SLPP UK and Ireland Branch Secretariat
Sierra Leone Telegraph: 12 January 2017
Following the recent and persistent spate of gross indiscipline and wanton insubordination, culminating in the political infamy of 17th December 2016, we, the bona–fide members of the SLPP United Kingdom and Ireland Region wish it be known by the wider party membership and general public, that we unreservedly abhor, utterly detest and shall vigorously resist the un-party, undemocratic and illegitimate actions and decisions of malevolent vested interests in the SLPP body politic.
We remain deeply troubled and appalled by the unbridled personal political ambitions of some at the expense of the overarching long-term best interests of our dear party – the SLPP.
We recall with particular concern that in the four years, since our party lost the 2012 presidential elections and the failed attempt at surreptitiously introducing Resolution 3 on the 6th of December 2012, to the presumed advantage of a few, our party has not known peace.
The party has been consistently denied the space to genuinely learn from that dismal defeat, regroup, reposition itself and adequately prepare for effective opposition or governance.
This state of affairs in any democracy would be tragic, but worse in our country’s struggling nascent democracy.
It is our strongly held view that the party of our venerable forebears who stood for veritable ethics and abiding sense of fair play, should once again assume its lofty place in the politics of Sierra Leone.
Our experience in the UK and Ireland branch of the SLPP party has taught us that you cannot make or pursue peace with anyone who has little or no interest in peace or the common good, if that ‘peace’ doesn’t dovetail with a certain ultra – self- interest agenda of coronation; or if entails free, fair and credible intra party democratic goal.
In the light of the foregoing, we urge all genuine party members, supporters and well-wishers to stand with us in support of Chief Sumano Kapen as the National Conference’s democratically elected and legitimate National Chairman and Leader of the Sierra Leone People’s Party, until the next National Delegates Conference. (Photo: SLPP UK & I Chairman – Ansu Sillah).
We also encourage and urge that the usurper– self –styled executive, sees it fit, in the best interest of the party to dissolve itself and return to the status quo predating 17th December 2016.
Failing which, we support the NEC Meeting of the 4th January 2017, aimed at restoring constitutionality and decorum to our beleaguered party as legitimate, quorate and timely; and resolutions reached at that meeting considered valid and binding on all.
At this crucial juncture in the history of our party, we want to underscore the imperative for all stakeholders to demonstrate utmost restraint. (Photo: Chief Kapen – The elected and bona-fide Chairman of SLPP).
Every member of the party must show a spirit of compromise and a high sense of responsibility, and place the supreme interest of our party above any other considerations.
To that end, we urge all stakeholders, including the National Officers, Members of Parliament, Former Members of Parliament and all NEC Members to refrain from any further escalation of a problem fraught situation.
Every member must desist from any acts that may bring the party into further disrepute.
We call on all members to refrain from the politics of division and embrace the politics of compromise and inclusion.
We also entreat all stakeholders and partners, as a matter of extreme urgency, to remain constructively engaged with all peace processes and endeavours, so as to achieve the best possible outcomes in the supreme interest of our party.
Signed on Behalf the SLPP UK & Ireland Branch:
Ansumana Sillah – Chairman SLPP UK & Ireland Region
Ansu B. Momoh – Secretary General SLPP UK & Ireland Region
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