Abdul R. Kabia
Sierra Leone Telegraph: 21 February 2016
Each time a report is released with reference to the government’s performance, it really leaves a lot to be desired.
Good and effective management of the natural resources of a low income country like Sierra Leone, is a driving force for achieving economic prosperity and social stability; and for the provision of basic services that are lacking in most communities across the country.
And it sometimes strains one’s imagination, pondering over the attitude of government officials in this country. They do not seem to harbour any sense of pride in their national identity, nor do they care about the poor people that are paying their salary through taxation.
They have completely lost their self-pride, in favour of the pursuit of quick and easy wealth; and, they are never satisfied.
It is evident that corruption has become ingrained and endemic within the country’s governing class.
But when such immoral practices become commonplace, and individuals lose their sense of responsibility and what they represent, disaster befalls the nation, poverty creeps in and the masses are condemned to abject poverty. This is the result of poor governance.
Our government officials cannot pride themselves in their performance and achievements in office. But they do pride themselves in the wealth and assets they have acquired at the expense of the poor and striving masses, who hardly can afford to meet their own basic needs.
If you happen to pin down a government official; I mean, one of those considered as highly educated in this country, it is terribly disheartening and upsetting just listening to what interests them most.
They boast without remorse about the immense wealth and assets they have accumulated, and the huge amount of money they spend on luxurious items, including furnishing their homes.
But when asked to name the government’s programs that are designed to drive the country to achieve economic and social progress, prosperity and alleviate poverty in line with the government’s agenda for prosperity, there is nothing of substance in terms of what is being achieved.
Instead, you will get a grotesque answer, casting blame on the ordinary poor people, for the economic and social problems they are experiencing.
This generation of government officials are a product of the general lack of political awareness, consciousness and conviction that characterizes public servants in the country today.
How on earth do we expect such class of public servants to deliver and achieve meaningful change and progress in society?
They have no interest in fighting against corruption, as it has become a way of life for them.
So, what is happening in the Fisheries Ministry is evidence of the scale of corrupt practices that are taking place across the various government departments.
Fishing and agricultural resources are strong capital assets for a country like Sierra Leone, where industrial activity is almost nonexistent.
These sectors need robust and efficient management for Sierra Leone to attain economic growth, through wealth creation. But can we rely on this APC government to bring about that change? I don’t think so.
There is an attempt by the APC government to stifle the efforts of conscientious and well-intentioned Sierra Leoneans, who have the determination and will to move the country forward.
We should work together with like-minded people in the country who want change in the way politics and governance is done today, so as to prevent Sierra Leone from sliding into another unstable, failed and chaotic state.
We can only bring about this change by creating conditions for everyone to participate in political activities in the country. It is a responsibility of every progressive Sierra Leonean to do so.
“It is easily said than to actually do it”. I generally agree Mr. Senesie. However, in life, whatever you intend to accomplish must be given the right focus, realistic optimism, determination, the conviction and willingness to engage.
It is about facing the challenge and exploring options. Those who believe in change – as to the right direction for progress in Sierra Leone will abandon negative perceptions and engage in action without fear or hindrance. Sierra Leone is a democracy despite the attempt to make it otherwise.
For those who harbour the belief that voters will always vote on regional lines or tribal sentiments are stuck in the past. The people are disillusioned with their governors. They want a change. This change is a total involvement task for every Sierra Leonean who wants to see progress in the country.
So, the electorate can be influenced to consider the way they make their choice with the right message and sensitization approach. It is our duty to get to action as well as inform people with the right information.
Those who believe in positive change must abandon regional and tribal dividing sentiments. Get on board – put the right people in the right place.
Thank you Mr Editor for publishing such a timely, well researched and summarised article above, about the responsibility of every Sierra Leoneans to participate in political and economic change in our motherland – Sierra Leone.
It is easily said than to actually do it. But with the help of the Sierra Leone online newspaper we can at least raise our concerns, views, objections without fear of persecution, intimidation or imprisonments, etc.
I am in Australia, and the other day on a train ride for an appointment with an elderly brother also from Sierra Leone, we met a man from Uganda who is also here in Australia for his own safety and welfare as ourselves – refugees from Africa.
Politics in Africa is hardly free and fair, not just during the main elections, but the day to day running the state by government, and where the ruling party is intolerant to the opposing parties of the day, as we are seeing in Sierra Leone.
I believe that participating in political change involves our religious and nonreligious convictions and beliefs, as they relate to our moralities and judgements that influence decision making, and determine the human progress and development needed.
Such, must be seen also in the freedom of the press/media, government plans and programs, etc.
It is hard to believe that the days of Siaka Stevens and the use of thugs to frighten the population, especially during election times is back. Is this the tactics the incumbent government is going to use in the 2018 general and presidential elections?
Will Sierra Leoneans be given opportunity to take part in developing the country or are we going to follow the same old system to destroy it?
Sierra Leone needs a very strong man to put things together and at least develop the country, which everyone will be proud of.
Thank you Sierra Leone Telegraph for giving me the opportunity to express my views on the Issue of corruption in our beloved Sierra Leone.