Sierra Leone Telegraph: 10 December 2019:
Yesterday, Monday 9 December 2019, – the European Union (EU) Principal Adviser on Investment Strategy for Development and Innovative Financing – Arianna Vannini, met President Dr Julius Maada Bio in Freetown, where they discussed the EU’s new external investment plan for Sierra Leone.
Madam Vannini said that she is also visiting the country to follow-up on discussions held with the President when he visited the European Commission last year.
She said that the EU is aware of the number of priorities the New Direction Government is embarking on, including public finance management and education.
The Commission she said, is under new leadership that is committed to strengthening external relations, in particular with Africa.
She said the new leadership at the Commission is committed to take forward the EU-Africa Alliance Strategy that was adopted by the EU Commission last year.
“We have an external investment plan which is composed of three pillars – financial, technical assistance and improving investment climate. We have heard that this country is giving importance to improving investment climate in order to attract the private sector. This is very much what the external investment plan is focusing on.
“Sierra Leone has a lot of possibilities to be part of this external investment plan. Sierra Leone is a country with a very stable political environment, a youth population and the emphasis on innovation and technology is certainly good.
“The EU Commission is now focusing very much on the international partnership which is going to be articulated under five pillars,” she stated.
President Bio said that he is pleased to engage the EU Commission on their proposed external investment plan.
He said he is fully aware of the changes taking place around the world, for which his government is ready to respond positively to new opportunities and challenges.
The EU and Sierra Leone the president said, have been development partners for a very long time; adding that the EU has and continues to support quite a lot of projects in the country.
“We know that trade and investment are quite crucial; and we have done quite a lot also to make sure that we shape the investment climate in this country.
“We are an open government that embraces anything that works for the interest of our country; and we look forward to working with the EU, like we have always done,” president Bio said.
Mr Wiecha – You really wanna know when our President became a Doctor don’t you? (lmao) Well, it happened overnight when the birds flew home to their nests to rest; when the chickens came out at Sunrise, crouching low, for reasons no one really knows,in rows,one after the other crowing noisily at dawn.(lol) My old neighbor said, after rising from his bed,scratching his head,that they were shocked,alarmed,and at loss for words,hearing that our PREZO, displaying great enthusiasm,and GUSTO had managed to LEAP FROG the entire process of evolution,and transformation that Caterpillars go through,bypassing all the stages,and becoming a magnificent,colorful Butterfly in the twinkle of an eye.
Strange,is it not Sir,that Overriding,and nullifying the process,through underhanded,shady means has now become the new normal for Caterpillars dressed in green? (lol) Yep…they have now all become convinced that if the President can become transformed instantly,from a Caterpillar to a radiant butterfly overnight without ruffling any feathers – with the greatest of ease,they also will be able do it.(lol) Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
Since when president Maada Bio becomes a Doctor?
Good question wiehard wiecha. President Bio was a Ph.D candidate at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom at the time he ran for the presidency last year. He may have defended his dissertation over the last year. The man is not boastful. So, who knows, he may have been awarded the Ph.D degree and kept quiet.
Second, president Bio is the chancellor of two public universities in Sierra Leone – the University of Sierra Leone and Njala University. It is possible that one or both of these universities may have awarded him an honorary doctorate. Third and lastly, in the event that the foregoing activities may not have occurred, what is wrong with calling a brilliant politician a doctor?
OH. Asking about when President Bio became a DOCTOR Mr. Weicha? It’s a long story. But I will tell you this. No need to pursue a PhD if you become the PRESIDENT OF SIERRA LEONE because, you automatically become the CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SIERRA LEONE and the HONORARY DOCTORATE is CONFERRED on you. Should this culture of HONORARY DOCTORATE conferred on our Presidents be seen as CORRUPTION? Why should they be granted free degrees whilst everyone sweats in lecture rooms for years to get one? To you ACC for investigation.
It all started if I am not mistaken during the Stevens era and continues to date. Fact check me if I’m wrong. All our past presidents and present president love this title. Finally, do they continue with the title when they leave office?
GOD BLESS ALL of them with the DOCTOR TITLE.