Sierra Leone Telegraph: 28 March 2020:
There is growing fear of serious violation of human rights in several countries around the world, such as India, Pakistan and some parts of Africa, as police use deadly force to enforce the coronavirus social isolation measures.
In some Muslim countries, worshippers were publicly flogged by police whilst attending yesterday’s Friday Jumma prayer.
In Kenya, police flogged and fired teargas at hundreds of people caught stranded in Mombasa as they try to make their way home, before the start of the lockdown yesterday.
In a statement published today, the Mombasa Law Society condemned the authorities for its gross abuse of human rights.
“The Mombasa Law Society has learnt with tremendous regret that the police manning the Kenya ferry crossing at Likoni teargassed, bludgeoned and used excessive force on members of the public around the Likoni ferry area.
“The pictures circulating show police officers beating defenceless Kenyans – some were invalid, children, others were women with children on their backs and some had fallen down.
“Even in rudimentary societies it is improper to beat people who have surrendered or fallen down and pose no danger.
“The scene is detestable, sad and unfortunate. It is sad that measures put in place to manage the Corona virus and protect the right to life are being used by the police to maim and endanger life.
“The tear gas used affects the respiratory system and the commotion can only aid in the spread of the virus. The Inspector of police owes the affected residents an apology. This must end,” the statement reads.
There are now widespread calls across several countries for the United Nations to make a statement calling on nations to respect the human rights of all citizens, as they go about enforcing the much needed social isolation and distancing measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic that has so far infected over 600,000 people worldwide, killing almost 30,000
Those who can’t obey the law can obey the cane,it is about saving lives.If it’s how the virus can be contained.
This is what happens when you have an undisciplined police force, filled with people mostly who don’t understand the Queen’s language. Instead of them enforcing a “LOCK DOWN”, they enforce a “CRACK DOWN”. Lock down and crack down are two different things. The truth of the matter is, these people are used to crack down, with orders from above. Can you imagine? Bottom line, it’s going to happen in Sierra Leone under the Bio Administration I’m afraid. Unfortunate stuff. God help IG Sovula bring discipline, more training and literacy education support, for the men and women in the Sierra Leone Police Force. God bless our new IG Sovula with his challenging tasks at this dangerous and difficult times. Amen and Amen.
“For they’ve come to love their third world status.” Sure and their tribe is worth dying for even for the wrong reasons.
That’s right Komba. I’ve seen people react in the most disturbing way possible on the basis of showcasing the tribe they belong to. Sometimes I wonder what causes people to get so emotional about their tribe, because I’ve never once had to deal with those urges. Then again it could be the fact that I was born and raised in the city. There wasn’t much of that going on in the city when I was there, not in my vicinity, at least.
Our African’s countries authorities, no matter what level of intellect, still think that the only and best way of keeping their people under control is with violent methods! These authorities seriously need re educating on the meaning of Human Rights and how to practice it.
Another issue with our Africans journalists, reporters and editors is that showing violent scenes including dead bodies are the only proof of their stories and a way of making it exciting… No respect for the dignity of the deceased as it used to be in our past traditional societies.
Europeans have great understanding of the issue by only warning about the disturbing scenes but not showing any blood or bodies. Why does it always have to be our people to be 1st to denigrate our own? It’s time for our authorities, journalists, reporters and editors to understand and change!
Don’t worry, come election time these same people who are being terrorized will be fighting and killing each other over who best fit maintaining their impoverished lives. They will be queuing extraordinary polling lines in order to vote for their favorite personalty. For they’ve come to love their third world status. They now think it’s sexy.
Well said Kalokoh. Kudos!
Is this level of brutality called for? This is lnhumane! An absolute violation of the human rights of citizens. What a shame!