Sierra Leone Telegraph: 7 December 2020:
Sierra Leone’s most widely read online newspaper – the Sierra Leone Telegraph, has been nominated to receive the 2020 National Entertainment Award in Sierra Leone, in recognition of its outstanding contribution to bringing the news to the people of Sierra Leone.
The Sierra Leone Telegraph is now in its eleventh year, since it was launched in December 2009; and, with an annual average of just over 2 million visitors to the site in the last eleven years, the popularity and online presence of the Sierra Leone Telegraph continues to grow.
The 2020 NEA Awards is the 4th National Entertainment Awards to be held in Sierra Leone. last Friday, the organisers of the Awards issued this notice about how the public can vote:
“We (LAKE Production SL Limited) are excited to announce that the Online Voting System for the 2020 National Entertainment Awards in Sierra Leone is now live and kicking. Kindly visit our official website link here to start your online voting – https://site.lakeproductionsl.com/buy-points
The voter must be first able to sign up into his/her NEA Voting Account.
1. Navigate to the NEA voting page on the website.
2. Select Category, and then select Sub-Category; the nominees in that subcategory will be displayed.
3. Click on Vote on the nominee you wish to vote for and an input-dialog will appear for you to indicate the number of points you want to vote.
4. Enter your voting points and confirm.
5. You can buy your points online and vote as many times as possible from 50 minimum to 500,000 points maximum.
The prestigious VVIP award ceremony will take place at the Five Star Golden Tulip Essential Kimbima Hotel, Aberdeen, on the 23rd December 2020, at exactly 7 pm for Red Carpet and 9 pm for award ceremony.
Below is an interview conducted by the ReConnect Africa Magazine – with the editor of the Sierra Leone Telegraph Mr Abdul Rashid Thomas (Photo), which was republished here in December 2019:
Q: Abdul Rashid Thomas, you are the proprietor and editor of the Sierra Leone Telegraph, which is one of the most read Sierra Leone online newspapers in the diaspora. Where were you educated?
I was educated at the St. Edwards Secondary School at Kingtom in Freetown, and the Municipal Secondary School at Kissy Dockyard – also in Freetown, Sierra Leone. I then came to the UK where I pursued my undergraduate and post-graduate education in Business Management and Public Policy, with a master’s degree in public policy studies.
I also obtained various professional qualifications, including programme and project management, holding the PRINCE2 and Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) qualifications at practitioner levels. I am also an AGILE qualified practitioner.
I hold a professional Diploma in Management Training (DipTM) accredited by the Institute of Training and Development; and the Institute of Marketing Professional Certificate.
As an African whose ethos is one of continuing professional development, I have constantly pursued new learning opportunities that will keep me at the top of my career.
What was your first job?
My first job was self-employment. When I came out of university in Manchester – UK, global economic conditions and the UK employment market were pretty turbulent. It was at the height of an economic recession, but new opportunities were being created for young black people by the Thatcher government, following the 1981 inner city riots.
So, with my knowledge and skills in business and marketing, I established my own business start-up and market research training and consultancy business in Manchester, providing support, advice, training and guidance for unemployed African and Caribbean youths wanting to go into self-employment or community enterprise.
I also provided training and consultancy to one of the UK’s largest national workforce development organisation known as Fielden House Productivity Centre, based in Manchester, where I designed and delivered courses, seminars and workshops in business skills and community enterprise development.
In 1987, I was hired by one of the first inner city initiatives established by His Royal Highness – the Prince of Wales (Prince Charles), after the 1985 inner city riots, to set up the Moss Side and Hulme Community Development Trust, as its Executive Director.
The Moss Side and Hulme Community Development Trust was responsible for transforming and regenerating what was then a terribly rundown and economically deprived geographical area in the city of Manchester.
As head of the Trust, we established a public-private partnership investment fund of £12 million and created employment, training and community enterprise opportunities for the community which had an adult unemployment rate of 70%.
This was a challenge that gave me immense job satisfaction, given the level of success achieved, especially in transforming a once environmentally blighted area, into a community that became fit for living, working and leisure, with hundreds of new homes built, dozens of new businesses attracted into the area, and thousands of real job opportunities created for young people in and outside of the community.
When and why did you start the Sierra Leone Telegraph?
On a fulltime basis, I work for the UK NHS, using my programme and project management experience, knowledge and skills to help transform the NHS into a digitalised and paperless institution where patient data and information can be securely shared across the system to improve patient care and health outcomes.
Before this, I worked for both Leeds University and the Yorkshire Regional Development Agency as Programme Manager – Innovation. I was responsible for helping businesses in the region to improve their Global competitiveness through innovation, by establishing knowledge and technology transfer partnerships between the region’s universities and businesses. Through these partnerships, many businesses were able to develop and take to market new high-value added products.
