personally believe that all the statements made by the AYAMPIE lifetime leader of the APC was a farce because he was also an accomplice , because he over compensated his APC ministers and parliamentarians with the blood monies after the temporary salary adjustment. I hope and pray that the Almighty will reward them for whatever they did with the blood monies,- but this time around things are different because most of the rich donor countries and our citizens in the diaspora are facing their own economic challenges so we have to hope and pray that the current government policies will be successful including the stimulus package that they have already rolled out which should also be backed up by people intensely participating in Agriculture since they are now isolated from the rest of the world. May the Almighty continue to guide and protect us all. Amen and Ameen.
Forget about the Ebola crisis and what the former administration did or did not do. You have said all good things about what seems to me, the one hundred percent preparedness for Coronavirus by the administration. What you did not tell me, the people of the world and all Sierra Leoneans is this – How would the ordinary Sierra Leonean feed themselves and get basic medical attention if there is a “LOCK DOWN”?
You know very well Mr. Alusine Fallay that, millions of Sierra Leoneans live by daily “Hand To Mot”. Has your government, made any preparations to support the millions of our fellow citizens who don’t have savings to buy and hoard essential foodstuffs like the few rich including the President and his men are now engaged in?
Please reply as soon as possible Mr. Alusine Fallay. God help Mr. Alusine Fallay think about the millions of poor Sierra Leoneans rather than thinking about the rich in the Bio Administration. God bless Mr Alusine Fallay.
Its quite easy to know a master craftsman, who is very skillful in using words effectively like gadgets and tools, for the speedy dismantling of barriers of ignorance and inadequacies.
“Charity begins at Home;”says the Honorable Abdul Thomas; What a beautiful line! Such a captivating line! Always brings back delightful memories of my beloved grandmother – that was her daily mantra, and rod for chastising family members with self-centered and selfish attitudes. With those few words, she kept everyone in check; humble,submissive,and thoughtful,like a Matador cracking an iron whip in the sight of a stubborn,restless bull.
Charity begins at home.True! Its time for this President to tightly strap his boots,and now gallantly show his people, how to tread the ways of selflessness and patriotic sacrifice, that always leads,those shackled by abject poverty,despair and desperation to the end of
tunnels dazzling with lights of promise,and hope.
And once again,gentlemen,a round of applause for the generous Chinese for yet another urgently needed donation in the midsts of an unusual,frightening storm,that has appeared out of nowhere, wrecking havoc. Indeed,for beggars,crippling humiliation is a badge the incompetent are compelled to wear on garments made of shame and total
disgrace. Countless times,I warned this inept government to show restraint when dealing with investors,yet all to no avail; From rooftops, I blew trumpets,screaming out loud;” Oh Sea farers,navigating our ship,tread cautiously!”
Yet no one listened. “Dark, rainy days may be ahead, do not chase investors away” I insisted; Yet my words were waved off.
Now see the predicament in which we find ourselves;Little
drops of water make a mighty ocean; Had we still be receiving revenues from SL Mining,and others, certainly, that would have brought us the huge financial relief,badly needed in these trying times of the Corona virus pandemic.
“Prudent spending methods are dependable,” I reminded them, Yet they arrogantly replied;
“Tribal wasteful spending is better,to hell with you and your rising sun”(lol)
Folks,this is what bad leadership,and lack of foresight can do; The holes in which they are now struggling to get out of, were dug by their own tribalistic, hands.
Will the SLPP take a salary cut,just like the legendary APC? (lol) Wait! No haste! let’s be calm,watchful,and patient;We must let the passing moments gently unfold, and quietly reveal themselves
…Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
Should Sierra Leone have any cases of Covid-19, I’m sure no country is better placed to help than China. W.H.O. advices should be enacted such as washing of hands with soap and water for 20 secs, no handshakes, no touching of face and eating before washing hands,covering of mouth and nose before coughing and sneezing, no spitting and social distancing from people,etc. The Government has taken the right decision in banning all flights fo 90 days.
A 100$ worth of supplies and a generator well done china . Each item should have been in the 10s of thousands to make it a proper worthwhile donation.
