Sierra Leone Telegraph: 22 March 2022:
The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) has approved a new strategy for addressing fragility and building resilience in Africa for the period 2022-2026. The strategy offers a roadmap for building more resilient institutions, economies, and societies across the continent over the next five years.
This is the Bank’s third fragility and resilience strategy, built upon previous strategies in 2008 and 2014.
It draws on lessons learned from the Bank’s 20-year engagement on fragility in Africa and its increasingly sophisticated understanding of its drivers.
The strategy has been informed by extensive consultations with partners and stakeholders, and identifies three interconnected and mutually reinforcing priorities, namely: strengthening institutional capacity, building resilient societies and catalysing private investment.
“These priorities have clear synergies with many of the Bank’s existing sectoral and thematic strategies, including the Strategy for Economic Governance in Africa, the Private Sector Development Strategy, and all the High 5 priorities,” said Dr. Yero Baldeh, Director of the Transition States Coordination Office.
Despite major economic gains across Africa over the past two decades, evidenced by improvements in basic services, infrastructure and governance, significant parts of Africa have been left behind. These have been found to be regions most vulnerable to instability and crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of climate change have further underscored that fragility can arise in any context.
While looking at fragility as a condition that can arise in any context, the strategy details how the Bank Group will adapt its operations and instruments to tackle the root causes of conflict and fragility, recognising the need to scale up investment in crisis prevention.
It is anchored in a theory of change that links measures to strengthen the Bank Group’s capacity and portfolio to deliver better results in fragile contexts with an end goal of increasing resilience in Africa.
The strategy also defines a set of operational levers that will enable it to work more effectively in fragile contexts, including a strong program of analytical work, systematic application of the fragility lens in country and regional strategies, planning, and project design.
The African Development Bank’s evolved understanding of fragility has enabled it to draw up a blueprint anchored in an approach focused on building resilience in all its African member countries, and the recognition of the need to shift resources from crisis response to long-term investment in crisis prevention.
Progress will be tracked through a results measurement and reporting framework (https://bit.ly/3IuNO3D) and a mid-term review.
Ms. Yacine Fal, Ag. Vice-President, Regional Development, Integration, and Business Delivery said: “This is an ambitious yet realistic strategy, grounded firmly in the Bank’s comparative advantage, unique mandate, and position within Africa’s development architecture. It will reinvigorate and scale up the Bank’s engagement on fragility in Africa by making its full suite of operations and instruments more effective at preventing crises and building resilience.”
About the African Development Bank Group
The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is Africa’s premier development finance institution. It comprises three distinct entities: the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Development Fund (ADF) and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF).
On the ground in 37 African countries with an external office in Japan, the AfDB contributes to the economic development and the social progress of its 54 regional member states.
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