Sierra Leone Telegraph: 16 February 2020:
Last Friday, members of the new Human Capital Development (HCD) Secretariat met the country’s senior civil servants at State House, where they discussed specific targets in achieving the New Direction government’s Human Capital Development programme. (Photo above – Dr Patrick Kpana Muana).
Welcoming the civil servants, Presidential Adviser and Head of Strategic Communications – Dr Patrick Kpana Muana, said that the Secretariat is pleased to be discussing the implementation of government’s flagship programme.
He also stated that the HCD is crucial because of its importance in driving the country’s economic growth, adding that the government has set specific goals that should be achieved in the areas of education, health and food security.
Member of the Secretariat – Wilsona Jalloh, said that President Julius Maada Bio has prioritised and is focusing on the country’s Human Capital Development.
She said that the HCD tracking team will be using technology, data, and evidence to implement and monitor those initiatives that are expected to meet the HCD targets.
She also outlined some of the key targets that the government is hoping to achieve by 2023, especially: To double the number of boys and girls with functional literacy skills in primary school; reduce by half the maternal mortality rate; reduce by 11 percent the rate of stunted children under 5; achieve 90 percent self-sufficiency in rice production; and increase domestic share of marine fish catch within limits of sustainability.
Country Head of the Tony Blair Institute, Emily Stanger Sfeile (Photo below), said that achieving those targets would make Sierra Leone a global leader in HCD.
She added that success is possible, if the HCD Secretariat could use evidence, data and global experience in designing, testing and scaling the most promising and impactful approaches, while fostering a new standard of excellence based on realistic delivery timeline.
David Makevelli says — “This SLPP government has completely paid internal debts amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars left behind by APC. Look at the continuous flow of uninterrupted electricity, the construction of modern roads in Bo City, Bonth City and Kenema City, the Universities under construction in your very own district, Kono and Bonthe.”
Mr. David, are you really sure of these wild claims of achievements by the SLPP? Why paint a rosy picture that is far from realities on the ground? Contrary to your unfounded claims of all internal debts already settled 100%; as we speak, 100s of government contractors and firms are yet to be paid millions of dollars owed to them by the Sierra Leone government; the current regime is using the economic hardship in the nation as an excuse for failing to meet their obligations.
On the area of electricity supply, I am not sure who told you Freetown now enjoys 24hrs electricity. The truth is, with the exception of during the festive season in Freetown, the supply of electricity in general is less now compared to when the SLPP took over. For almost a year now, we have had electric-meter scarcity. In my compound, I needed to upgrade my meter from a single phase to a 3-phase to accommodate my 3-storey building; I have paid all the fees and submitted the paper work, for almost 6 months now, I am told there is no meter available.
Now with the road constructions you mentioned, the truth is, all of those projects are a continuation from the previous regime with funding already secured prior to the SLPP taking over governance. So please Mr. David, tread cautiously in making up things sir, your credibility is on the line here.
This is great news. All we need now is for the people to be given the money to be able to afford it. This is almost a miracle and close enough to Manna from heaven. Fantastic miracle. I always knew that Moses lived in Sierra Leone and now we have proof.
Mr. Thomas, you should start taxing these propaganda specialists for using your platform to spread their fables lol. As you may already know, having an outlet that facilitate PR stunts can be a very lucrative business to get into. Thus, I’m kinda perplexed that you have a couple of adamant online party politics dwellers on your site consistently having dishonest conversation with themselves and not charge them lol. Please Mr. Thomas, make it happen lol. These guys cannot keep using your illustrious site for free for the purpose of mediocrity – for It is just not fair for us serious commentators. lol.
Sahr am not going into war of words with you. We state facts and you very well know the developments that SLPP is implementing 2 years on. Here are few facts if you don’t know, first government ever in Sierra Leone to bring drones and open drone corridors for agriculture. Sahr you want to know where? Njala, Mokondé. The SLPP government was able to pay civil servants from taxes collected locally for one year without ANY donor assistance, unlike your APC Ernest Koroma’s government who was monthly running to Sierra Leone Commercial Bank and Rokel Commercial Bank for over draft to pay salaries.
Those 2 government owned Banks would have been bankrupt had this SLPP government not stepped in on time; those banks were going to be a thing of the past. So you see why “de gron dry”, because SLPP is doing everything under this sun to settle APC’s mess left behind. Further, to better enlighten you Sahr, SLPP is very busy investing in Sierra Leone’s human capital which your APC completely destroyed. First in our history to see our student’s own school bus waiting on them, (free of charge, free quality school bus transportation system) with free quality school feeding program, etc.
