TFSL: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 July 2020:
Sierra Leone aspires to be a place of equal opportunity, yet where children are born still too often determines their educational and life trajectories. Educational inequality limits the life prospects of millions of children. 4 out of 5 children within the age range of 7 to 14 years lack basic foundational literacy and numeracy skills.
Children from the richest backgrounds are 14 times more likely to complete school than those from the poorest backgrounds. Similarly, children from urban areas are 9 times more likely to complete school than those from rural areas, while only 18% of our girls complete senior secondary school.
This inequality is a crisis that must be addressed with urgency. We must collectively mobilize our most capable leaders to address this most critical problem.
Teach For Sierra Leone (TFSL), a fully registered national NGO in Sierra Leone, is being part of the solution by partnering with the Government of Sierra Leone and the National Youth Service, to recruit and develop Sierra Leone’s most promising graduates and future leaders from diverse academic backgrounds, who will commit at least two years to teach in Sierra Leone’s low-income schools in underserved rural and urban communities.
Informed by their experiences as teachers during the two-year fellowship, TFSL fellows graduate to become veteran educators, school leaders, policy makers, advocates and entrepreneurs with a lifelong commitment to challenging and ending systemic injustices and bringing meaningful change to the lives of children irrespective of their socio-economic status, geographical location, and gender.
TFSL Alumni join a network of world-class leaders in diverse disciplines across the world challenging systemic injustices.
The young and dynamic Founder and Chief Executive Officer of TFSL, Josephine Mariagorretti Saidu, believes in the extraordinary potential of all children, and in our collective efforts to realize our aspirations by acting with courage, boldness, urgency and perseverance in pursuit of transformational impact.
When approached by our reporter, Ms Saidu had this to say “That has been my mission as Founder and CEO of TFSL – to work with others inside and outside of the education sector to ensure that all children thrive and achieve their full potential”.
She went on to say that “As we have deeply immersed ourselves into the local perspectives, needs and opportunities in the contexts in which we work, we have gained enormous insights from the deep partnerships that we have established with students, families, educators, and community members – all while also seeking to build our understanding of what is possible. We have prioritized learning from our failures/ mistakes over the pursuit of perfection”.
The TFSL recruitment process has started with effect from 6th July 2020 to 31st August 2020. Applications to join the Fellowship can be made on the TFSL website at www.teachforsierraleone.org.
Successful candidates will be placed in high need primary schools in rural and urban communities in Sierra Leone to implement and maintain the highest quality learning and development standards through our cutting-edge teacher training, coaching and mentoring.
We aim to help our placement schools to become World Class Learning Centres, where all children are valued for their natural gifts and talents, and adequately nurtured to grow to their fullest potential through the most powerful educational approaches.
The future is bright for TFSL as they work with local and international partners to create a truly liberatory environment in the education sector in which our children can thrive. When children thrive, communities and nations also thrive. They are appealing to all well-meaning persons and organisations to join them in this lifelong campaign.
Follow the link to register and start your journey to become a TFSL/NYS Corp. teachforsierraleone.co.uk/become-a-fello…
I’m Ibrahim Garba. I’m a graduate of Njala University, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work (Second division, Second Class). I want to be made a staff of Teach Salone, because I want to positively impact society.
I’d be grateful if I’m called to an interview.
Thanks in advance.
Hoping to hear from you.
Congratulations to all, I would like to move with the team for such initiative.
Thanks to the founders of Teach for Sierra Leone for such an excellent initiative. This can boost the educational sector, at least – less privileged children, especially the girl child who can access a quality and better education to achieve their dreams.
Indeed its a very good and sound initiave to create more opportunities for especially the youths around the the globe. For the youths are the future leaders of the next generation.
Nelson Mandela once said ”Education is the only tool that is used to fight against poverty and corruption”. With this I think Sierra Leone will become a better place.
A very good initiative
Education is the major key to success. A very good initiative madam Saidu.thanks
Someone sent me this link am glad with your initiative and will like to be part of your dreams
it a nice beautiful initiative which will play a key role in the transformation of the teaching sector.
Thanks, it’s my pleasure.
The real TEACH FOR SIERRA LEONE (TFSL), founded by Professor Jimmy Kandeh and continuing as a Volunteer Group, has been in existence and active since 2013. Has Sierra Leone Telegraph enquired into the background and “Teach for All” connections and funding? Abdul Rashid Thomas, any comments?
Mr Finnegan, you can visit the website of the TFSL where your questions will be answered. You can also contact the government of Sierra Leone who are working in partnership with TFSL for clarification. Thank you.
You can find out about our program and connections on http://www.teachforsierraleone.org
We have a truly diverse funding landscape that is for our internal consumption.
Nelson Mandela once said ” Education is the only tools that is use to fight against poverty and corruption ” with this I think Sierra Leone will become a better place
Thank you so much for your new campaign.
It is a nice initiative, but I haven’t found the application form as directed in the video clip. Please help me out with it. I’m a school teacher and I’m seriously interested in such positive initiative.