Sierra Leone Telegraph: 9 May 2023:
Former Mayor of Freetown has been speaking about her chances of winning the forthcoming Mayoral election in Freetown based on her five-year record of serving and delivering for the people of the City.
“Competence, integrity and effective delivery were features that marked my first term as Mayor of Freetown. In 2018, over 15,000 Freetonians participated in community-based focus groups and over 600 other residents (professionals, development partners and MDA representatives) participated in 11 technical sector working groups; collectively we developed the 19 targets of #TransformFreetown.
“Over the course of my administration, we published #TransformFreetown Reports on an annual basis, fulfilling my personal commitment to Freetonians to transparency and accountability – to reporting on progress made against each of the #TransformFreetown targets.
“Significant achievements were made across the 11 priority sectors in spite of the considerable internal and external challenges faced during my administration.
“Providing access to water in communities was a priority for my first term during which we provided over 150 water points (i.e. water tanks, street taps or boreholes) across the city. An additional 65 water kiosks will be constructed in the coming months.
“Today I ask for your continued support as I seek re-election as the Mayor of Freetown to continue the journey we started together.”
Mayor Aki-Sawyer deserves the opportunity to continue the improvement in West Africa Sierra Leone, this is Mayor Pro Tem-Griffin Lotson, City Of Darien, Georgia, USA. I had the privilege to work with her in America and in West Africa Sierra Leone, I believe each country, and each city deserves the opportunity to select the person best suited to move that country, or the city forward, the power should be given to the people to make their choice, it is clear to me the decision of the majority vote will be for Mayor Aki-Sawyer.
I admire Mayor Aki-Sawyerr for sending out a hidden message to our SALONE WOMEN: carry your natural hairstyle HIGH!!
I’ll would have been very comfortable with her joining the NGC. APC is truely not her party and she knows it!!!
For her re-election I’ll say, good luck and let the voters choose their choice.
I am not SLPP or APC, but I support Yvonne Aki-Sawyer with all my being; I even have trouble referring to her as former Mayor; she is still Mayor as far as I am concerned; she is just on leave to fulfill constitutional requirements.
Freetonians are not stupid, they know that Mayor Aki-Sawyer is the best thing that has happened to them in recent memory. Had she been dealing with a progressive central Government, she would have already accomplished the impossible for her beloved city. But the omens point to a fulfillment of her desires. I wish her Allah’s/God’s speed.