You talked about the Chinese rice, you see how SLPP government acted swiftly to dismiss the Ministers involved. What happened to the then APC Minister of foreign affairs involved in the Indian rice? NOTHING!!! EBK kept the Minister on and the matter died a natural death. Sahr, as I said earlier in this text, am not into war of words with you because you sound like a frustrated and lost man.
In my last text, I cautioned you to wake up from your slumber. I can assure you here, now and then that HE JM Bio is going to do two terms. Mark my words. 2023 election, there will be no runoff. It will be a landslide victory for SPPP (“Paopa Salon 4 betteh”).
“First in our history to see our student’s own school bus waiting on them, (free of charge, free quality school bus transportation system) with free quality school feeding program, etc.”
Wow, forumites, it appears we have a super propaganda machine at work here, hahahaa. Almost 22 years ago while I was in junior secondary school, we had school buses (TATA buses) and there was also a school feeding program. It appears Mr. David’s pant is on fire for making up things. What’s it with die-hard SLPP supporters and the truth??
Well,If it sounds too good to be true,it probably is not true. And if it is something coming from the inept, notorious SLPP,it most certainly is a calculated,deviant,outright lie.(lol) These goofy, shameless rice thieves,are now desperate,it seems,using lies,and deceits,to appease the anger of the disgruntled masses. Who would have thought,or even guessed that the SLPP will eventually sink so,so repulsively and disgracefully lower,than what anyone could ever imagine was possible? A 90 percent rice sufficiency by 2023 is just not feasible; plain and simple.
Its all a bunch of lies! They already know,they are in hot waters,being burned,and drowning at the same time,and so now they are clutching at straws to save themselves. Anyone will tell you,that our people are now being strangled by the wicked, short-sighted policies of JJ the “Hangman “Saffa that cruelly ensures that abject humiliating poverty of the masses,always remain a reality in beloved Sierra Leone, my only home. (lol) Rising Sun Will Rise Again.
Bra Sahr is the most idle Personality I have ever seen in my life. Can you please educate us on his Engagements since March 2018? Dr. Samura Kamara for example is engaged in Cashew-Farming. Tell your Bra to hurry, if he intend to engage himself in active Politics.
Thank you very much Mr Reinhard Weicha for your comment which I appreciate. Smart irrigation will not impact youth unemployment in the agricultural sector in my view. In fact, smart irrigation as I understand it, will increase food production in the agricultural sector, thereby creating thousands, if not millions of jobs. Secondly. I don’t think you necessarily need many laptops. The most important thing is electricity and full internet access everywhere.
With that, not only smart irrigation will will be realized but, all other smart technology areas too. Everything is possible with the internet and the network. Only three hours visit with Bra Sahr has given me some ideas about smart technology. I saw things happen in real time. Can you imagine? Thanks Mr Reinhard Weicha for your observation and may God bless you.
Sahr, you are a hater of progress. Government is a continuous process, despite all the debts, the rampant corruption and missuse of public office by former APC-Ernest koroma’s government, the SLPP is fixing these gradually. These things cannot be done in a year, especially taking into consideration the huge domestic debts left behind by APC. But I observed that you criticize the SLPP unnecessarily. This only shows that you want evil to befall on this our beloved nation and God Almighty will not allow your wicked and useless wish to come true.
Why can’t you see reason? This government brought free quality education that your children and children of your relatives are enjoying. This SLPP government has completely paid internal debts amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars left behind by APC.
Look at the continuous flow of uninterrupted electricity, the construction of modern roads in Bo City, Bonth City and Kenema City, the Universities under construction in your very own district, Kono and Bonth. The arrival of 700 plus tourists in FREETOWN today that you saw with your very eyes, the production and marketing of our own home-grown rice, to name but a few.
No matter how you hate the SLPP, you cannot win the hearts of Sierra Leoneans to vote for Sam Sumana far from it. You are driving voters away especially in the South-East. Wake up from your slumber, be constructive.
Indeed. Everyone knows who the haters of progress in our country now are. It’s not Sahr Matturi or the APC. Its Mr. David Makevelii and his SLPP. The SLPP and most of their supporters are now nervous and sitting on the cliff edge waiting for the huge and mighty APC to kick their butts out of power in 2023. After two years of reckless political and financial mismanagement and policies, they are now embarking on the strategy of “Jack of all trades and master of none” policies. I’m afraid, it’s too late.
The biggest problem that is increasing the anxiety on the SLPP is the fact that, Chief Sam Sumana has returned to the APC party. That is their biggest headache. Secondly, the fact that, former President Ernest Bai Koroma has taken control of the APC after that super blunder by the NRM, has placed the SLPP party of Mr. David Makevelii completely offside in terms of any political strategy.
