Sierra Leone Telegraph: 02 November 2020:
Tomorrow Tuesday, November 3, the American people will go to the polls to choose a new president in a high-stakes election where every vote counts, including that of immigrant citizens from Africa.
One of the men who have been working around-the-clock to make sure the democrat candidate Joe Biden is elected with the help of African immigrants’ votes is Chief Allieu Mucktarru Kallay.
The Sierra Leone Telegraph last night caught up with Chief Allieu Mucktarru Kallay to talk about his efforts in getting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House. This is what he said:
Chief Allieu Mucktarru-Kallay (CAMK): My name is Chief Allieu Mucktarru-Kallay, I am the Campaign Manager of the United States Citizen African immigrants (USCIA). I am also the first
African born immigrant in the USA to run For State Senate In Maryland.
Sierra Leone Telegraph (SLT): What do you think is at stake for the African Immigrants in the USA?
CAMK: African immigrants in the USA expect the same things that every American expects as a right. we do not separate ourselves in reality from other Americans. we came to this country with expectations, and they remain the same, such as: better education opportunities, better employment opportunities, gender equality and fair practices in the workplace, racial equality, health care for all, improved immigration processing and practices, and job security.
SLT: What is your take on the way the US election campaign has gone so far at this final stage?
CAMK: So far, the campaign looks great for Biden and Harris, because the voters believe in them. They have not lied to the American people. And it’s time for Donald Trump to pack his bags and go.
SLT: Who do you think is going to win the elections on Tuesday, November 3rd, 20200?
CAMK: Vice president Joe Biden and the senator, whom we refer to as ‘sweet mother’ Kamala Harris, because Donald Trump does not care about minorities, and neither does he care about the world. I feel a Biden presidency will correct the imbalance, the heart and humanity that is presently missing in this bad government of Donald Trump
SLT: What special efforts are you making to ensure that African immigrants voters turn out to vote on Tuesday?
CAMK: Well, as Campaign Manager for the United States Citizen African Immigrants (USCIA), we have been working hard to reach out to our immigrant voters by telephone, social media and zoom communications.
SLT: Thank you and good luck to you – Chief Allieu Mucktarru-Kallay and the Democrat Party.
Chief Allieu Mucktarru-Kallay also spoke to reporter Ben Bangoura of AlloAfricaNews yesterday Sunday on what to be expected if Joe Biden is elected as the next president of the United States. This is what he said:
I pray Donald Trump Wins the election.
I don’t think Sierra Leoneans in the US vote is vital in the election of the United States of America. I think Mr Muctaru must encourage Sierra Leoneans in the US to come home and help rebuild Sierra Leone. That is the vital role. Every one knows; Americanism for the Americans is good; but for the outsiders it stinks.
I think most immigrants prefer Joe Biden to Donalr Trump…reasons being that Trump had barred most people from going to the United States of America.
I endorse Chief Allieu’s clarion call and best wishes to Team Joe and Kamala.
I wish a victory to Joe Biden this day today. From Mohamed F. Kargbo in Sierra Leone
There are no alternative votes. Count all the votes. Period. God bless America.
Trump never transitioned from being a show man, or understands the powers of the US presidency. Let’s face it, here on mother earth, unless you live in another planet, after God, the most important holder of political office in the world is the office of the United States presidency. The United States has the most powerful economic and military machine in the world. It’s combined military budget dwarf all of the G20 industrial nations military spending. Since Trump got elected in 2016 beating Mrs Clinton to the electoral college vote, he has pursued an America first policy.
Withdrawing, or renegotiating most international trade agreements that he felt has unfairly disadvantaged his fellow Americans workers. Hence the trade war with China, Europe, the withdrawal from the Paris climate change agreement, world health organisation, the trans Pacific partnership TPP, and renegotiate NAFTA. The only thing that will stop Trump being reelected is his mishandling of the COVID19 pandemic. Other than that, it would have been plain sailing for him. People trust him more with the economy than Biden, but COVID19 have helped dent that trust. Its too late now. There is nothing he can do about it.
Yeah. A Caterpillar D11 is no match for the revised Komatsu D575A. Argue or deny. They gonna bulldoze through to victory. Have they finished packing their bags? “Leh God Bless you” indeed. God bless Chief Kallay for his foresight.