Office of Former President Koroma: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 6 October 2021:
Former President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma has been honoured with the award of the African Bar Medal of Merit in Leadership by the African Bar Association (AfBA) at the ongoing 2021 AfBA Annual Conference in Niamey, Republic of Niger.
The former President received the award on Monday, 4th October 2021, alongside three other former colleagues during the opening ceremony of the conference.
The other awardees included former President of Nigeria Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, former President of Niger Mohammadou Issoufou, and former President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
AfBA President Barrister Hannibal Uwaifo, who presented the award, described the awardees as Africa’s good governance ambassadors and thanked Koroma for his efforts in promoting peace and democracy in Africa.
Speaking shortly after receiving the highly acclaimed award, former President Koroma thanked the AfBA for this memorable recognition of his humble contribution to Africa’s aspiration of deepening democracy through democratic peaceful transitions.
“Indeed, we must NEVER allow the ignominious days of military incursions into politics to reemerge. We MUST work even harder to achieve the wider objective of a peaceful, prosperous and democratic Africa,” said President Koroma.
Dr Koroma dedicated this honour to the great people of Sierra Leone. “You accorded me the privileged to serve for two consecutive terms. And it’s the remarkable support you provided to my government in deepening democracy, consolidating peace, rebuilding our country’s economy, infrastructure, social services, upholding the constitutional term limit and ensuring a peaceful transition of power that made this happen. Thank you Sierra Leone!”, he said.
On the sidelines of the Conference, the former President had an interesting discussion with the host Ex – President, H.E. Mahammadou Issoufou. Like him, Jonathan and Sirleaf, Issoufou has presided over a democratic transition in Niger recently. He is therefore the newly inducted friend and brother in retirement being welcome to the small but steadily growing family of Presidential retirees.
The four past presidents agreed that there is so much they can accomplish together on the important issues of conflict prevention, peace, democracy, unity, the environment and the development of the African Agenda.
Mr. Brima Sesay, AMEEN. As you brilliantly stated Former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was also awarded $5 million 2017 Mo Ibrahim African Leadership prize after her tenure as compared to the “ World’s best” who stole millions of dollars from our taxpayers to build his mansions instead of hospitals and schools.
Monitoring presidential elections around Africa is not a novelty to only the lifetime leader and chairman of APC, even late President Ahmed Tejan Kabba did. He even took credit for the Zambia election which supposed to be awarded to the voters and the father of their nation late President Kenneth Kaunda who recently passed away but set the stage for their Democratic process. May God bless you too.
Thank you so much Mr. Fallay for your wonderful contribution, sometimes people scared to tell the truth. Indeed H.E. the former President of Liberia H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf brushed it out the idea, and told them that, I am a woman and I can’t stand that drama. She’s intelligent and smart, I like her brilliant decision. May God bless you…
Congratulations to the group of African presidents who handed over power peacefully. But special congratulations from our citizens should be awarded to former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia who happens to be the first woman president in Africa. She was successful in convincing the lifetime leader and chairman of the APC when he brought up the idea of a third term within the Manor River Union. Unfortunately even though the international community is trying very hard for help him help himself and retire from politics as an elderly statesman , he is still clinging to power. He just declared himself as a false prophet and promised to “DECLARE JIHAD” on anyone that disagree with his ideology. It’s rather unfortunate because the Sahel region is now the center of Islamic wars and only the Almighty known the ramifications if a “jihadist” war engulfs the APC party which was about 48% of the voters in the 2018 presidential elections.
Below are the links to the original plans of former President Koroma: https://www.thesierraleonetelegraph.com/can-parliament-of-sierra-leone-give-president-koroma-more-time/
Congratulations to former President Koroma and the others for this African Bar Association Merit award for showing leadership and peace building across the African continent. You didn’t have to fight for recognition because you earned it though hard work and grit. You have become the African union trouble shooter in African hot spots where peace and unity is as elusive as ever. “God works in mysterious circumstances ” In fact it was a misquote of a popular English hymn written by William Cowper in 1773, that can be find in the Bible.The real quote is:”God moves in mysterious ways”. That quote has never been so relevant as relevant in today’s Sierra Leone. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” declares the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8-9).which brings me to the subject at hand. It went on to say certain truths are Concrete, finite, and tangible. No one can argue with that.
The fact that President of the Bar Association Mr Haniba, l singled out our former President for his peace building efforts across the African continent, my take away is, sometimes when you do a piece of good work, especially in peace building efforts, is a thankless job, but you leave it for your fellow countrymen ot continental countrymen and women to recognised you for your efforts. And that is what Enerst Bai Koroma have managed to do and continue to do with out raising a whimper . Yes he is not a perfect man, but then again no man is perfect, but his contribution to peace building both in Sierra Leone and Africa, the record speaks for itself. No self praise here. Former President Bia Koroma is a Marmite. You either love him or hate him, doesn’t make a jot of difference to him. Being ostracised from his fellow Sierra-leonean that are jealous of his achievements, unlike some people, is not the sort of thing that makes him chew kola nuts so it can keep him awake at night worrying about what Bio and his fewllow countrymen and women think of him.
He has demonstrated his strength and statesman like, and have risen above the rancid and vile language he received from his fellow countrymen and women. True to form, displaying a sense of generosity and magnanimity, former president Koroma devoted his award to all fellow Sierra-leoneans, friends and foes, doesn’t make a difference, that is just the way he is. He didn’t take any prisoners. Thats what you call a peace builder!
Extremely corrupt leader wins award from corrupt organisation. Heaven help us…