Thirdly, the fact that the APC displayed political maturity and discipline as regards to the barbarity and violence committed by the SLPP against their supporters and headquarters, has made the SLPP loose moral on the political terrain. What a disaster and catastrophe for moving in the “New but, old direction”. Will Mr. David Makevelii agree with me? I hope he does. We will be talking about the “new order” and “get SALONE sorted” in 2023. Not about 90 percent self sufficiency in rice which is very unrealistic under this administration. It’s all fantasy in my view.
Thank you very much Mr. David Makevelii for texting me and may God bless Chief Sam Sumana, the APC leadership and Mr. David Makevelii.
Oh what a knockout punch David!!! Seriously, one thing that I admire about president Bio is his diligence. The wicked opposition said that free and quality education cannot be attained in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone now has a free and quality education program that does not only save parents their hard earned money but would actually increase their consumption demand for other goods and services.
Also, the feckless opposition is spreading propaganda that Sierra Leone is on the verge of economic collapse. But the evidence states that the country’s economy grew by 5% last year and that it will again grow by 5% this year. Additionally, the rate of inflation will be in single digits in 2021. Hurray!!! Salone Power!!!
If there is anything that APC folks have exposed themselves about, it is their greed for power coupled with their hatred for progress in Sierra Leone. They pray everyday for Sierra Leone’s economic doom simply because the SLPP has exposed them for the kleptocrats that they are. They are tormented with their role in opposition because they have virtually no access to government funds that they would pocket illegally.
In 2023, voters will juxtapose the records of Ernest Koroma with those of president Bio and the choice between APC and SLPP will become easy. Sierra Leone is surviving today simply because the ultra corrupt APC was kicked from power in 2018. Who in his right mind will look at that criminal organization and decide to vote it into power? APC folks are all the same – Siaka Stevens, Joseph Momoh and Ernest Koroma – kleptocrats extraordinaire.
The ‘Talk and Do’ mantra of the PAOPA regime has now been replaced by promises, BOGUS TALK, and promises with nothing practical moving in the right direction. Prior to attaining power, the SLPP used the same disingenuous schemes to fool the electorate, using every media opportunity to propagate frivolous promises of turning the nation into a paradise within a twinkle of an eye if elected into governance.
Now 2yrs into their governance, things have gotten worst with no signs of relief anytime soon. Almost all poverty and development indicators are trending in the negative direction. Instead of admitting their failures and ineptitude, they have chosen to make more lies and fake promises.
Oh my goodness! The SLPP again with another promise which even in the hay days of the railway, this same SLPP, could not deliver even 5 percent of self sufficiency in rice production. Does the SLPP think that Sierra Leoneans are fools? We are going to teach them the hard lessons in 2023. I just spoke with Bra Sahr, who is an expert in Electronics and IoT. By the way, Bra Sahr is the first Sierra Leonean, if not the first African in this new field of technology. He was showing me a prototype of smart irrigation model in his home.
Oh boy, everything is smart in Bra Sahr’s home. From face recognition at his front door, watering the garden to switching on everything in the house. I just got lost, when Bra Sahr was talking about soil data, pressure data, temperature data, humidity and soul moisture data, weather forecast data etc. I saw a demonstration of his smart irrigation system and if put to practice, will make Sierra Leone self sufficient in rice production forever. Can you imagine watering your farm automatically in Sierra Leone, if the soil gets dry? OH boy. Another Sierra Leonean Kono genius. But to make such projects work, there should be plenty of electricity and complete access to the internet he told me.
After stealing the people’s rice donated by the Chinese, destined for poor Sierra Leoneans, they are making dodgy promises through the HCD to fool us. The SLPP have come to realize the political offensive by the APC on all fronts. They know that, the clock is ticking very fast and time is against them. The only solution now, is to make bogus and dodgy promises that won’t work. Sierra Leoneans won’t buy any last minute fake promises.
Why not say, Sierra Leone to achieve 90 percent rice sufficiency in December 2020 at the very least. They eyed 2023 because of the election. Who cares for another dead deceitful election promise? God help Sierra Leoneans from going hungry. To be continued.
Oh Mr. Matturi, the target to achieve 90% self sufficience in rice is the right direction. Other African countries like Nigeria also try, but it will not happen by 2023; and it needs more investment in the agricultural sector than this AFDB $14 million dollars. And it needs hard work, not this high tech you mentioned. Or do you want to give all the unemployed youths a laptop with this smart irrigation program?