Sierra Leone Telegraph: 15 September 2019:
The Judiciary of Sierra Leone wishes to inform all litigants, witnesses, jurors and the general public about the events marking the opening of the 2019/2020 Judicial Year, as follows:
On Monday 16th September 2019 – Civil Call Over of cases, marking the opening of Civil Court after the end of the long vacation from the 15th July – 15th September, 2019.
On Tuesday 17th September 2019 the Criminal Call Over of cases marking the opening of the September – November 2019 Criminal Sessions of the High Court.
On Friday 20th September, 2019 Judicial Thanksgiving Service with Muslim Prayers at the Hamdallah Mosque, Naimbana Street, Freetown at 1:30pm.
On Sunday 22nd of September, 2019 Christian Thanksgiving Service at the St. George’s Cathedral, George Street, Freetown at 9:30am.
In connection with the opening of the Criminal Sessions on the 17th of September, 2019 after the Sierra Leone Police mounts the usual guard of honour for the inspection of the Hon. Chief Justice, the call over will commence.
In addition to the above, Tuesday the 17th September to Friday 20th September, 2019 will be specially observed as Judicial Week during which inter Alia special attention will be paid in addressing overcrowding and the human rights of trial detainees held at the Pademba Road Correctional facility and all other correctional facilities in the Country without trial.
In this connection, fifteen (15) judges have been appointed nationwide to specifically and expeditiously look into and address the plights of inmates who have been incarcerated without trial from the period 2009 -2017.
These judges will specifically look into trail inmates without indictments and those on numerous adjournments for lack of jurors and take appropriate and decisive action.
The so called “PRISON COURTS” during the Judicial Week will take place in Freetown, Bo, Moyamba, Kenema, Kono, Makeni and Port Loko from the 17th to 20th September respectively.
Judges in Freetown will sit in High Court No 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11. While those Courts in the provinces will sit in their respective provincial towns.
With respect to the Criminal call over of cases, the public is also informed that all accused persons on bail, witnesses and jurors should without fail report at the Freetown High Court No. 1 and those in the provinces they should report at their respective provincial courts where these matters will be heard.
Note: High Courts No. 12 and 13 at the Freetown Court at Siaka Steven Street and the Court rooms in the Fast Track Commercial Courts are reserved for civil matters during the course of the Judicial Week.
Signed: Moses Lamin Kamara, Public Relations Officer, Judiciary of Sierra Leone.
Saidu Conteh had me and my wife totally convinced that he can do impossible things with words.The feeling of positive assurances that I get from reading things he has written are indescribable. Members of the judiciary must do all they can to assist the Police and our government in their exercise of getting rid of serious crime in Sierra Leone. I believe the President is doing his best to maintain law and order in Our country.
Good to hear it – good to know that all our esteemed Judicial authorities are back safe,healthy,and sound. And who is it among you millions in Freetown,that can boast that he knows for certain,what the future has in store, for our beloved nation – whether there are dark days,gloomy,dull or bright ones ahead? Anyone? Well,I know not of such a person either, but what I do know is this – wherever Justice prevails,flourishes,and projects its dazzling, glorious light,with timely precision, overpowering grandeur,and strength,there also will you find, peace, fulfilment, happiness,and joy.
Torch bearers of the Law,I salute you! Sincerely,I would like,the Chief Justice,and all other Judges to remember just one important thing – that it was the mighty,generous hands of Providence,that handpicked, and gave them the illustrious positions of authority,they are currently holding. Now more than ever before,ladies,and gentlemen,the stability,and sustainability of our nation,needs to be reinforced,steadied,and anchored by your unbiased, patriotic actions of untainted,concise,and good judgement.
I hope,and pray that you are able to measure up honorably,to the daunting challenges you will be confronted with,and not disappoint a fragile nation,already on its knees.In conclusion,I would like to remind the Chief Justice that livelihoods are being adversely affected,destinies are hanging in the balance,and aspirations are going unfulfilled,because of his inaction,and unwillingness to address the countless Petitions the APC has filed,many months ago,that are gathering dust in his presence.
Your lordship knows that the seeds of justice are like no other; And must be reminded,that whatever seeds he decides to sow,cannot grow,on improper,or unethical soil,and they certainly cannot be watered by questionable motives – outrightly ignoring the legitimate complaints,and constitutional concerns of aggrieved citizens. Sir,I would advise,that you don’t look for answers just yet – let good conscience,the soberest thoughts on your mind,and your quiet moments of meditations,provide you with the credible answers you are searching for…Rising Sun Will Rise Again.