Economy & Business

President Bio calls for bolder vision for Africa’s sustainable growth based on good governance, transparency, and accountability

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 30 April 2024: Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Joins Colleague Heads of State in Kenya for the International Development Association Heads of State Summit Speaking at the summit, President Bio highlighted the need for decisive and collaborative actions from African governments, the international community, and reliable [Read More]

Economy & Business

“Africa needs socio-economic transformation not sustainable underdevelopment” – says President Museveni

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 30 April 2024: “Africa does not need that sustainable underdevelopment; Africa needs socio-economic transformation. You cannot have quantitative growth and you think you are doing anything,” he said. The President made the remarks yesterday during the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA)- Africa Heads of State summit [Read More]

Politics & Law

Sierra Leone celebrates 63 years of Independence or “Dependence”, is it not high time Pan-africanists look inwards for the blame game?

Bob Massally: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 27 April 2024: The optics of a thousand Kilo elephant in a well-lit room most Pan-Africanist are opaque to or is obscured by rose-tinted glasses or tight-fitting blinkers is the inept and failed leadership in Africa not only by Presidents but by the elite and [Read More]