Sierra Leone Telegraph: 10 January 2017:
After weeks of debate and speculation about Maada Bio’s delay in announcing his choice of presidential running mate, he has today laid the matter to rest. He has appointed Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh. This is the statement issued today by the SLPP, announcing Maada Bio’s presidential running mate:
“Pursuant to the provisions in Section 54(2) of the Constitution of Sierra Leone 1991 (Act No. 6 of 1991) and Clause 6(d) of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) 1995 (as amended) and in consonance with the Resolution of the National Executive Council (NEC) of the SLPP passed on the 2nd January 2018 in which the NEC unanimously resolved to devolve its powers of consultation on me as the Flag Bearer and Presidential Candidate of the SLPP to appoint my Running Mate and consequently my Vice-Presidential Candidate, I hereby designate Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh (Photo) as the Candidate of the SLPP for the office of Vice-President of the Republic of Sierra Leone for the purposes of the Presidential Election scheduled to be held on the 7th March 2018.
“Dr. Jalloh is a citizen of the State of Sierra Leone. He is 47 years of age and registered with the Party in 2002 and is currently a Distinguished Grand Chief Patron.
“Until this appointment, Dr. Jalloh was an International Civil Servant having worked variously for the United Nations as a Senior Advisor in the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in the Republic of Mali (MINUSMA) and before that as the Sahel Advisor to the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for West Africa and the Sahel.
“He also worked as the West African Analyst for the International Crisis Group (ICG) and with the Campaign for Good Governance in Sierra Leone to support Civil Society groups in reinforcing democracy in the country from 2004 to 2006.
“Thus, Dr. Jalloh brings with him a wealth of experience and proven track record spanning over 15 years in both national and international service. He is a graduate of Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, where he obtained a B.A degree; an M.Sc in Political Science from the University of Ibadan and a Ph.D. from the University of Bordeaux in France.
“Dr. Jalloh is a devout Muslim born in the Kono district of parents who hailed from Port Loko district: a Temne mother from Kalangba, Lokomasama Chiefdom, and a Fula father from Kafu Bullom Chiefdom. Dr. Jalloh is married to Fatou Banel Jalloh.”
God will surely stop APC and SLPP on March 7th. The new youth generation of sierra Leone is strongly united against your tribal games. God will also use his power to change the mindset of the older generation to put sierra Leone first instead of tribalism. NGC is the only way out to bring positive change. So Please my brothers and sisters vote NGC for a better sierra Leone.
In some point I agree with Baindu Tucker, that Politics in Sierra Leone is about popularity and ‘who is who’. Alpha Timbo should have caused lots of problems for APC because he is well known among the fullahs, in the North and Western Area. Mind you APC have Pateh Bah, Bapgalleh, Marie jalloh and Chericoco to name few. These names have influences within the foulah community, the north and west part of the country. Salone politic is about tribes, regions, and popularity.
As a neutralist SLPP will make some gains in the South-East but not to compare to 2012 election. Mind you, APC implemented lots of tangible Projects in the country, they might get some increase in the South-East, they will win the North and Rural West with some margin, they will also win the west but the percentage will drop, because of ADP, NGC and SLPP.
The energy Alpha Timbo should have used if given the running mate, is quite different from when he is not the running mate. At the end of the day, there isn’t going to be a run off. Based on the defection from SLPP to NGC, you guys have paved the way for APC to win the election.
Our politics is static, the electorate are tribally fanatic. But these tribes are also divided. As you rightly said “the election this time will be heavily contested”. Against the backdrop, the two major parties – the ruling APC and the SLPP are deeply divided. But one thing we must not forget is the question as to who is going to win the 2018 elections, will be determined on tribal lines.
The major tribes we have in this country are MENDE – SLPP, and TEMNE – APC. These are the two tribes that determine our election results. My own analysis is, there will a run off between APC and SLPP, and SLPP will win the second round.
Baindu, thanks for your paper analysis. That is not the case on the ground. Believe it or leave it, these elections are going RED Tolongbo. The Almighty APC knows what it means to be in power and losing power to oppositions like SLPP and NGC. History has taught us a lesson.
“Alpha Timbo could have campaigned vigorously for the SLPP in the North West, especially disgruntled Temnes.” Baindu Tucker.
Why would Alpha Timbo not campaign vigorously for SLPP? Is he not still SLPP? Besides, was Alpha Timbo not one of the people that recommended Dr. Mohamed Jalloh to Maada Bio? You don’t have to be a household name to make an impact on the course of politics in your country. Who knew about Samuel Sam Sumana before he was picked as Ernest Koroma’s running mate in 2007?
“So the party has no name recognition in Kono.” Baindu Tucker. So, all of a sudden one of the oldest political parties in West Africa does not have a name recognition in Kono? This is laughable.
Why have the two main parties – APC and SLPP selected a fullah as their presidential running mate for the 2018 elections?
Because they think and evaluate the number of population in the country and find out that fullah is the third largest tribe in the country so they need their vote
Maada Bio has just drown himself and the SLPP in another five years of wait in the opposition. The most popular and accomplished SLPP member Lawyer Alpha Timbo has been relegated in the running mate race for a candidate that most SLPP members are scrambling to learn about.
Politics is a strategic business. After falling in the race to campaign in the stronghold of the ruling party, Maada Bio nominated someone who the people in the north west or southeast do not know, nor could they identify with. Why? Only Bio and his bank account can tell.
If the SLPP is not careful, they would not score 30% in the presidential race this year. It is simple to speculate that.
The South East is heavily contested this time round. Kono has their son running. The SLPP denied a Kono man the chairmanship of the party at their recent convention. So the party has no name recognition in Kono.
Kono is going to be heavily contested by the C4C and the APC. Moyamba is not going to go green this time. the CPC of Musa Tarawalie is a big competitor especially in Moyamba town. The APC as usual will get the Rotifunk, Shenge and Bradford axis.
Gbangabtoke is for Margai PMDC. Bo city is going to be divided between the SLPP, APC and NGC. The same is true for some parts of Pujehun where the wife of Samura Kamara hails from. Kenema will go for the SLPP but not 95% as in the 2012 election. The wife of Chernoh Bah comes from Kenema. The Fullahs in that district (and their population is sizable).
Kenema also has a number of Temnes and Limbas especially in the Fallah Wonde and Bama Konta areas. Dr. M.B Kamanda the former representative for that area has joined the APC. Kailahun will be split between the NGC, APC and SLPP. Granted the SLPP will emerge victorious, but their number will be chipped away by the presence of Andrew Kailie of NGC and the Kisis that have all abandoned the SLPP.
The SLPP will be no show in the north. They will get some votes in the West but as it was in the 2012 elections. Alpha Timbo could have campaigned vigorously for the SLPP in the North West, especially disgruntled Temnes. Now that chance has been blown away by the non-strategic decision of Brigadier Bio.
This election is APC to lose. Mark my word.