But my passion is the Sierra Leone Telegraph. I established the Sierra Leone Telegraph on Boxing Day, 26 December 2009, after a serious and thorough assessment of how best I can contribute in helping to transform and promote transparency, social and economic justice, civil liberty and democratic freedoms in Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone had come out of a brutal civil war that took the lives of tens of thousands of people and displacing millions. For a country that is potentially a paradise with some of the most spectacular beaches and landscapes in the world, it is obscene that the country is being labelled as one of the poorest in the world today, quite simply due to corruption, poor governance and misplaced priorities by those in power.
Whilst a tiny section of the country’s media is trying hard to do a good job in exposing corruption and informing the people of Sierra Leone of what is going on in the country – despite being constantly harassed and intimidated by the powers that be, most of the media were terribly partisan and survived on handout from politicians.
So in 2009, I felt obliged to establish my own online newspaper to bring quality and independent analysis and commentary to readers across the world; and so far we have succeeded – with our average daily readership having grown from 500 in 2009 to 26,500 in 2019.
What have you learned along the way?
I have learnt that this life we live is not a rehearsal. So whatever you do, do it well and enjoy it. And if it doesn’t make you smile, make a change. I also learnt that to change who you are, you must first change your thinking. This is vital.
When we set goals for ourselves, the organisations that we lead, or the people and teams we manage, what drives us are our values and beliefs. If we believe that mediocrity is not good enough, then striving to achieve excellence comes as second nature.
I also learnt that there is very little you can achieve in life without having people skills. Your ability to get people to do what you want done, at the right quality and time, depends on how well you interact, engage, communicate with and value those you work with as individuals.
Finally, the world owes us nothing. In the aftermath of the riots in Moss Side in the UK in 1985, I was elected by the community as one of their representatives to work with British government ministers and the local council to find solutions to the myriad of complex economic and social problems facing the community.
I remember being interviewed by the BBC television Panorama programme about the difficulties faced by young black people and the racism we experienced. My message was simple and clear: The world owes you nothing. To achieve anything in life, you first of all must become an active citizen by empowering yourself through education and personal enterprise.
Who has been the greatest influence on your life?
My late Aunty Ramatu who brought me up as a young boy in Aberdeen, Freetown in the early sixties. She taught me to take pride in myself and whatever I do. She was an inspiration in my life, always making sure that I read a book every single day. But she also taught me to be self-sufficient, so that I can stand on my own feet.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
To look after number one (yourself) first, before you can help anyone else. Far too often we see young Africans struggling to work and send money home, abandoning their education. While I understand that many are victims of changing political and economic circumstances here in the UK and elsewhere, I do believe that there is much that can be achieved financially for yourself, your family and community by achieving the highest level you can attain in education. Education makes you stronger and gives you the tool to earn more money.
What top tips for career success can you offer?
Education, education, perseverance, and personal enterprise. Get a good education and start your own business. Whatever you do, try and be the best at it.
We – the team at the Sierra Leone Telegraph, want to thank our numerous readers who have stuck by us throughout the years and continue to do so. We look forward to many more years, serving and bringing the news to you as the Sierra Leone Telegraph celebrates another year of success. Thank you..
Wow. I haven’t posted on this forum in a while. It is nice to see that The Editor of this esteemed paper has been nominated for an award. I enjoy reading the paper as there is never any repetition of articles. Some online newspapers repeat postings and it is quite frustrating to read the same old articles time after time. There is also a new article almost daily on this paper, which is not an easy thing to do. So this nomination is well-deserved. I do hope Mr Thomas gets the award. I feel The Sierra Leone Telegraph deserves more than this award. How can a donation be made to this paper?
Abraham Jalloh says—“ Welcome back, Young4na for your timely return, just when the best on line newspaper, the Sierra Leone Telegraph has been nominated for this great award”
Yes sir, my senior brother from another mother, one of the finest patriotic voices our nation can boast of, thank you sir for your warm reception. Good to be back.
The accolades should be pouring down like rain on The Telegraph and A.R. Thomas. To just say congratulations doesn’t really befits the extraordinary work which the paper does in providing and enabling a platform where diverse views can be expressed freely. All those involved in politics in Sierra Leone should use The Telegraph as a classroom to learn the basics of democracy. They can then come to understand that for someone to say that I disagree is not synonymous with hate, tribalism or regionalism.
The Telegraph should also be used by the rest of the media in Sierra Leone to learn the true meaning of responsible journalism shrouded in objectivity. It is the only way to earn the respect of the readership or listening audience and the country at large. Objectivity underlines unpredictability, it sends chills down the spine of public figures. When they see a headline concerning them, they worry to death about which way the story is heading.
