Sierra Leone Telegraph: 19 January 2018
The late Solomon Athanasius James Pratt – SAJ Pratt as he is popularly known throughout Sierra Leone and abroad, will be buried in Freetown on Sunday, 21st January 2018. According to reports – president Koroma has granted a State Funeral in honour of the late Professor and politician.
“The family had expected a Civic Funeral. But we were pleasantly informed today that a decision has been taken to upgrade it to a State Funeral, considering Pa Pratt’s excellent service to Sierra Leone as a distinguished Statesman,” Dr. Sylvia Blyden commented.
Professor, Lay Canon Solomon Athanasius James Pratt, fondly known as ‘Jolliboy’ or SAJ, died in London on Thursday, 28th December 2017, age 97. His remains has arrived in Freetown from London, along with close family members.
A Service of Thanksgiving and Holy Communion was held on Saturday 13th January 2018 at the St Mark’s Church in Mitcham, Surrey, in London.
The State Funeral will commence at 1pm on Saturday, 20th January 2018, when SAJ Pratt’s remains will be laid at the Houses of Parliament, Tower Hill, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
And on Sunday 21st January, he will be laid out at 23 Frazer Street, Murray Town, from 10am to 12.30pm, before moving on to St Charles Church Regent at 1pm to 3pm.
The funeral service will take place at the St Charles Church Regent, at 3pm. Professor, Lay Canon Solomon Athanasius James Pratt’s will finally be laid to rest at the Regent Village Cemetery.
Buses are available for mourners to take them to and from the funeral at Regent as from 11.30am on Sunday 21st January 2018, departing from Christ Church Circular Road.
Professor, Lay Canon Solomon Athanasius James Pratt’ is survived by:
His children:
Mrs Sylvia E.J. Blyden
Mrs Antoinette Roberts
Mr James Binji Pratt
Mrs Thelma Conteh
Mr Ibrahim Kamara
Mrs Sally Spain
Haja Kallah Kamara
Professor Dr Hycy Bull
Miss Sybil Pratt
Miss Jamestina Pratt
Miss Victoria Pratt
Mr Albert Pratt
Mrs Princess Kanu
Mr Olu Pratt
Specialist Genevieve Wilson-Taylor of the USA Army
Sons in law:
Sonny Roberts
Desmond Conteh
Desmond Spain
Olay Kanu
Donald Morsay
Daughters in law:
Liz Pratt
Gloria Bull
32 Grandchildren and 16 Great Grandchildren including:
Mrs Babsy Kaye
Dr Sylvia Olayinka Blyden
Miss Cheryl Blyden
Mr Athanasius Blyden
Mr Huxley Roberts
Mr Bernard Roberts
Mrs Sonia Ogunbajo
Miss Jemma Pratt
Miss Hannah Wurie
Mrs Tracy Coker
Mr James Pratt junior
Mr Soliz Pratt
Mr Elkanah Pratt
Mrs Oseh Nicol
Sisters in law:
Mrs Henrietta Pratt in London
Mrs May Pratt in the USA
The Pratt
Davidson Sawyer of Regent
Oni Gabbidon & family
Cassandra Garber & family
Rev Albert Coker and family
Jones family of the Gambia
Candy family of Gloucester
Jack Williams family of Aberdeen
Johnson family of Rokel
Cole and Johnson-Cole
The Solade Adams of Regent
Bangali Kamara of Guinea
Family Friends:
Mr Raymond Taghioff
Mrs Margaret Abela
Professor Dr Eldred Jones
Canon Stephen Coulson
Lay Canon Farell Ryan Coker
H.E. The President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma
Vice President Mr Victor Foh & family
Secretary General of the APC, Ambassador Dr Osman Yansaneh
Mr Lamin Ngobeh and family
Justice Edmund Cowan
Vicar & Congregation of St Charles Church, Regent.
Vicar & Congregation of Dove Memorial Methodist Church, Regent
Vicar & Congregation of St Mark’s Church in Mitcham in the UK
The Congregation of Countess of Huntingdon Churches in the UK and Sierra Leone
He was a member of the Lay Readers Association of both the UK and Sierra Leone. He was the retired Registrar of the Anglican Missionary Diocese of Bo. He was a member of all Masonic Lodges in the English, Scottish and Irish Constitutions in Sierra Leone & the Gambia. He was a member of several Lodges in the UK including the Anglo-Sierra Leone Lodge, Ballards Lodge and Croydon 198 Mark and RAM Lodges.
He was Professor in the Victoria College of Music and also a member of the Old Boys Association of the Sierra Leone Grammar School. He was a member of the All Peoples Congress and also the BAR ASSOCIATION
Professor Pratt died in London on Thursday 28th December 2017 age 97.
May our grandfather rest in perfect perpetual peace. It is always hard to believe that such a great person has left us. I regret and share with the bereaved my sincere heartfelt sympathy in their ordeal. Sierra Leone has lost a great father of the nation. I am sure his children and grandchildren will follow his footprints.