“Former president Ernest Bai Koroma and his ministers slashed their salaries in support of the Ebola crisis.”
It is unconscionable to attempt to use the ultra-corrupt APC administration of Ernest Bai Koroma as a model for fighting the coronavirus pandemic. The heroes in the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone were not the nefarious and suborned APC officials who pilfered Ebola funds from generous donors at the detriment of their sick and dying compatriots. The real heroes in that epic war were the country’s gallant healthcare professionals and their foreign counterparts from Britain, China, and Nigeria, to mention just a few. While those folks sacrificed their lives, Ernest Bai Koroma, Paolo Conteh and other unscrupulous APC operatives feasted ad infinitum on donor funds.
So, while bringing Paolo Conteh and other crooked APC grandees on-board to fight the deadly coronavirus has been praised by some, I wonder what positive contributions would be expected from folks whose significance in the fight against Ebola was compromised by their unhealthy appetite for embezzling state funds.
Tellingly, there is a desire for unity in Sierra Leone to fight the deadly pandemic. But such unity must not be crafted on the backs of a compromise with sleazy and discredited public officials who remain in the cross-hairs of the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Commissions of Inquiry as persons of interest. This, notwithstanding, what healthcare expertise does Paolo Conteh possess?
Sierra Leone’s fight against coronavirus must be fronted by the president, the vice-president, the minister of health and the country’s healthcare professionals. This is how the war is confronted in many countries. Bringing on board the tired and venal Paolo Conteh and his double-dealing APC associates is counterproductive.
Did I hear someone who can’t answer to my questions and failed to provide/produce a video belonging to the ideology of cloud CUCKOO land, talking about the hard work carried out by the former APC Administration on the Ebola crisis? Will Mr. Bilal Coleman, provide me any proof about his unfounded attacks on former APC officials concerning the Ebola Crisis? Now, Coronavirus aside. I invite Mr. Bilal Coleman right now for a debate on this glorious platform about his unfounded rhetoric and attacks. Is Mr. Bilal Coleman a true citizen of Sierra Leone who cares about the welfare of his country threatened by a very rare and dangerous disease? Is he concerned about his country or empty political rhetoric?
I remember, inviting him the last time, after making some sarcastic, irresponsible and silly remarks against one of the most respected and popular politicians in the country for debate. He refused and did not return to this glorious platform after ages. I hope he replies to me as soon as possible. If not, he will just be ignored and his story left for the birds. No waste of time for unfounded and shameless rhetoric. We have serious issues to discuss. There is plenty of time for politicking Mr. Bilal Coleman. Do you agree with me Mr. Bilal Coleman?
Mr. Bilal Coleman somewhere there, sending Infodemic rhetoric, for me to take notice of him on this glorious platform. I’m not interested in Infodemic rhetoric. God help Mr. Bilal Coleman respond to my request.
Every little help is appreciated in times of crisis/need. But will this donation from the Chinese be all that is needed to fight Coronavirus in Sierra Leone? This is what the Chinese Ambassador said “He said that despite the huge challenges facing China, his country will continue to share experiences with and provide necessary assistance to Sierra Leone”. The words “despite the huge challenges facing China” should send signals to the Bio Administration to do the rest in terms of logistic and other materials needed to fight Coronavirus. The help from the Chinese will not be the same as during the Ebola crisis because, the Coronavirus crisis has dented their economy badly.
Although, the numbers of Coronavirus victims are reducing in China, there are many unknowns about total recovery of people from Coronavirus, which is of concern to them. So, the Bio Administration must not be complacent. Carry on buying the necessary equipment, supplies and materials to protect your people. The funds are there. Just release it. You are the banker and controller of the “All In One Account” of the Republic of Sierra Leone, with help from the ministry of finance. I hope President Bio listens. God bless the people of China for their help and may God grant them total recovery from Coronavirus.
The diplomatic, shrewd and wise Mr Sahr Matturi that hardly anyone can match on this forum. Thanks mate. Keep it going. You are a star. (Not forgetting The Great Sayedna and Young4na)