So in the absence of not being able to come up with a spectacular version of congratulations I say congratulations to The Sierra Leone Telegraph and A.R. Thomas. It is quite possible that I know A.R. Thomas from a distance as one who grew up in the Wilkinson Road/Lumley area and who played football at Aberdeen against teams who were only happy with a victory or a draw.
Just on time to be back and witness the monumental milestone of the Sierra Leone Telegraph being nominated and recognized at the national stage in addition to it’s already breaking records of being the most widely read online newspaper. Congrats honorable ART sir.
Hello forumites, glad to be back among you all. I return back from the motherland a week ago. My trip has been a hell of a roller coaster! A lot to catch up with!!
Welcome back, Young4na for your timely return, just when the best on line newspaper, the Sierra Leone Telegraph has been nominated for this great award. The best Christmas gift for tbis platform, where great minds like yours are able to hold their ground on debate about the way we want our country to move forward. Right now as you have alluded, our country has reached a cross road.
We either follow the tribal and rigional destructive path Bio and his government are leading our country, or collectively come together as one peoples, free from tribal and regional differences, and fucus our attention on one thing, and one thing only – how to liberate our country from wretchedness and hardships we found ourselves, so every Sierra Leonean will have a seat on that table of national discussion.
It shouldn’t be reserved for Bio and his corrupt government ministers or yes men that are running roughshod to anyone who raise their voice and say I connot put up with this sense of hopelessness any longer. Because in future your children and grandchildren will be asking you this question: What did you do when our country was going through the grip of Bio’s dictatorship?
This is good news, well-earned! Wishing you, the Sierra Leone Telegraph and its entire management team every success in the future, congratulations.
Congratulations to the proprietor and editor Mr. Abdul Rashid Thomas of the most widely read Sierra Leone’s online newspaper for your nomination for the 2020 National Entertainment Award. I personally always admire your objectivity and integrity in holding politicians accountable regardless of political parties.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to respectfully express our views and I will definitely participate in the online voting for your success in this nomination. May the Almighty continue to bless you and your entire family.
“The conscience of well-doing is an ample reward”, says Seneca. Congrats.
Congratulations to the proprietor, Mr Abdul Richard Thomas, and all the management and team at the Sierra Leone Telegraph, for being nominated for this award. Perception of bias depends on your political persuasion. And if you are looking for an independent and unbiased content this is your home. After going through a lot of Sierra Leonean on-line news outlets, I was almost giving up on finding any on-line newspaper that is free from political dogmas, and amplifying our tribal and regional differences.
Then I browsed through and discover a whole new world of an objective and unbiased newspaper in the form of the Sierra Leone Telegraph. This on-line newspaper is where you find the real facts, free from any political attachments and telling it as it is. For me it was refreshing to know an on-line newspaper that is least biased covering all aspects of opinions, and most importantly reliable, exist in Sierra leone.
I found the choice of contents is inevitably skewed towards publishing the truth, the whole truth but nothing but the truth. And even more to the point we the citizens of Sierra Leone are given the ‘commentary section’ to make our contribution without fear of the long arm of government’s oppressive methods to silence the truth. The Sierra Leone Telegraph, and the way it is operated is the most empirically and the neutral, and objective on-line Newspaper. If Sierra Leone as a country is run the way the Sierra Leone Telegraph is operated, our fortunes will change overnight. And indeed will propel us as a nation to one of the most developed countries in Africa.
Well alright – It is about damn time the incomparable Sierra Leone Telegraph begins to receive all the awards, accolades and recognition it rightly deserves – no doubt in my discerning mind, they have earned it through diligence and persistent meritorious hard work. Bravo! Folks, are you looking for good and precise information that is relevant for its purpose, that sufficiently highlights and addresses vital social issues like Public health, Education and gender inequality? Are you in search also for adequate answers to Social problems like drug abuse, Corruption, Poverty, tribalism and economic deprivation? Then trouble yourselves no more.
The Sierra Telegraph is the place for you. It has all the answers you seek and more. A Stargazer says – Worry and agonize yourselves no more in this and that quest in pursuit of fair, balanced and reliable news regarding the endless ongoing developments in our struggling beloved Sierra Leone. Folks, be rest assured, the distinguished Mr Abdul Thomas and his dependable crew will surely perform their obligations and duties to their readers, to the best of their abilities each and every time. Congratulations once again gentlemen for your ceaseless striving towards excellence.
Congratulations; well deserved. You have managed to maintain the quality of articles and commentaries at the level that in yesteryears was typical of writings from our country. You have also kept it from sinking to the level of personal insults and above all got some very good articles by well regarded authors. Keep it up.